Set up Pulsar Go client library

Install Go client library

You can install the pulsar library by using either go get or go module.

Use go get

  1. Download the library of Go client to your local environment:

    1. go get -u ""
  2. Import it into your project:

    1. import ""

Use go module

  1. Create a directory named test_dir and change your working directory to it.

    1. mkdir test_dir && cd test_dir
  2. Write a sample script (such as test_example.go) in the test_dir directory and write package main at the beginning of the file.

    1. go mod init test_dir
    2. go mod tidy && go mod download
    3. go build test_example.go
    4. ./test_example

Connect to Pulsar cluster

To connect to Pulsar using client libraries, you need to specify a Pulsar protocol URL.

You can assign Pulsar protocol URLs to specific clusters and use the pulsar scheme. The following is an example of localhost with the default port 6650:

  1. pulsar://localhost:6650

If you have multiple brokers, separate IP:port by commas:

  1. pulsar://localhost:6550,localhost:6651,localhost:6652

If you use mTLS authentication, add +ssl in the scheme:

  1. pulsar+ssl://