
Phalcon通过 Phalcon\Crypt 组件提供了加密和解密工具。这个类提供了对PHP openssl 的封装。


You must use a key length corresponding to the current algorithm. For the algorithm used by default it is 32 bytes.



  1. <?php
  2. use Phalcon\Crypt;
  3. // Create an instance
  4. $crypt = new Crypt();
  5. $key = "This is a secret key (32 bytes).";
  6. $text = "This is the text that you want to encrypt.";
  7. $encrypted = $crypt->encrypt($text, $key);
  8. echo $crypt->decrypt($encrypted, $key);


  1. <?php
  2. use Phalcon\Crypt;
  3. // 创建实例
  4. $crypt = new Crypt();
  5. $texts = [
  6. "my-key" => "This is a secret text",
  7. "other-key" => "This is a very secret",
  8. ];
  9. foreach ($texts as $key => $text) {
  10. // 加密
  11. $encrypted = $crypt->encrypt($text, $key);
  12. // 解密
  13. echo $crypt->decrypt($encrypted, $key);
  14. }

加密选项(Encryption Options)


Ciphercipher是libmcrypt提供支持的一种加密算法。 查看这里 here


  1. <?php
  2. use Phalcon\Crypt;
  3. // 创建实例
  4. $crypt = new Crypt();
  5. // 使用 blowfish
  6. $crypt->setCipher("bf-cbc");
  7. $key = "le password";
  8. $text = "This is a secret text";
  9. echo $crypt->encrypt($text, $key);

提供 Base64(Base64 Support)

为了方便传输或显示我们可以对加密后的数据进行 base64 转码:

  1. <?php
  2. use Phalcon\Crypt;
  3. // 创建实例
  4. $crypt = new Crypt();
  5. $key = "le password";
  6. $text = "This is a secret text";
  7. $encrypt = $crypt->encryptBase64($text, $key);
  8. echo $crypt->decryptBase64($encrypt, $key);

配置加密服务(Setting up an Encryption service)


  1. <?php
  2. use Phalcon\Crypt;
  3. $di->set(
  4. 'crypt',
  5. function () {
  6. $crypt = new Crypt();
  7. // 设置全局加密密钥
  8. $crypt->setKey(
  9. "%31.1e$i86e$f!8jz"
  10. );
  11. return $crypt;
  12. },
  13. true
  14. );


  1. <?php
  2. use Phalcon\Mvc\Controller;
  3. class SecretsController extends Controller
  4. {
  5. public function saveAction()
  6. {
  7. $secret = new Secrets();
  8. $text = $this->request->getPost("text");
  9. $secret->content = $this->crypt->encrypt($text);
  10. if ($secret->save()) {
  11. $this->flash->success(
  12. "Secret was successfully created!"
  13. );
  14. }
  15. }
  16. }