class: Route

Whenever a network route is set up with page.route(url, handler) or browserContext.route(url, handler), the Route object allows to handle the route.


  • errorCode <string> Optional error code. Defaults to failed, could be one of the following:
    • 'aborted' - An operation was aborted (due to user action)
    • 'accessdenied' - Permission to access a resource, other than the network, was denied
    • 'addressunreachable' - The IP address is unreachable. This usually means that there is no route to the specified host or network.
    • 'blockedbyclient' - The client chose to block the request.
    • 'blockedbyresponse' - The request failed because the response was delivered along with requirements which are not met (‘X-Frame-Options’ and ‘Content-Security-Policy’ ancestor checks, for instance).
    • 'connectionaborted' - A connection timed out as a result of not receiving an ACK for data sent.
    • 'connectionclosed' - A connection was closed (corresponding to a TCP FIN).
    • 'connectionfailed' - A connection attempt failed.
    • 'connectionrefused' - A connection attempt was refused.
    • 'connectionreset' - A connection was reset (corresponding to a TCP RST).
    • 'internetdisconnected' - The Internet connection has been lost.
    • 'namenotresolved' - The host name could not be resolved.
    • 'timedout' - An operation timed out.
    • 'failed' - A generic failure occurred.
  • returns: <Promise>

Aborts the route’s request.


  • overrides <Object> Optional request overrides, which can be one of the following:
    • method <string> If set changes the request method (e.g. GET or POST)
    • postData <string> If set changes the post data of request
    • headers <Object<string, string>> If set changes the request HTTP headers. Header values will be converted to a string.
  • returns: <Promise>

Continues route’s request with optional overrides.

  1. await page.route('**/*', (route, request) => {
  2. // Override headers
  3. const headers = Object.assign({}, request.headers(), {
  4. foo: 'bar', // set "foo" header
  5. origin: undefined, // remove "origin" header
  6. });
  7. route.continue({headers});
  8. });


  • response <Object> Response that will fulfill this route’s request.
    • status <number> Response status code, defaults to 200.
    • headers <Object<string, string>> Optional response headers. Header values will be converted to a string.
    • contentType <string> If set, equals to setting Content-Type response header.
    • body <string|Buffer> Optional response body.
    • path <string> Optional file path to respond with. The content type will be inferred from file extension. If path is a relative path, then it is resolved relative to current working directory.
  • returns: <Promise>

Fulfills route’s request with given response.

An example of fulfilling all requests with 404 responses:

  1. await page.route('**/*', route => {
  2. route.fulfill({
  3. status: 404,
  4. contentType: 'text/plain',
  5. body: 'Not Found!'
  6. });
  7. });

An example of serving static file:

  1. await page.route('**/xhr_endpoint', route => route.fulfill({ path: 'mock_data.json' }));


  • returns: <Request> A request to be routed.