Pipcook Tools

Pipcook Tools is a command-line tool provided by Pipcook for developers. It can help you manage your local pipelines and plugins, and allows you to easily define, train, and optimize your models.


  1. $ npm install @pipcook/pipcook-cli -g

Follow Install for other installation guide.

Environment Setup

After the installation of Pipcook Tools, it also needs to execute the initialization command. After the initialization operation, it will download Pipcook Daemon and Pipboard to the local, and then manually start Pipcook Daemon as follows:

  1. $ pipcook init
  2. $ pipcook daemon start

To use tuna mirror for Python installation:

  1. $ pipcook init --tuna

After executing the above initialization commands and starting the daemon, you can start using Pipcook, let’s start with some simple introductions.

Pipeline Usage

To run a pipeline from a config file, just type the following command:

  1. $ pipcook run path/to/your/pipeline-config.json

For the writing of the pipeline, you can refer to here.

In the above example, each execution of the command will create a new pipeline row, which is usually not conducive to our later iteration and visualization based on the same pipeline. Then you can use the subcommand pipcook-job(1):

  1. $ pipcook job run <pipeline id>

The above command will execute the task from an already created Pipeline to avoid repeated creation of pipelines. So what if you want to manually create a pipeline without directly executing it?

  1. $ pipcook pipeline create path/to/your/pipeline-config.json

After creation, you can view all pipelines through the list subcommand:

  1. $ pipcook pipeline list
  2. ┌─────────┬────────────────────────────────────────┬──────┬────────────────────────────┬────────────────────────────┐
  3. (index) id name updatedAt createdAt
  4. ├─────────┼────────────────────────────────────────┼──────┼────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
  5. 0 'c0432b50-a1ed-11ea-9209-9723e386c9d5' null '2020-05-29T20:48:29.318Z' '2020-05-29T20:48:29.318Z'
  6. 1 '94aa20c0-a1ed-11ea-a602-6d2f8632b52c' null '2020-05-29T20:47:16.172Z' '2020-05-29T20:47:16.172Z'
  7. 2 '9c485630-a1cf-11ea-a602-6d2f8632b52c' null '2020-05-29T17:12:44.052Z' '2020-05-29T17:12:44.052Z'
  8. └─────────┴────────────────────────────────────────┴──────┴────────────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘

You can also view the JSON of the pipeline through the info subcommand:

  1. $ pipcook pipeline info <id>
  2. {
  3. "plugins": {
  4. "dataCollect": {
  5. "name": "./packages/plugins/data-collect/object-detection-coco-data-collect",
  6. "params": {
  7. "url": "http://foobar"
  8. }
  9. },
  10. "dataAccess": {
  11. "name": "./packages/plugins/data-access/coco-data-access",
  12. "params": {}
  13. },
  14. "modelDefine": {
  15. "name": "./packages/plugins/model-define/detectron-fasterrcnn-model-define",
  16. "params": {}
  17. },
  18. "modelTrain": {
  19. "name": "./packages/plugins/model-train/object-detection-detectron-model-train",
  20. "params": {
  21. "steps": 1
  22. }
  23. },
  24. "modelEvaluate": {
  25. "name": "./packages/plugins/model-evaluate/object-detection-detectron-model-evaluate",
  26. "params": {}
  27. }
  28. }
  29. }

Plugins Management

Generally, when creating a pipeline through the above pipcook-pipeline(1), the missing plugin will be installed by default, but you can also manually manage the local plugin through pipcook-plugin(1).

First, get the installed list through the list subcommand:

  1. $ pipcook plugin list
  2. ┌─────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬──────────┬─────────────────┬──────────┐
  3. (index) name version category datatype
  4. ├─────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼──────────┼─────────────────┼──────────┤
  5. 0 '@pipcook/plugins-csv-data-access' '0.5.9' 'dataAccess' 'text'
  6. 1 '@pipcook/plugins-bayesian-model-train' '0.5.10' 'modelTrain' 'text'
  7. 2 '@pipcook/plugins-bayesian-model-evaluate' '0.5.10' 'modelEvaluate' 'text'
  8. 3 '@pipcook/plugins-csv-data-collect' '0.5.9' 'dataCollect' 'text'
  9. 4 '@pipcook/plugins-bayesian-model-define' '0.5.10' 'modelDefine' 'text'
  10. 5 '@pipcook/plugins-mnist-data-collect' '0.5.9' 'dataCollect' 'image'
  11. └─────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┴──────────┴─────────────────┴──────────┘

Then you can uninstall the above plugin via the following:

  1. $ pipcook plugin uninstall @pipcook/plugins-csv-data-access

Install a new plugin via NPM:

  1. $ pipcook plugin install @pipcook/plugins-csv-data-access

Install a new plugin from a local path

  1. $ pipcook plugin install /path/to/dir/of/your/plugin

Install a new plugin from git via ssh

  1. $ pipcook plugin install git+ssh://git@some.git.com/my-git-repo.git

Note: when installing a plugin, you must ensure that this package of plugin complies with our plugin specification.

Daemon Management

Pipcook Daemon is a process executed in the background, which helps users manage local pipelines and plugins. What if we manage it through the command line?

To start or restart the daemon:

  1. $ pipcook daemon start
  2. $ pipcook daemon restart

To stop the currently running daemon:

  1. $ pipcook daemon stop