What do I do if the porter-manager Pod is stuck in pending state?


During the installation of PorterLB, the porter-manager Pod is stuck in pending state.


Possible Cause

PorterLB uses port 443 by default. If another component in the system has occupied port 443, the porter-manager Pod will be stuck in pending state.


Perform the following steps to change port 443 of PorterLB. The namespace in the commands is only an example.

  1. Run the following command to edit the porter-manager Deployment:

    1. kubectl edit deployment porter-manager -n porter-system
  2. Change port 443 to a different value (for example, 30443) to avoid the port conflict:

    1. spec:
    2. template:
    3. spec:
    4. containers:
    5. - args:
    6. - --webhook-port=443 # Change the port number.
    7. ports:
    8. - containerPort: 443 # Change the port number.
    9. hostPort: 443 # Change the port number.
  3. Run the following command to check whether the status of porter-manager is READY: 1/1 and STATUS: Running. If yes, PorterLB has been installed successfully.

    1. kubectl get po -n porter-system


Last modified March 31, 2021: Relocated files to adapt to localization and changed links. (6b5fcb1)