Cluster stats

Introduced 1.0

The cluster stats API operation returns statistics about your cluster.


  1. GET _cluster/stats/nodes/_cluster_manager


Path and HTTP methods

  1. GET _cluster/stats
  2. GET _cluster/stats/nodes/<node-filters>

URL parameters

All cluster stats parameters are optional.

<node-filters>ListA comma-separated list of node filters that OpenSearch uses to filter results.

Although the master node is now called cluster_manager for version 2.0, we retained the master field for backwards compatibility. If you have a node that has either a master role or a cluster_manager role, the count increases for both fields by 1. To see an example node count increase, see the Response sample.


  1. {
  2. "_nodes": {
  3. "total": 1,
  4. "successful": 1,
  5. "failed": 0
  6. },
  7. "cluster_name": "opensearch-cluster",
  8. "cluster_uuid": "QravFieJS_SlZJyBMcDMqQ",
  9. "timestamp": 1644607845054,
  10. "status": "yellow",
  11. "indices": {
  12. "count": 114,
  13. "shards": {
  14. "total": 121,
  15. "primaries": 60,
  16. "replication": 1.0166666666666666,
  17. "index": {
  18. "shards": {
  19. "min": 1,
  20. "max": 2,
  21. "avg": 1.0614035087719298
  22. },
  23. "primaries": {
  24. "min": 0,
  25. "max": 2,
  26. "avg": 0.5263157894736842
  27. },
  28. "replication": {
  29. "min": 0.0,
  30. "max": 1.0,
  31. "avg": 0.008771929824561403
  32. }
  33. }
  34. },
  35. "docs": {
  36. "count": 134263,
  37. "deleted": 115
  38. },
  39. "store": {
  40. "size_in_bytes": 70466547,
  41. "reserved_in_bytes": 0
  42. },
  43. "fielddata": {
  44. "memory_size_in_bytes": 664,
  45. "evictions": 0
  46. },
  47. "query_cache": {
  48. "memory_size_in_bytes": 0,
  49. "total_count": 1,
  50. "hit_count": 0,
  51. "miss_count": 1,
  52. "cache_size": 0,
  53. "cache_count": 0,
  54. "evictions": 0
  55. },
  56. "completion": {
  57. "size_in_bytes": 0
  58. },
  59. "segments": {
  60. "count": 341,
  61. "memory_in_bytes": 3137244,
  62. "terms_memory_in_bytes": 2488992,
  63. "stored_fields_memory_in_bytes": 167672,
  64. "term_vectors_memory_in_bytes": 0,
  65. "norms_memory_in_bytes": 346816,
  66. "points_memory_in_bytes": 0,
  67. "doc_values_memory_in_bytes": 133764,
  68. "index_writer_memory_in_bytes": 0,
  69. "version_map_memory_in_bytes": 0,
  70. "fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes": 1112,
  71. "max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp": 1644269449096,
  72. "file_sizes": {}
  73. },
  74. "mappings": {
  75. "field_types": [
  76. {
  77. "name": "alias",
  78. "count": 1,
  79. "index_count": 1
  80. },
  81. {
  82. "name": "binary",
  83. "count": 1,
  84. "index_count": 1
  85. },
  86. {
  87. "name": "boolean",
  88. "count": 87,
  89. "index_count": 22
  90. },
  91. {
  92. "name": "date",
  93. "count": 185,
  94. "index_count": 91
  95. },
  96. {
  97. "name": "double",
  98. "count": 5,
  99. "index_count": 2
  100. },
  101. {
  102. "name": "float",
  103. "count": 4,
  104. "index_count": 1
  105. },
  106. {
  107. "name": "geo_point",
  108. "count": 4,
  109. "index_count": 3
  110. },
  111. {
  112. "name": "half_float",
  113. "count": 12,
  114. "index_count": 1
  115. },
  116. {
  117. "name": "integer",
  118. "count": 144,
  119. "index_count": 29
  120. },
  121. {
  122. "name": "ip",
  123. "count": 2,
  124. "index_count": 1
  125. },
  126. {
  127. "name": "keyword",
  128. "count": 1939,
  129. "index_count": 109
  130. },
  131. {
  132. "name": "knn_vector",
  133. "count": 1,
  134. "index_count": 1
  135. },
  136. {
  137. "name": "long",
  138. "count": 158,
  139. "index_count": 92
  140. },
  141. {
  142. "name": "nested",
  143. "count": 25,
  144. "index_count": 10
  145. },
  146. {
  147. "name": "object",
  148. "count": 420,
  149. "index_count": 91
  150. },
  151. {
  152. "name": "text",
  153. "count": 1768,
  154. "index_count": 102
  155. }
  156. ]
  157. },
  158. "analysis": {
  159. "char_filter_types": [],
  160. "tokenizer_types": [],
  161. "filter_types": [],
  162. "analyzer_types": [],
  163. "built_in_char_filters": [],
  164. "built_in_tokenizers": [],
  165. "built_in_filters": [],
  166. "built_in_analyzers": [
  167. {
  168. "name": "english",
  169. "count": 1,
  170. "index_count": 1
  171. }
  172. ]
  173. }
  174. },
  175. "nodes": {
  176. "count": {
  177. "total": 1,
  178. "coordinating_only": 0,
  179. "data": 1,
  180. "ingest": 1,
  181. "master": 1,
  182. "cluster_manager": 1,
  183. "remote_cluster_client": 1
  184. },
  185. "versions": [
  186. "1.2.4"
  187. ],
  188. "os": {
  189. "available_processors": 6,
  190. "allocated_processors": 6,
  191. "names": [
  192. {
  193. "name": "Linux",
  194. "count": 1
  195. }
  196. ],
  197. "pretty_names": [
  198. {
  199. "pretty_name": "Amazon Linux 2",
  200. "count": 1
  201. }
  202. ],
  203. "mem": {
  204. "total_in_bytes": 6232674304,
  205. "free_in_bytes": 1452658688,
  206. "used_in_bytes": 4780015616,
  207. "free_percent": 23,
  208. "used_percent": 77
  209. }
  210. },
  211. "process": {
  212. "cpu": {
  213. "percent": 0
  214. },
  215. "open_file_descriptors": {
  216. "min": 970,
  217. "max": 970,
  218. "avg": 970
  219. }
  220. },
  221. "jvm": {
  222. "max_uptime_in_millis": 108800629,
  223. "versions": [
  224. {
  225. "version": "15.0.1",
  226. "vm_name": "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM",
  227. "vm_version": "15.0.1+9",
  228. "vm_vendor": "AdoptOpenJDK",
  229. "bundled_jdk": true,
  230. "using_bundled_jdk": true,
  231. "count": 1
  232. }
  233. ],
  234. "mem": {
  235. "heap_used_in_bytes": 178956256,
  236. "heap_max_in_bytes": 536870912
  237. },
  238. "threads": 112
  239. },
  240. "fs": {
  241. "total_in_bytes": 62725623808,
  242. "free_in_bytes": 28442726400,
  243. "available_in_bytes": 25226010624
  244. },
  245. "plugins": [
  246. {
  247. "name": "opensearch-index-management",
  248. "version": "",
  249. "opensearch_version": "1.2.4",
  250. "java_version": "1.8",
  251. "description": "OpenSearch Index Management Plugin",
  252. "classname": "org.opensearch.indexmanagement.IndexManagementPlugin",
  253. "custom_foldername": "",
  254. "extended_plugins": [
  255. "opensearch-job-scheduler"
  256. ],
  257. "has_native_controller": false
  258. },
  259. {
  260. "name": "opensearch-security",
  261. "version": "",
  262. "opensearch_version": "1.2.4",
  263. "java_version": "1.8",
  264. "description": "Provide access control related features for OpenSearch 1.0.0",
  265. "classname": "",
  266. "custom_foldername": "opensearch-security",
  267. "extended_plugins": [],
  268. "has_native_controller": false
  269. },
  270. {
  271. "name": "opensearch-cross-cluster-replication",
  272. "version": "",
  273. "opensearch_version": "1.2.4",
  274. "java_version": "1.8",
  275. "description": "OpenSearch Cross Cluster Replication Plugin",
  276. "classname": "org.opensearch.replication.ReplicationPlugin",
  277. "custom_foldername": "",
  278. "extended_plugins": [],
  279. "has_native_controller": false
  280. },
  281. {
  282. "name": "opensearch-job-scheduler",
  283. "version": "",
  284. "opensearch_version": "1.2.4",
  285. "java_version": "1.8",
  286. "description": "OpenSearch Job Scheduler plugin",
  287. "classname": "org.opensearch.jobscheduler.JobSchedulerPlugin",
  288. "custom_foldername": "",
  289. "extended_plugins": [],
  290. "has_native_controller": false
  291. },
  292. {
  293. "name": "opensearch-anomaly-detection",
  294. "version": "",
  295. "opensearch_version": "1.2.4",
  296. "java_version": "1.8",
  297. "description": "OpenSearch anomaly detector plugin",
  298. "classname": "",
  299. "custom_foldername": "",
  300. "extended_plugins": [
  301. "lang-painless",
  302. "opensearch-job-scheduler"
  303. ],
  304. "has_native_controller": false
  305. },
  306. {
  307. "name": "opensearch-performance-analyzer",
  308. "version": "",
  309. "opensearch_version": "1.2.4",
  310. "java_version": "1.8",
  311. "description": "OpenSearch Performance Analyzer Plugin",
  312. "classname": "org.opensearch.performanceanalyzer.PerformanceAnalyzerPlugin",
  313. "custom_foldername": "",
  314. "extended_plugins": [],
  315. "has_native_controller": false
  316. },
  317. {
  318. "name": "opensearch-reports-scheduler",
  319. "version": "",
  320. "opensearch_version": "1.2.4",
  321. "java_version": "1.8",
  322. "description": "Scheduler for Dashboards Reports Plugin",
  323. "classname": "org.opensearch.reportsscheduler.ReportsSchedulerPlugin",
  324. "custom_foldername": "",
  325. "extended_plugins": [
  326. "opensearch-job-scheduler"
  327. ],
  328. "has_native_controller": false
  329. },
  330. {
  331. "name": "opensearch-asynchronous-search",
  332. "version": "",
  333. "opensearch_version": "1.2.4",
  334. "java_version": "1.8",
  335. "description": "Provides support for asynchronous search",
  336. "classname": "",
  337. "custom_foldername": "",
  338. "extended_plugins": [],
  339. "has_native_controller": false
  340. },
  341. {
  342. "name": "opensearch-knn",
  343. "version": "",
  344. "opensearch_version": "1.2.4",
  345. "java_version": "1.8",
  346. "description": "OpenSearch k-NN plugin",
  347. "classname": "org.opensearch.knn.plugin.KNNPlugin",
  348. "custom_foldername": "",
  349. "extended_plugins": [
  350. "lang-painless"
  351. ],
  352. "has_native_controller": false
  353. },
  354. {
  355. "name": "opensearch-alerting",
  356. "version": "",
  357. "opensearch_version": "1.2.4",
  358. "java_version": "1.8",
  359. "description": "Amazon OpenSearch alerting plugin",
  360. "classname": "org.opensearch.alerting.AlertingPlugin",
  361. "custom_foldername": "",
  362. "extended_plugins": [
  363. "lang-painless"
  364. ],
  365. "has_native_controller": false
  366. },
  367. {
  368. "name": "opensearch-observability",
  369. "version": "",
  370. "opensearch_version": "1.2.4",
  371. "java_version": "1.8",
  372. "description": "OpenSearch Plugin for OpenSearch Dashboards Observability",
  373. "classname": "org.opensearch.observability.ObservabilityPlugin",
  374. "custom_foldername": "",
  375. "extended_plugins": [],
  376. "has_native_controller": false
  377. },
  378. {
  379. "name": "opensearch-sql",
  380. "version": "",
  381. "opensearch_version": "1.2.4",
  382. "java_version": "1.8",
  383. "description": "OpenSearch SQL",
  384. "classname": "org.opensearch.sql.plugin.SQLPlugin",
  385. "custom_foldername": "",
  386. "extended_plugins": [],
  387. "has_native_controller": false
  388. }
  389. ],
  390. "network_types": {
  391. "transport_types": {
  392. "": 1
  393. },
  394. "http_types": {
  395. "": 1
  396. }
  397. },
  398. "discovery_types": {
  399. "zen": 1
  400. },
  401. "packaging_types": [
  402. {
  403. "type": "tar",
  404. "count": 1
  405. }
  406. ],
  407. "ingest": {
  408. "number_of_pipelines": 0,
  409. "processor_stats": {}
  410. }
  411. }
  412. }

Response body fields

nodesHow many nodes returned in the response.
cluster_nameThe cluster’s name.
cluster_uuidThe cluster’s uuid.
timestampThe Unix epoch time of when the cluster was last refreshed.
statusThe cluster’s health status.
indicesStatistics about the indexes in the cluster.
indices.countHow many indexes are in the cluster.
indices.shardsInformation about the cluster’s shards.
indices.docsHow many documents are still in the cluster and how many documents are deleted.
indices.storeInformation about the cluster’s storage.
indices.fielddataInformation about the cluster’s field data
indices.query_cacheData about the cluster’s query cache.
indices.completionHow many bytes in memory are used to complete operations.
indices.segmentsInformation about the cluster’s segments, which are small Lucene indexes.
indices.mappingsMappings within the cluster.
indices.analysisInformation about analyzers used in the cluster.
nodesStatistics about the nodes in the cluster.
nodes.countHow many nodes were returned from the request.
nodes.versionsOpenSearch’s version number.
nodes.osInformation about the operating systems used in the nodes.
nodes.processThe processes the returned nodes use.
nodes.jvmStatistics about the Java Virtual Machines in use.
nodes.fsThe nodes’ file storage.
nodes.pluginsThe OpenSearch plugins integrated within the nodes.
nodes.network_typesThe transport and HTTP networks within the nodes.
nodes.discovery_typeThe method the nodes use to find other nodes within the cluster.
nodes.packaging_typesInformation about the nodes’ OpenSearch distribution.
nodes.ingestInformation about the nodes’ ingest pipelines/nodes, if there are any.