Yurtctl convert/revert


由于 OpenYurt 对 Kubernetes 无侵入,所以 OpenYurt 提供了 Yurtctl convert/revert 命令,用于 Kubernetes 集群和 OpenYurt 集群的转换。该命令适用于测试环境,不推荐在生产环境中使用。


2.1编译 Yurtctl

要快速构建和安装设置 yurtctl ,在编译系统已安装了 golang 1.13+ 和 bash 的前提下你可以执行以下命令来完成安装:

  1. ```sh
  2. $ git clone https://github.com/openyurtio/openyurt.git
  3. $ cd openyurt
  4. $ make build WHAT="yurtctl" ARCH="amd64" REGION=cn
  5. ```

生成的可执行文件将存放在 _output/bin/ 目录下。

2.2 Kubernetes To OpenYurt

在测试环境中,当用户已经拥有一个 Kubernetes 集群时,可以使用 Yurtctl convert 命令,快速地将集群转换为 OpenYurt 集群。目前,OpenYurt 支持 minkube、kind 以及手动搭建的 Kubernetes 集群的转换。

查看原生 Kubernetes 集群:

  1. $ kubectl get node
  3. master Ready control-plane,master 24d v1.20.0
  4. node1 Ready <none> 24d v1.20.0
  5. node2 Ready <none> 24d v1.20.0

使用 Yurtctl convert 命令进行集群转换。转换时,需要指定集群中的云端节点列表。

  1. $ _output/bin/yurtctl convert --provider ack --cloud-nodes master
  2. [preflight] Running pre-flight checks
  3. [preflight] Running node-servant-preflight-convert jobs to check on edge and cloud nodes. Job running may take a long time, and job failure will affect the execution of the next stage
  4. [runConvert] Label all nodes with edgeworker label, annotate all nodes with autonomy annotation
  5. [runConvert] Deploying yurt-controller-manager
  6. [runConvert] Running jobs for convert. Job running may take a long time, and job failure will not affect the execution of the next stage
  7. [runConvert] Running disable-node-controller jobs to disable node-controller
  8. [INFO] servant job(yurtctl-disable-node-controller-master) has succeeded
  9. [runConvert] Running node-servant-convert jobs to deploy the yurt-hub and reset the kubelet service on edge and cloud nodes
  10. [INFO] servant job(node-servant-convert-node1) has succeeded
  11. [INFO] servant job(node-servant-convert-node2) has succeeded
  12. [INFO] servant job(node-servant-convert-master) has succeeded
  13. [runConvert] If any job fails, you can get job information through 'kubectl get jobs -n kube-system' to debug.
  14. Note that before the next conversion, please delete all related jobs so as not to affect the conversion.

转换完成之后,集群中会部署 yurt-controller-manager,yurt-hub 等组件。此外,边缘节点会自动开启节点自治功能。

在转换时 Yurtctl 提供了选项,用户可以选择设置 OpenYurt 集群的配置:

  1. --deploy-yurttunnel 是否部署 yurttunnel-server 以及 yurttunnel-agent
  2. --enable-app-manager 是否部署 yurt-app-manager
  3. --yurthub-image yurthub 镜像
  4. --yurt-controller-manager-image yurt-controller-manager 镜像
  5. --yurt-tunnel-server-image yurttunnel-server 镜像
  6. --yurt-tunnel-agent-image yurttunnel-agent 镜像
  7. --yurt-app-manager-image yurt-app-manager-image 镜像

更多配置可以使用 yurtctl convert -h 获取。

注意:如果转换失败,请查询失败的 Job 的运行情况进行错误排查,并删除相关的 Job,以避免下一次转换发生错误。

2.3 OpenYurt To Kubernetes

OpenYurt 集群状况:

  1. $ kubectl get pod -A
  3. kube-system coredns-54d67798b7-28r2s 1/1 Running 0 24d
  4. kube-system coredns-54d67798b7-wlmh8 1/1 Running 0 24d
  5. kube-system etcd-master 1/1 Running 0 24d
  6. kube-system kube-apiserver-master 1/1 Running 0 24d
  7. kube-system kube-controller-manager-master 1/1 Running 0 13d
  8. kube-system kube-flannel-ds-4fmxr 1/1 Running 0 24d
  9. kube-system kube-flannel-ds-7r2fh 1/1 Running 0 24d
  10. kube-system kube-flannel-ds-j2xs5 1/1 Running 0 24d
  11. kube-system kube-proxy-6jh7s 1/1 Running 0 24d
  12. kube-system kube-proxy-9zdnz 1/1 Running 0 24d
  13. kube-system kube-proxy-trw2v 1/1 Running 0 24d
  14. kube-system kube-scheduler-master 1/1 Running 0 24d
  15. kube-system yurt-controller-manager-77b97fd47b-mhhxq 1/1 Running 0 13d
  16. kube-system yurt-hub-master 1/1 Running 0 13d
  17. kube-system yurt-hub-node1 1/1 Running 0 13d
  18. kube-system yurt-hub-node2 1/1 Running 0 13d

在测试环境中,通过执行以下命令将 OpenYurt 集群转换为 Kubernetes 集群:

  1. $ ./yurtctl revert
  2. I0107 11:36:25.694505 8473 revert.go:169] yurt controller manager is removed
  3. I0107 11:36:25.703390 8473 revert.go:178] serviceaccount for yurt controller manager is removed
  4. I0107 11:36:25.706450 8473 revert.go:187] clusterrole for yurt controller manager is removed
  5. I0107 11:36:25.709956 8473 revert.go:196] clusterrolebinding for yurt controller manager is removed
  6. I0107 11:36:25.720702 8473 revert.go:356] deployment for yurt app manager is removed
  7. I0107 11:36:25.721580 8473 revert.go:366] Role for yurt app manager is removed
  8. I0107 11:36:25.722411 8473 revert.go:375] ClusterRole for yurt app manager is removed
  9. I0107 11:36:25.723257 8473 revert.go:384] ClusterRoleBinding for yurt app manager is removed
  10. I0107 11:36:25.724132 8473 revert.go:394] RoleBinding for yurt app manager is removed
  11. I0107 11:36:25.870416 8473 revert.go:404] secret for yurt app manager is removed
  12. I0107 11:36:26.070564 8473 revert.go:414] Service for yurt app manager is removed
  13. I0107 11:36:26.071558 8473 revert.go:424] MutatingWebhookConfiguration for yurt app manager is removed
  14. I0107 11:36:26.072505 8473 revert.go:434] ValidatingWebhookConfiguration for yurt app manager is removed
  15. I0107 11:36:26.082843 8473 revert.go:443] crd for yurt app manager is removed
  16. I0107 11:36:26.092951 8473 revert.go:452] UnitedDeploymentcrd for yurt app manager is removed
  17. I0107 11:36:26.092968 8473 revert.go:212] yurt app manager is removed
  18. [INFO] servant job(yurtctl-enable-node-controller-master) has succeeded
  19. I0107 11:36:56.118458 8473 revert.go:226] complete enabling node-controller
  20. [INFO] servant job(node-servant-revert-node1) has succeeded
  21. [INFO] servant job(node-servant-revert-node2) has succeeded
  22. [INFO] servant job(node-servant-revert-master) has succeeded
  23. I0107 11:37:16.135272 8473 revert.go:239] complete removing yurt-hub and resetting kubelet service
  24. I0107 11:37:16.148484 8473 revert.go:246] delete yurthub clusterrole and clusterrolebinding
  25. I0107 11:37:16.155288 8473 revert.go:262] label openyurt.io/is-edge-worker is removed from node master
  26. I0107 11:37:16.155303 8473 revert.go:264] annotation node.beta.openyurt.io/autonomy is removed from node master
  27. I0107 11:37:16.159211 8473 revert.go:262] label openyurt.io/is-edge-worker is removed from node node1
  28. I0107 11:37:16.159229 8473 revert.go:264] annotation node.beta.openyurt.io/autonomy is removed from node node1
  29. I0107 11:37:16.163365 8473 revert.go:262] label openyurt.io/is-edge-worker is removed from node node2
  30. I0107 11:37:16.163384 8473 revert.go:264] annotation node.beta.openyurt.io/autonomy is removed from node node2
