
For the scenario, where the namespace-scoped resources such as Secret and ConfigMap need to be distributed or synchronized to different namespaces, the native k8s currently only supports manual distribution and synchronization by users one-by-one, which is very inconvenient.

Typical examples:

  • When users want to use the imagePullSecrets capability of SidecarSet, they must repeatedly create corresponding Secrets in relevant namespaces, and ensure the correctness and consistency of these Secret configurations;
  • When users want to configure some common environment variables, they probably need to distribute ConfigMaps to multiple namespaces, and the subsequent modifications of these ConfigMaps might require synchronization among these namespaces.

Therefore, in the face of these scenarios that require the resource distribution and continuously synchronization across namespaces, we provide a tool, namely ResourceDistribution, to do this automatically.

Currently, ResourceDistribution supports the two kind resources —- Secret & ConfigMap.


Since kruise v1.5.0 ResourceDistribution feature is turned off by default due to permissions, if you want to turn it on set feature-gate ResourceDistributionGate.

  1. $ helm install/upgrade kruise https://... --set featureGates="ResourceDistributionGate=true"

API Description

ResourceDistribution is a kind of cluster-scoped CRD, which is mainly composed of two fields: resource and targets.

The resource field is used to describe the resource to be distributed by the user, and targets is used to describe the destination namespaces.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: ResourceDistribution
  3. metadata:
  4. name: sample
  5. spec:
  6. resource:
  7. ... ...
  8. targets:
  9. ... ...

Resource Field

The resource field must be a complete and correct resource description in YAML style.

An example of a correctly configuration of resource is as follows:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: ResourceDistribution
  3. metadata:
  4. name: sample
  5. spec:
  6. resource:
  7. apiVersion: v1
  8. kind: ConfigMap
  9. metadata:
  10. name: game-demo
  11. data:
  12. |
  13. enemy.types=aliens,monsters
  14. player.maximum-lives=5
  15. player_initial_lives: "3"
  16. ui_properties_file_name:
  17. |
  18. color.good=purple
  19. color.bad=yellow
  20. allow.textmode=true
  21. targets:
  22. ... ...

Tips: users can first create corresponding resources in a local namespace and test them, and then copy them after confirming that the resource configuration is correct.

Targets Field

The targets field currently supports four rules to describe the target namespaces, including allNamespaces, includedNamespaces, excludedNamespaces and namespaceLabelSelector:

  • allNamespaces: match all of the namespaces if it is true;

  • includedNamespaces: match the target namespaces by name;

  • namespaceLabelSelector: use labelSelector to match the target namespaces;

  • excludedNamespaces: use name to exclude some namespaces that you do not want to distribute;

Calculation rule for target namespace:

  1. Initialize target namespace T = ∅;

  2. Add all namespaces if allNamespaces=true to T;

  3. Add the namespaces listed in includedNamespaces to T;

  4. Add the namespace matching the namespaceLabelSelector to T;

  5. Remove the namespaces listed in excludedNamespaces from T;

AllNamespaces, includedNamespaces and excludedNamespaces are “OR” relationship, and excludedNamespaces will always effect if users set it. By the way, targets will always ignore the kube-system and kube-public namespaces.

A correctly configured targets field is as follows:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: ResourceDistribution
  3. metadata:
  4. name: sample
  5. spec:
  6. resource:
  7. ... ...
  8. targets:
  9. includedNamespaces:
  10. list:
  11. - name: ns-1
  12. - name: ns-4
  13. namespaceLabelSelector:
  14. matchLabels:
  15. group: test
  16. excludedNamespaces:
  17. list:
  18. - name: ns-3

In the above example, the target namespaces of the ResourceDistribution will contain ns-1 and ns-4, and the namespaces whose labels meet the namespaceLabelSelector. However, even if ns-3 meets the namespaceLabelSelector, it will not be included because it has been explicitly excluded in excludedNamespaces.

A Complete Use Case

Distribute Resource

When the user correctly configures the resource and targets fields, the ResourceDistribution controller will execute the distribution, and this resource will be automatically created in each target namespaces.

A complete configuration is as follows:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: ResourceDistribution
  3. metadata:
  4. name: sample
  5. spec:
  6. resource:
  7. apiVersion: v1
  8. kind: ConfigMap
  9. metadata:
  10. name: game-demo
  11. data:
  12. |
  13. enemy.types=aliens,monsters
  14. player.maximum-lives=5
  15. player_initial_lives: "3"
  16. ui_properties_file_name:
  17. |
  18. color.good=purple
  19. color.bad=yellow
  20. allow.textmode=true
  21. targets:
  22. excludedNamespaces:
  23. list:
  24. - name: ns-3
  25. includedNamespaces:
  26. list:
  27. - name: ns-1
  28. - name: ns-4
  29. namespaceLabelSelector:
  30. matchLabels:
  31. group: test

Tracking Failures After The Distribution

Of course, resource distribution may not be always successful.

In the process of distribution, various errors may occur. To this end, we record some conditions of distribution failures in the status field so that users can track them.

First, the status records the total number of target namespaces (desired), the number of successfully distributed target namespaces (succeeded), and the number of failed target namespaces (failed):

  1. status:
  2. Desired: 3
  3. Failed: 1
  4. Succeeded: 2

Then, in order to further make users understand the reason and location (namespaces) of the failed distributions, status also summarizes the types of distribution errors, which are divided into 6 categories and recorded in status.conditions:

  • Four types of conditions record the failures of operating resources, that are Get, Create, Update and Delete errors;
  • A type of condition records the error that the namespace does not exist;
  • A type of condition records resource conflicts: If a resource with the same name, kind and apiVersion already exists in the target namespace, this conflicts will be recorded in status.conditions.
  1. Status:
  2. Conditions:
  3. Last Transition Time: 2021-09-06T08:42:28Z
  4. Reason: Succeeded
  5. Status: False
  6. Type: GetResourceFailed
  7. Last Transition Time: 2021-09-06T08:42:28Z
  8. Reason: Succeeded
  9. Status: False
  10. Type: CreateResourceFailed
  11. Last Transition Time: 2021-09-06T08:42:28Z
  12. Reason: Succeeded
  13. Status: False
  14. Type: UpdateResourceFailed
  15. Last Transition Time: 2021-09-06T08:42:28Z
  16. Reason: Succeeded
  17. Status: False
  18. Type: DeleteResourceFailed
  19. Last Transition Time: 2021-09-06T08:42:28Z
  20. Reason: Succeeded
  21. Status: False
  22. Type: ConflictOccurred
  23. Failed Namespace:
  24. ns-1
  25. ns-4
  26. Last Transition Time: 2021-09-06T08:45:08Z
  27. Reason: namespace not found
  28. Status: True
  29. Type: NamespaceNotExists

The above example shows an error that the target namespaces ns-1 and ns-4 do not exist, and both the error type and namespaces are recorded.

Update/Sync Resource

ResourceDistribution allows users to update the resource field, and the update will automatically sync to all the target namespaces.

When a resource is updated, ResourceDistribution will calculate the hash value of the new version of the resource and record it in the annotations of the resource CR. When ResourceDistribution finds that the hash value of the resource was changed, it will update it.

  1. apiVersion: v1
  2. kind: ConfigMap
  3. metadata:
  4. name: game-demo
  5. annotations:
  6. sample
  7. 2021-09-06 08:44:52.7861421 +0000 UTC m=+12896.810364601
  8. 0821a13321b2c76b5bd63341a0d97fb46bfdbb2f914e2ad6b613d10632fa4b63
  9. ... ...

In particular, we DO NOT recommend that users bypass the ResourceDistribution and directly modify the resources unless they know what they are doing:

  • After modifying resources directly, the hash value of resources will not be calculated automatically. Therefore, when the resource field is modified, ResourceDistribution may overwrite the user’s direct modification of these resources;

  • ResourceDistribution judges whether resources are distributed by the itself through If this annotation was changed, the modified resources will be regarded as conflicts, and will not updated it synchronously any more.

Cascading Deletion

ResourceDistribution controls the distributed resources through ownerReference. Therefore, it should be noted that when the ResourceDistribution is deleted, all the resources it distributed will also be deleted.

Kustomize ResourceDistribution Generator

ResourceDistribution Generator is a third-party plug-in of kustomize, similar to kustomize’s configmap generator and secret generator. Using this plug-in, you can complete the work of reading files as data content to create ResourceDistribution. Refer to this page for details.