Get snapshot repository.

Introduced 1.0

Retrieves information about a snapshot repository.

To learn more about repositories, see Register repository.

You can also get details about a snapshot during and after snapshot creation. See Get snapshot status.

Path parameters

ParameterData typeDescription
repositoryStringA comma-separated list of snapshot repository names to retrieve. Wildcard (*) expressions are supported including combining wildcards with exclude patterns starting with -.

Query parameters

ParameterData typeDescription
localBooleanWhether to get information from the local node. Optional, defaults to false.
cluster_manager_timeoutTimeAmount of time to wait for a connection to the master node. Optional, defaults to 30 seconds.

Example request

The following request retrieves information for the my-opensearch-repo repository:

  1. GET /_snapshot/my-opensearch-repo


Example response

Upon success, the response returns repositry information. This sample is for an s3 repository type.

  1. {
  2. "my-opensearch-repo" : {
  3. "type" : "s3",
  4. "settings" : {
  5. "bucket" : "my-open-search-bucket",
  6. "base_path" : "snapshots"
  7. }
  8. }
  9. }

Response fields

FieldData typeDescription
typestringBucket type: fs (file system) or s3 (s3 bucket)
bucketstringS3 bucket name.
base_pathstringFolder within the bucket where snapshots are stored.