Recon API

The Recon API v1 is a set of HTTP endpoints that help you understand the current state of an Ozone cluster and to troubleshoot if needed.

HTTP Endpoints


  • /containers

    URL Structure

    1. GET /api/v1/containers


    • prevKey (optional)

      Only returns the containers with ID greater than the given prevKey. Example: prevKey=1

    • limit (optional)

      Only returns the limited number of results. The default limit is 1000.


    Returns all the ContainerMetadata objects.

    1. {
    2. "data": {
    3. "totalCount": 3,
    4. "containers": [
    5. {
    6. "ContainerID": 1,
    7. "NumberOfKeys": 834
    8. },
    9. {
    10. "ContainerID": 2,
    11. "NumberOfKeys": 833
    12. },
    13. {
    14. "ContainerID": 3,
    15. "NumberOfKeys": 833
    16. }
    17. ]
    18. }
    19. }
  • /containers/:id/keys

    URL Structure

    1. GET /api/v1/containers/:id/keys


    • prevKey (optional)

      Only returns the keys that are present after the given prevKey key prefix. Example: prevKey=/vol1/bucket1/key1

    • limit (optional)

      Only returns the limited number of results. The default limit is 1000.


    Returns all the KeyMetadata objects for the given ContainerID.

    1. {
    2. "totalCount":7,
    3. "keys": [
    4. {
    5. "Volume":"vol-1-73141",
    6. "Bucket":"bucket-3-35816",
    7. "Key":"key-0-43637",
    8. "DataSize":1000,
    9. "Versions":[0],
    10. "Blocks": {
    11. "0": [
    12. {
    13. "containerID":1,
    14. "localID":105232659753992201
    15. }
    16. ]
    17. },
    18. "CreationTime":"2020-11-18T18:09:17.722Z",
    19. "ModificationTime":"2020-11-18T18:09:30.405Z"
    20. },
    21. ...
    22. ]
    23. }
  • /containers/missing

    URL Structure

    1. GET /api/v1/containers/missing


    No parameters.


    Returns the MissingContainerMetadata objects for all the missing containers.

    1. {
    2. "totalCount": 26,
    3. "containers": [{
    4. "containerID": 1,
    5. "missingSince": 1605731029145,
    6. "keys": 7,
    7. "pipelineID": "88646d32-a1aa-4e1a",
    8. "replicas": [{
    9. "containerId": 1,
    10. "datanodeHost": "localhost-1",
    11. "firstReportTimestamp": 1605724047057,
    12. "lastReportTimestamp": 1605731201301
    13. },
    14. ...
    15. ]
    16. },
    17. ...
    18. ]
    19. }
  • /containers/:id/replicaHistory

    URL Structure

    1. GET /api/v1/containers/:id/replicaHistory


    No parameters.


    Returns all the ContainerHistory objects for the given ContainerID.

    1. [
    2. {
    3. "containerId": 1,
    4. "datanodeHost": "localhost-1",
    5. "firstReportTimestamp": 1605724047057,
    6. "lastReportTimestamp": 1605730421294
    7. },
    8. ...
    9. ]
  • /containers/unhealthy

    URL Structure

    1. GET /api/v1/containers/unhealthy


    • batchNum (optional)

      The batch number (like “page number”) of results to return. Passing 1, will return records 1 to limit. 2 will return limit + 1 to 2 * limit, etc.

    • limit (optional)

      Only returns the limited number of results. The default limit is 1000.


    Returns the UnhealthyContainerMetadata objects for all the unhealthy containers.

    1. {
    2. "missingCount": 2,
    3. "underReplicatedCount": 0,
    4. "overReplicatedCount": 0,
    5. "misReplicatedCount": 0,
    6. "containers": [{
    7. "containerID": 1,
    8. "containerState": "MISSING",
    9. "unhealthySince": 1605731029145,
    10. "expectedReplicaCount": 3,
    11. "actualReplicaCount": 0,
    12. "replicaDeltaCount": 3,
    13. "reason": null,
    14. "keys": 7,
    15. "pipelineID": "88646d32-a1aa-4e1a",
    16. "replicas": [{
    17. "containerId": 1,
    18. "datanodeHost": "localhost-1",
    19. "firstReportTimestamp": 1605722960125,
    20. "lastReportTimestamp": 1605731230509
    21. },
    22. ...
    23. ]
    24. },
    25. ...
    26. ]
    27. }
  • /containers/unhealthy/:state

    URL Structure

    1. GET /api/v1/containers/unhealthy/:state


    • batchNum (optional)

      The batch number (like “page number”) of results to return. Passing 1, will return records 1 to limit. 2 will return limit + 1 to 2 * limit, etc.

    • limit (optional)

      Only returns the limited number of results. The default limit is 1000.


    Returns the UnhealthyContainerMetadata objects for the containers in the given state. Possible unhealthy container states are MISSING, MIS_REPLICATED, UNDER_REPLICATED, OVER_REPLICATED. The response structure is same as /containers/unhealthy.


  • /clusterState

    URL Structure

    1. GET /api/v1/clusterState


    No parameters.


    Returns a summary of the current state of the Ozone cluster.

    1. {
    2. "pipelines": 5,
    3. "totalDatanodes": 4,
    4. "healthyDatanodes": 4,
    5. "storageReport": {
    6. "capacity": 1081719668736,
    7. "used": 1309212672,
    8. "remaining": 597361258496
    9. },
    10. "containers": 26,
    11. "volumes": 6,
    12. "buckets": 26,
    13. "keys": 25
    14. }


  • /datanodes

    URL Structure

    1. GET /api/v1/datanodes


    No parameters.


    Returns all the datanodes in the cluster.

    1. {
    2. "totalCount": 4,
    3. "datanodes": [{
    4. "uuid": "f8f8cb45-3ab2-4123",
    5. "hostname": "localhost-1",
    6. "state": "HEALTHY",
    7. "lastHeartbeat": 1605738400544,
    8. "storageReport": {
    9. "capacity": 270429917184,
    10. "used": 358805504,
    11. "remaining": 119648149504
    12. },
    13. "pipelines": [{
    14. "pipelineID": "b9415b20-b9bd-4225",
    15. "replicationType": "RATIS",
    16. "replicationFactor": 3,
    17. "leaderNode": "localhost-2"
    18. }, {
    19. "pipelineID": "3bf4a9e9-69cc-4d20",
    20. "replicationType": "RATIS",
    21. "replicationFactor": 1,
    22. "leaderNode": "localhost-1"
    23. }],
    24. "containers": 17,
    25. "leaderCount": 1
    26. },
    27. ...
    28. ]
    29. }


  • /pipelines

    URL Structure

    1. GET /api/v1/pipelines


    No parameters.


    Returns all the pipelines in the cluster.

    1. {
    2. "totalCount": 5,
    3. "pipelines": [{
    4. "pipelineId": "b9415b20-b9bd-4225",
    5. "status": "OPEN",
    6. "leaderNode": "localhost-1",
    7. "datanodes": ["localhost-1", "localhost-2", "localhost-3"],
    8. "lastLeaderElection": 0,
    9. "duration": 23166128,
    10. "leaderElections": 0,
    11. "replicationType": "RATIS",
    12. "replicationFactor": 3,
    13. "containers": 0
    14. },
    15. ...
    16. ]
    17. }


  • /task/status

    URL Structure

    1. GET /api/v1/task/status


    No parameters.


    Returns the status of all the Recon tasks.

    1. [
    2. {
    3. "taskName": "OmDeltaRequest",
    4. "lastUpdatedTimestamp": 1605724099147,
    5. "lastUpdatedSeqNumber": 186
    6. },
    7. ...
    8. ]


  • /utilization/fileCount

    URL Structure

    1. GET /api/v1/utilization/fileCount


    • volume (optional)

      Filters the results based on the given volume name.

    • bucket (optional)

      Filters the results based on the given bucket name.

    • fileSize (optional)

      Filters the results based on the given fileSize.


    Returns the file counts within different file ranges with fileSize in the response object being the upper cap for file size range.

    1. [{
    2. "volume": "vol-2-04168",
    3. "bucket": "bucket-0-11685",
    4. "fileSize": 1024,
    5. "count": 1
    6. }, {
    7. "volume": "vol-2-04168",
    8. "bucket": "bucket-1-41795",
    9. "fileSize": 1024,
    10. "count": 1
    11. }, {
    12. "volume": "vol-2-04168",
    13. "bucket": "bucket-2-93377",
    14. "fileSize": 1024,
    15. "count": 1
    16. }, {
    17. "volume": "vol-2-04168",
    18. "bucket": "bucket-3-50336",
    19. "fileSize": 1024,
    20. "count": 2
    21. }]


  • /metrics/:api

    URL Structure

    1. GET /api/v1/metrics/:api


    Refer to Prometheus HTTP API Reference for complete documentation on querying.


    This is a proxy endpoint for Prometheus and returns the same response as the prometheus endpoint. Example: /api/v1/metrics/query?query=ratis_leader_election_electionCount

    1. {
    2. "status": "success",
    3. "data": {
    4. "resultType": "vector",
    5. "result": [
    6. {
    7. "metric": {
    8. "__name__": "ratis_leader_election_electionCount",
    9. "exported_instance": "33a5ac1d-8c65-4c74-a0b8-9314dfcccb42",
    10. "group": "group-03CA9397D54B",
    11. "instance": "ozone_datanode_1:9882",
    12. "job": "ozone"
    13. },
    14. "value": [
    15. 1599159384.455,
    16. "5"
    17. ]
    18. }
    19. ]
    20. }
    21. }