
Original docs at https://pyprql.readthedocs.io/en/latest/magic_readme.html

Work with pandas and PRQL in an IPython terminal or Jupyter notebook.


This is a thin wrapper around the fantastic IPython-sql magic. Roughly speaking, all we do is parse PRQL to SQL and pass that through to ipython-sql. A full documentation of the supported features is available at their repository. Here, we document those places where we differ from them, plus those features we think you are mostly likely to find useful.



If you have already installed PyPRQL into your environment, then you should be could to go! We bundle in IPython and pandas, though you’ll need to install Jupyter separately. If you haven’t installed PyPRQL, that’s as simple as:

  1. pip install pyprql

Set up

Open up either an IPython terminal or Jupyter notebook. First, we need to load the extension and connect to a database.

  1. In [1]: %load_ext pyprql.magic

Connecting a database

We have two options for connecting a database

  1. Create an in-memory DB. This is the easiest way to get started.

    1. In [2]: %prql duckdb:///:memory:

    However, in-memory databases start off empty! So, we need to add some data. We have a two options:

    • We can easily add a pandas dataframe to the DuckDB database like so:

      1. In [3]: %prql --persist df

      where df is a pandas dataframe. This adds a table named df to the in-memory DuckDB instance.

    • Or download a CSV and query it directly, with DuckDB:

      1. !wget https://github.com/graphql-compose/graphql-compose-examples/blob/master/examples/northwind/data/csv/products.csv

      …and then from products.csv will work.

  2. Connect to an existing database

    When connecting to a database, pass the connection string as an argument to the line magic %prql. The connection string needs to be in SQLAlchemy format, so any connection supported by SQLAlchemy is supported by the magic. Additional connection parameters can be passed as a dictionary using the --connection_arguments flag to the the %prql line magic. We ship with the necessary extensions to use DuckDB as the backend, and here connect to an in-memory database.


Now, let’s do a query! By default, PRQLMagic always returns the results as dataframe, and always prints the results. The results of the previous query are accessible in the _ variable.

These examples are based on the products.csv example above.

  1. In [4]: %%prql
  2. ...: from p = products.csv
  3. ...: filter supplierID == 1
  4. Done.
  5. Returning data to local variable _
  6. productID productName supplierID categoryID quantityPerUnit unitPrice unitsInStock unitsOnOrder reorderLevel discontinued
  7. 0 1 Chai 1 1 10 boxes x 20 bags 18.0 39 0 10 0
  8. 1 2 Chang 1 1 24 - 12 oz bottles 19.0 17 40 25 0
  9. 2 3 Aniseed Syrup 1 2 12 - 550 ml bottles 10.0 13 70 25 0
  1. In [5]: %%prql
  2. ...: from p = products.csv
  3. ...: group categoryID (
  4. ...: aggregate [average unitPrice]
  5. ...: )
  6. Done.
  7. Returning data to local variable _
  8. categoryID avg("unitPrice")
  9. 0 1 37.979167
  10. 1 2 23.062500
  11. 2 7 32.370000
  12. 3 6 54.006667
  13. 4 8 20.682500
  14. 5 4 28.730000
  15. 6 3 25.160000
  16. 7 5 20.250000

We can capture the results into a different variable like so:

  1. In [6]: %%prql results <<
  2. ...: from p = products.csv
  3. ...: aggregate [min unitsInStock, max unitsInStock]
  4. Done.
  5. Returning data to local variable results
  6. min("unitsInStock") max("unitsInStock")
  7. 0 0 125

Now, the output of the query is saved to results.