Alerting with Nagios

OpenTSDB is great, but it’s not (yet) a full monitoring platform. Now that you have a bunch of metrics in OpenTSDB, you want to start sending alerts when thresholds are getting too high. It’s easy!

In the tools directory is a Python script check_tsd. This script queries OpenTSDB and returns Nagios compatible output that gives you OK/WARNING/CRITICAL state.


  1. Options:
  2. -h, --help show this help message and exit
  3. -H HOST, --host=HOST Hostname to use to connect to the TSD.
  4. -p PORT, --port=PORT Port to connect to the TSD instance on.
  5. -m METRIC, --metric=METRIC
  6. Metric to query.
  7. -t TAG, --tag=TAG Tags to filter the metric on.
  8. -d SECONDS, --duration=SECONDS
  9. How far back to look for data. Default 600s.
  10. -D METHOD, --downsample=METHOD
  11. Downsample function, e.g. one of avg, min, sum, max ... etc
  12. -W SECONDS, --downsample-window=SECONDS
  13. Window size over which to downsample.
  14. -a METHOD, --aggregator=METHOD
  15. Aggregation method: avg, min, sum (default), max .. etc
  16. -x METHOD, --method=METHOD
  17. Comparison method: gt, ge, lt, le, eq, ne.
  18. -r, --rate Use rate value as comparison operand.
  19. -w THRESHOLD, --warning=THRESHOLD
  20. Threshold for warning. Uses the comparison method.
  21. -c THRESHOLD, --critical=THRESHOLD
  22. Threshold for critical. Uses the comparison method.
  23. -v, --verbose Be more verbose.
  24. -T SECONDS, --timeout=SECONDS
  25. How long to wait for the response from TSD.
  26. -E, --no-result-ok Return OK when TSD query returns no result.
  27. -I SECONDS, --ignore-recent=SECONDS
  28. Ignore data points that are that are that recent.
  29. -P PERCENT, --percent-over=PERCENT
  30. Only alarm if PERCENT of the data points violate the
  31. threshold.
  32. -N UTC, --now=UTC Set unix timestamp for "now", for testing
  33. -S, --ssl Make queries to OpenTSDB via SSL (https)

For a complete list of downsample & aggregation modes, see

Nagios Setup

Drop the script into your Nagios path and set up a command like this:

  1. define command{
  2. command_name check_tsd
  3. command_line $USER1$/check_tsd -H $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$
  4. }

Then define a host in nagios for your TSD server(s). You can give it a check_command that is guaranteed to always return something if the backend is healthy.

  1. define host{
  2. host_name tsd
  3. address tsd
  4. check_command check_tsd!-d 60 -m rate:tsd.rpc.received -t type=put -x lt -c 1
  5. [...]
  6. }

Then define some service checks for the things you want to monitor.

  1. define service{
  2. host_name tsd
  3. service_description Apache too many internal errors
  4. check_command check_tsd!-d 300 -m rate:apache.stats.hits -t status=500 -w 1 -c 2
  5. [...]
  6. }


If you have want to test your parameters against some specific point in time, you can use the --now <UTC> parameter to specify an explicit unix timestamp which is used as the current timestamp instead of the actual current time. If set, the script will fetch data starting at UTC - duration, ending at UTC.

To see the values retreived, and potentially ignored (due to duration), use the --verbose option.