Model Definitions

To begin working with the data, we’ll define the model classes that correspond to the tables in the diagram.


In some cases we explicitly specify column names for a particular field. This is so our models are compatible with the database schema used for the postgres exercises.

  1. from functools import partial
  2. from peewee import *
  3. db = PostgresqlDatabase('peewee_test')
  4. class BaseModel(Model):
  5. class Meta:
  6. database = db
  7. class Member(BaseModel):
  8. memid = AutoField() # Auto-incrementing primary key.
  9. surname = CharField()
  10. firstname = CharField()
  11. address = CharField(max_length=300)
  12. zipcode = IntegerField()
  13. telephone = CharField()
  14. recommendedby = ForeignKeyField('self', backref='recommended',
  15. column_name='recommendedby', null=True)
  16. joindate = DateTimeField()
  17. class Meta:
  18. table_name = 'members'
  19. # Conveniently declare decimal fields suitable for storing currency.
  20. MoneyField = partial(DecimalField, decimal_places=2)
  21. class Facility(BaseModel):
  22. facid = AutoField()
  23. name = CharField()
  24. membercost = MoneyField()
  25. guestcost = MoneyField()
  26. initialoutlay = MoneyField()
  27. monthlymaintenance = MoneyField()
  28. class Meta:
  29. table_name = 'facilities'
  30. class Booking(BaseModel):
  31. bookid = AutoField()
  32. facility = ForeignKeyField(Facility, column_name='facid')
  33. member = ForeignKeyField(Member, column_name='memid')
  34. starttime = DateTimeField()
  35. slots = IntegerField()
  36. class Meta:
  37. table_name = 'bookings'