

Default value:‘en’

Defines the default language to use, if not browser-defined or user- defined. The corresponding language file needs to be in locale/code/LC_MESSAGES/


Default value:‘utf8mb4_general_ci’

Defines the default connection collation to use, if not user-defined. See the MySQL documentation for charsets for list of possible values.


Default value:not set

Force language to use. The corresponding language file needs to be in locale/code/LC_MESSAGES/


Default value:‘’

Limit list of available languages to those matching the given regular expression. For example if you want only Czech and English, you should set filter to '^(cs|en)'.


Default value:‘auto’


  • 自动 (auto) - 自动选择可用的函数 (首先尝试 iconv,然后 recode)
  • iconv - 使用 iconv 或 libiconv 函数
  • recode - use recode_string function
  • mb - use mbstring extension
  • 无 (none) - 禁止编码转换

Enabled charset conversion activates a pull-down menu in the Export and Import pages, to choose the character set when exporting a file. The default value in this menu comes from $cfg['Export']['charset'] and $cfg['Import']['charset'].


Default value:‘//TRANSLIT’

Specify some parameters for iconv used in charset conversion. See iconv documentation for details. By default //TRANSLIT is used, so that invalid characters will be transliterated.


Default value:array(…)

Available character sets for MySQL conversion. You can add your own (any of supported by recode/iconv) or remove these which you don’t use. Character sets will be shown in same order as here listed, so if you frequently use some of these move them to the top.