




  2. presto.thrift.client.addresses=host:port,host:port








  1. presto.thrift.client.addresses=,







Thrift IDL文件


  1. enum PrestoThriftBound {
  2. BELOW = 1;
  3. EXACTLY = 2;
  4. ABOVE = 3;
  5. }
  6. exception PrestoThriftServiceException {
  7. 1: string message;
  8. 2: bool retryable;
  9. }
  10. struct PrestoThriftNullableSchemaName {
  11. 1: optional string schemaName;
  12. }
  13. struct PrestoThriftSchemaTableName {
  14. 1: string schemaName;
  15. 2: string tableName;
  16. }
  17. struct PrestoThriftTableMetadata {
  18. 1: PrestoThriftSchemaTableName schemaTableName;
  19. 2: list<PrestoThriftColumnMetadata> columns;
  20. 3: optional string comment;
  21. /**
  22. * Returns a list of key sets which can be used for index lookups.
  23. * The list is expected to have only unique key sets.
  24. * {@code set<set<string>>} is not used here because some languages (like php) don't support it.
  25. */
  26. 4: optional list<set<string>> indexableKeys;
  27. }
  28. struct PrestoThriftColumnMetadata {
  29. 1: string name;
  30. 2: string type;
  31. 3: optional string comment;
  32. 4: bool hidden;
  33. }
  34. struct PrestoThriftNullableColumnSet {
  35. 1: optional set<string> columns;
  36. }
  37. struct PrestoThriftTupleDomain {
  38. /**
  39. * Return a map of column names to constraints.
  40. */
  41. 1: optional map<string, PrestoThriftDomain> domains;
  42. }
  43. /**
  44. * Set that either includes all values, or excludes all values.
  45. */
  46. struct PrestoThriftAllOrNoneValueSet {
  47. 1: bool all;
  48. }
  49. /**
  50. * A set containing values that are uniquely identifiable.
  51. * Assumes an infinite number of possible values. The values may be collectively included (aka whitelist)
  52. * or collectively excluded (aka !whitelist).
  53. * This structure is used with comparable, but not orderable types like "json", "map".
  54. */
  55. struct PrestoThriftEquatableValueSet {
  56. 1: bool whiteList;
  57. 2: list<PrestoThriftBlock> values;
  58. }
  59. /**
  60. * Elements of {@code nulls} array determine if a value for a corresponding row is null.
  61. * Elements of {@code ints} array are values for each row. If row is null then value is ignored.
  62. */
  63. struct PrestoThriftInteger {
  64. 1: optional list<bool> nulls;
  65. 2: optional list<i32> ints;
  66. }
  67. /**
  68. * Elements of {@code nulls} array determine if a value for a corresponding row is null.
  69. * Elements of {@code longs} array are values for each row. If row is null then value is ignored.
  70. */
  71. struct PrestoThriftBigint {
  72. 1: optional list<bool> nulls;
  73. 2: optional list<i64> longs;
  74. }
  75. /**
  76. * Elements of {@code nulls} array determine if a value for a corresponding row is null.
  77. * Elements of {@code doubles} array are values for each row. If row is null then value is ignored.
  78. */
  79. struct PrestoThriftDouble {
  80. 1: optional list<bool> nulls;
  81. 2: optional list<double> doubles;
  82. }
  83. /**
  84. * Elements of {@code nulls} array determine if a value for a corresponding row is null.
  85. * Each elements of {@code sizes} array contains the length in bytes for the corresponding element.
  86. * If row is null then the corresponding element in {@code sizes} is ignored.
  87. * {@code bytes} array contains UTF-8 encoded byte values.
  88. * Values for all rows are written to {@code bytes} array one after another.
  89. * The total number of bytes must be equal to the sum of all sizes.
  90. */
  91. struct PrestoThriftVarchar {
  92. 1: optional list<bool> nulls;
  93. 2: optional list<i32> sizes;
  94. 3: optional binary bytes;
  95. }
  96. /**
  97. * Elements of {@code nulls} array determine if a value for a corresponding row is null.
  98. * Elements of {@code booleans} array are values for each row. If row is null then value is ignored.
  99. */
  100. struct PrestoThriftBoolean {
  101. 1: optional list<bool> nulls;
  102. 2: optional list<bool> booleans;
  103. }
  104. /**
  105. * Elements of {@code nulls} array determine if a value for a corresponding row is null.
  106. * Elements of {@code dates} array are date values for each row represented as the number
  107. * of days passed since 1970-01-01.
  108. * If row is null then value is ignored.
  109. */
  110. struct PrestoThriftDate {
  111. 1: optional list<bool> nulls;
  112. 2: optional list<i32> dates;
  113. }
  114. /**
  115. * Elements of {@code nulls} array determine if a value for a corresponding row is null.
  116. * Elements of {@code timestamps} array are values for each row represented as the number
  117. * of milliseconds passed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00 UTC.
  118. * If row is null then value is ignored.
  119. */
  120. struct PrestoThriftTimestamp {
  121. 1: optional list<bool> nulls;
  122. 2: optional list<i64> timestamps;
  123. }
  124. /**
  125. * Elements of {@code nulls} array determine if a value for a corresponding row is null.
  126. * Each elements of {@code sizes} array contains the length in bytes for the corresponding element.
  127. * If row is null then the corresponding element in {@code sizes} is ignored.
  128. * {@code bytes} array contains UTF-8 encoded byte values for string representation of json.
  129. * Values for all rows are written to {@code bytes} array one after another.
  130. * The total number of bytes must be equal to the sum of all sizes.
  131. */
  132. struct PrestoThriftJson {
  133. 1: optional list<bool> nulls;
  134. 2: optional list<i32> sizes;
  135. 3: optional binary bytes;
  136. }
  137. /**
  138. * Elements of {@code nulls} array determine if a value for a corresponding row is null.
  139. * Each elements of {@code sizes} array contains the length in bytes for the corresponding element.
  140. * If row is null then the corresponding element in {@code sizes} is ignored.
  141. * {@code bytes} array contains encoded byte values for HyperLogLog representation as defined in
  142. * Airlift specification: href="
  143. * Values for all rows are written to {@code bytes} array one after another.
  144. * The total number of bytes must be equal to the sum of all sizes.
  145. */
  146. struct PrestoThriftHyperLogLog {
  147. 1: optional list<bool> nulls;
  148. 2: optional list<i32> sizes;
  149. 3: optional binary bytes;
  150. }
  151. /**
  152. * Elements of {@code nulls} array determine if a value for a corresponding row is null.
  153. * Each elements of {@code sizes} array contains the number of elements in the corresponding values array.
  154. * If row is null then the corresponding element in {@code sizes} is ignored.
  155. * {@code values} is a bigint block containing array elements one after another for all rows.
  156. * The total number of elements in bigint block must be equal to the sum of all sizes.
  157. */
  158. struct PrestoThriftBigintArray {
  159. 1: optional list<bool> nulls;
  160. 2: optional list<i32> sizes;
  161. 3: optional PrestoThriftBigint values;
  162. }
  163. /**
  164. * A set containing zero or more Ranges of the same type over a continuous space of possible values.
  165. * Ranges are coalesced into the most compact representation of non-overlapping Ranges.
  166. * This structure is used with comparable and orderable types like bigint, integer, double, varchar, etc.
  167. */
  168. struct PrestoThriftRangeValueSet {
  169. 1: list<PrestoThriftRange> ranges;
  170. }
  171. struct PrestoThriftId {
  172. 1: binary id;
  173. }
  174. struct PrestoThriftSplitBatch {
  175. 1: list<PrestoThriftSplit> splits;
  176. 2: optional PrestoThriftId nextToken;
  177. }
  178. struct PrestoThriftSplit {
  179. /**
  180. * Encodes all the information needed to identify a batch of rows to return to Presto.
  181. * For a basic scan, includes schema name, table name, and output constraint.
  182. * For an index scan, includes schema name, table name, set of keys to lookup and output constraint.
  183. */
  184. 1: PrestoThriftId splitId;
  185. /**
  186. * Identifies the set of hosts on which the rows are available. If empty, then the rows
  187. * are expected to be available on any host. The hosts in this list may be independent
  188. * from the hosts used to serve metadata requests.
  189. */
  190. 2: list<PrestoThriftHostAddress> hosts;
  191. }
  192. struct PrestoThriftHostAddress {
  193. 1: string host;
  194. 2: i32 port;
  195. }
  196. struct PrestoThriftPageResult {
  197. /**
  198. * Returns data in a columnar format.
  199. * Columns in this list must be in the order they were requested by the engine.
  200. */
  201. 1: list<PrestoThriftBlock> columnBlocks;
  202. 2: i32 rowCount;
  203. 3: optional PrestoThriftId nextToken;
  204. }
  205. struct PrestoThriftNullableTableMetadata {
  206. 1: optional PrestoThriftTableMetadata tableMetadata;
  207. }
  208. struct PrestoThriftValueSet {
  209. 1: optional PrestoThriftAllOrNoneValueSet allOrNoneValueSet;
  210. 2: optional PrestoThriftEquatableValueSet equatableValueSet;
  211. 3: optional PrestoThriftRangeValueSet rangeValueSet;
  212. }
  213. struct PrestoThriftBlock {
  214. 1: optional PrestoThriftInteger integerData;
  215. 2: optional PrestoThriftBigint bigintData;
  216. 3: optional PrestoThriftDouble doubleData;
  217. 4: optional PrestoThriftVarchar varcharData;
  218. 5: optional PrestoThriftBoolean booleanData;
  219. 6: optional PrestoThriftDate dateData;
  220. 7: optional PrestoThriftTimestamp timestampData;
  221. 8: optional PrestoThriftJson jsonData;
  222. 9: optional PrestoThriftHyperLogLog hyperLogLogData;
  223. 10: optional PrestoThriftBigintArray bigintArrayData;
  224. }
  225. /**
  226. * LOWER UNBOUNDED is specified with an empty value and an ABOVE bound
  227. * UPPER UNBOUNDED is specified with an empty value and a BELOW bound
  228. */
  229. struct PrestoThriftMarker {
  230. 1: optional PrestoThriftBlock value;
  231. 2: PrestoThriftBound bound;
  232. }
  233. struct PrestoThriftNullableToken {
  234. 1: optional PrestoThriftId token;
  235. }
  236. struct PrestoThriftDomain {
  237. 1: PrestoThriftValueSet valueSet;
  238. 2: bool nullAllowed;
  239. }
  240. struct PrestoThriftRange {
  241. 1: PrestoThriftMarker low;
  242. 2: PrestoThriftMarker high;
  243. }
  244. /**
  245. * Presto Thrift service definition.
  246. * This thrift service needs to be implemented in order to be used with Thrift Connector.
  247. */
  248. service PrestoThriftService {
  249. /**
  250. * Returns available schema names.
  251. */
  252. list<string> prestoListSchemaNames()
  253. throws (1: PrestoThriftServiceException ex1);
  254. /**
  255. * Returns tables for the given schema name.
  256. *
  257. * @param schemaNameOrNull a structure containing schema name or {@literal null}
  258. * @return a list of table names with corresponding schemas. If schema name is null then returns
  259. * a list of tables for all schemas. Returns an empty list if a schema does not exist
  260. */
  261. list<PrestoThriftSchemaTableName> prestoListTables(
  262. 1: PrestoThriftNullableSchemaName schemaNameOrNull)
  263. throws (1: PrestoThriftServiceException ex1);
  264. /**
  265. * Returns metadata for a given table.
  266. *
  267. * @param schemaTableName schema and table name
  268. * @return metadata for a given table, or a {@literal null} value inside if it does not exist
  269. */
  270. PrestoThriftNullableTableMetadata prestoGetTableMetadata(
  271. 1: PrestoThriftSchemaTableName schemaTableName)
  272. throws (1: PrestoThriftServiceException ex1);
  273. /**
  274. * Returns a batch of splits.
  275. *
  276. * @param schemaTableName schema and table name
  277. * @param desiredColumns a superset of columns to return; empty set means "no columns", {@literal null} set means "all columns"
  278. * @param outputConstraint constraint on the returned data
  279. * @param maxSplitCount maximum number of splits to return
  280. * @param nextToken token from a previous split batch or {@literal null} if it is the first call
  281. * @return a batch of splits
  282. */
  283. PrestoThriftSplitBatch prestoGetSplits(
  284. 1: PrestoThriftSchemaTableName schemaTableName,
  285. 2: PrestoThriftNullableColumnSet desiredColumns,
  286. 3: PrestoThriftTupleDomain outputConstraint,
  287. 4: i32 maxSplitCount,
  288. 5: PrestoThriftNullableToken nextToken)
  289. throws (1: PrestoThriftServiceException ex1);
  290. /**
  291. * Returns a batch of index splits for the given batch of keys.
  292. * This method is called if index join strategy is chosen for a query.
  293. *
  294. * @param schemaTableName schema and table name
  295. * @param indexColumnNames specifies columns and their order for keys
  296. * @param outputColumnNames a list of column names to return
  297. * @param keys keys for which records need to be returned; includes only unique and non-null values
  298. * @param outputConstraint constraint on the returned data
  299. * @param maxSplitCount maximum number of splits to return
  300. * @param nextToken token from a previous split batch or {@literal null} if it is the first call
  301. * @return a batch of splits
  302. */
  303. PrestoThriftSplitBatch prestoGetIndexSplits(
  304. 1: PrestoThriftSchemaTableName schemaTableName,
  305. 2: list<string> indexColumnNames,
  306. 3: list<string> outputColumnNames,
  307. 4: PrestoThriftPageResult keys,
  308. 5: PrestoThriftTupleDomain outputConstraint,
  309. 6: i32 maxSplitCount,
  310. 7: PrestoThriftNullableToken nextToken)
  311. throws (1: PrestoThriftServiceException ex1);
  312. /**
  313. * Returns a batch of rows for the given split.
  314. *
  315. * @param splitId split id as returned in split batch
  316. * @param columns a list of column names to return
  317. * @param maxBytes maximum size of returned data in bytes
  318. * @param nextToken token from a previous batch or {@literal null} if it is the first call
  319. * @return a batch of table data
  320. */
  321. PrestoThriftPageResult prestoGetRows(
  322. 1: PrestoThriftId splitId,
  323. 2: list<string> columns,
  324. 3: i64 maxBytes,
  325. 4: PrestoThriftNullableToken nextToken)
  326. throws (1: PrestoThriftServiceException ex1);
  327. }