
If a contribution changes the user interface or existing APIs it must include new or updated documentation. Since the operator-sdk repository does not expose many public packages, documentation mostly comes in the form of our website’s markdown docs. Good godocs are expected nonetheless.

Likewise a changelog fragment should be added containing a summary of the change and optionally a migration guide.

Testing docs changes

This document discusses how to visually inspect documentation changes as they would be applied to the live website. All changes to documentation should be inspected locally before being pushed to a PR.


The docs are built with Hugo which can be installed along with the required extensions by following the docsy install guide.

Note: Be sure to install hugo-extended.

We use git submodules to install the docsy theme. From the operator-sdk directory, update the submodules to install the theme.

  1. git submodule update --init --recursive

Build and Serve

You can build and serve your docs to localhost:1313. From the website/ directory run:

  1. hugo server

Any changes will be included in real time.

Check Docs

make test-docs will validate changelog fragments, build doc HTML in a container, and check its links. Please consider running this locally before creating a PR to save CI resources.

Last modified April 7, 2022: fixed (#5638) (513a0281)