JDBC Driver

Presto can be accessed from Java using the JDBC driver. Download presto-jdbc-0.268.jar and add it to the class path of your Java application.

The driver is also available from Maven Central:

  1. <dependency>
  2. <groupId>com.facebook.presto</groupId>
  3. <artifactId>presto-jdbc</artifactId>
  4. <version>0.268</version>
  5. </dependency>


The Presto JDBC driver has the following requirements:

  • Java version 8 or higher.

  • All users that connect to Presto with the JDBC driver must be granted access to query tables in the system.jdbc schema.


The following JDBC URL formats are supported:

  1. jdbc:presto://host:port
  2. jdbc:presto://host:port/catalog
  3. jdbc:presto://host:port/catalog/schema

For example, use the following URL to connect to Presto running on example.net port 8080 with the catalog hive and the schema sales:

  1. jdbc:presto://example.net:8080/hive/sales

The above URL can be used as follows to create a connection:

  1. String url = "jdbc:presto://example.net:8080/hive/sales";
  2. Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "test", null);

Connection Parameters

The driver supports various parameters that may be set as URL parameters or as properties passed to DriverManager. Both of the following examples are equivalent:

  1. // URL parameters
  2. String url = "jdbc:presto://example.net:8080/hive/sales";
  3. Properties properties = new Properties();
  4. properties.setProperty("user", "test");
  5. properties.setProperty("password", "secret");
  6. properties.setProperty("SSL", "true");
  7. Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, properties);
  8. // properties
  9. String url = "jdbc:presto://example.net:8080/hive/sales?user=test&password=secret&SSL=true";
  10. Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url);

These methods may be mixed; some parameters may be specified in the URL while others are specified using properties. However, the same parameter may not be specified using both methods.

Parameter Reference




Username to use for authentication and authorization.


Password to use for LDAP authentication.


SOCKS proxy host and port. Example: localhost:1080


HTTP proxy host and port. Example: localhost:8888


Comma delineated list of HTTP protocols to use. Example: protocols=http11. Acceptable values: http11,http10,http2


Prefix to append to any specified ApplicationName client info property, which is used to set the source name for the Presto query. If neither this property nor ApplicationName are set, the source for the query will be presto-jdbc.


Access token for token based authentication.


Use HTTPS for connections


The location of the Java KeyStore file that contains the certificate and private key to use for authentication.


The password for the KeyStore.


The location of the Java TrustStore file that will be used to validate HTTPS server certificates.


The password for the TrustStore.


Presto coordinator Kerberos service name. This parameter is required for Kerberos authentication.


The principal to use when authenticating to the Presto coordinator.


Use the canonical hostname of the Presto coordinator for the Kerberos service principal by first resolving the hostname to an IP address and then doing a reverse DNS lookup for that IP address. This is enabled by default.


Kerberos configuration file.


Kerberos keytab file.


Kerberos credential cache.


Extra credentials for connecting to external services. The extraCredentials is a list of key-value pairs. Example: foo:bar;abc:xyz will create credentials abc=xyz and foo=bar


Custom headers to inject through JDBC driver. The customHeaders is a list of key-value pairs. Example: testHeaderKey:testHeaderValue will inject the header testHeaderKey with value testHeaderValue. Values should be percent encoded.