Release 0.264


  • Add support in Iceberg connector for a native mode that can be used without a Hive installation, to run queries against Iceberg native catalogs


General Changes

  • Add murmur3_x64_128() UDF that computes a hash equivalent to MurmurHash3_x64_128 (Murmur3F) in C++.

  • Add a new configuration property experimental.dedup-based-distinct-aggregation-spill-enabled to enable deduplication of input data before spilling for distinct aggregates. This can be overridden by dedup_based_distinct_aggregation_spill_enabled session property.

  • Add configuration properties simple-ttl-node-selector.use-default-execution-time-estimate-as-fallback and simple-ttl-node-selector.default-execution-time-estimate. The former configures SimpleTtlNodeSelector to use a default execution time estimate when there is no corresponding user-provided estimate. The latter configures the value of the default execution time estimate.

  • Add support for running task count runningTasks at the cluster level via v1/cluster endpoint.

Hive Changes

  • Add session property hive.metastore_headers to allow the users to set headers that will be used in metastore operations.

Iceberg Changes

  • Add support in Iceberg connector for a native mode that can be used without a Hive installation, to run queries against Iceberg native catalogs.


Arjun Gupta, Arunachalam Thirupathi, Basar Hamdi Onat, Beinan, Ge Gao, Hanumath Rao Maduri, Hitarth Trivedi, Jack Ye, James Petty, James Sun, Maria Basmanova, Neerad Somanchi, Pranjal Shankhdhar, Reetika Agrawal, Rongrong Zhong, Shrinidhi Joshi, Sreeni Viswanadha, Swapnil Tailor, Tim Meehan, Zac Wen, Zhan Yuan, abhiseksaikia, linzebing, tanjialiang, zhaoyulong