binary – Tools for representing binary data to be stored in MongoDB

bson.binary.BINARY_SUBTYPE = 0

BSON binary subtype for binary data.

This is the default subtype for binary data.

bson.binary.FUNCTION_SUBTYPE = 1

BSON binary subtype for functions.

bson.binary.OLD_BINARY_SUBTYPE = 2

Old BSON binary subtype for binary data.

This is the old default subtype, the current default is BINARY_SUBTYPE.

bson.binary.OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE = 3

Old BSON binary subtype for a UUID.

uuid.UUID instances will automatically be encoded by bson using this subtype.

New in version 2.1.

bson.binary.UUID_SUBTYPE = 4

BSON binary subtype for a UUID.

This is the new BSON binary subtype for UUIDs. The current default is OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE.

Changed in version 2.1: Changed to subtype 4.

bson.binary.STANDARD = 4

An alias for UuidRepresentation.STANDARD.

New in version 3.0.

bson.binary.PYTHON_LEGACY = 3

An alias for UuidRepresentation.PYTHON_LEGACY.

New in version 3.0.

bson.binary.JAVA_LEGACY = 5

An alias for UuidRepresentation.JAVA_LEGACY.

Changed in version 3.6: BSON binary subtype 4 is decoded using RFC-4122 byte order.

New in version 2.3.

bson.binary.CSHARP_LEGACY = 6

An alias for UuidRepresentation.CSHARP_LEGACY.

Changed in version 3.6: BSON binary subtype 4 is decoded using RFC-4122 byte order.

New in version 2.3.

bson.binary.MD5_SUBTYPE = 5

BSON binary subtype for an MD5 hash.

bson.binary.USER_DEFINED_SUBTYPE = 128

BSON binary subtype for any user defined structure.

class bson.binary.UuidRepresentation


    The C#/.net legacy UUID representation.

    uuid.UUID instances will automatically be encoded to and decoded from BSON binary subtype OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE, using the C# driver’s legacy byte order.

    See CSHARP_LEGACY for details.

    New in version 3.11.


    The Java legacy UUID representation.

    uuid.UUID instances will automatically be encoded to and decoded from BSON binary subtype OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE, using the Java driver’s legacy byte order.

    See JAVA_LEGACY for details.

    New in version 3.11.


    The Python legacy UUID representation.

    uuid.UUID instances will automatically be encoded to and decoded from BSON binary, using RFC-4122 byte order with binary subtype OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE.

    See PYTHON_LEGACY for details.

    New in version 3.11.

  • STANDARD = 4

    The standard UUID representation.

    uuid.UUID instances will automatically be encoded to and decoded from BSON binary, using RFC-4122 byte order with binary subtype UUID_SUBTYPE.

    See STANDARD for details.

    New in version 3.11.


    An unspecified UUID representation.

    When configured, uuid.UUID instances will not be automatically encoded to or decoded from Binary. When encoding a uuid.UUID instance, an error will be raised. To encode a uuid.UUID instance with this configuration, it must be wrapped in the Binary class by the application code. When decoding a BSON binary field with a UUID subtype, a Binary instance will be returned instead of a uuid.UUID instance.

    See UNSPECIFIED for details.

    New in version 3.11.

class bson.binary.Binary(data, subtype=BINARY_SUBTYPE)

Bases: bytes

Representation of BSON binary data.

This is necessary because we want to represent Python strings as the BSON string type. We need to wrap binary data so we can tell the difference between what should be considered binary data and what should be considered a string when we encode to BSON.

Raises TypeError if data is not an instance of bytes (str in python 2) or subtype is not an instance of int. Raises ValueError if subtype is not in [0, 256).


In python 3 instances of Binary with subtype 0 will be decoded directly to bytes.

  • Parameters

    • data: the binary data to represent. Can be any bytes-like type that implements the buffer protocol.

    • subtype (optional): the binary subtype to use

Changed in version 3.9: Support any bytes-like type that implements the buffer protocol.

  • as_uuid(uuid_representation=4)

    Create a Python UUID from this BSON Binary object.

    Decodes this binary object as a native uuid.UUID instance with the provided uuid_representation.

    Raises ValueError if this Binary instance does not contain a UUID.

    New in version 3.11.

  • classmethod from_uuid(uuid, uuid_representation=4)

    Create a BSON Binary object from a Python UUID.

    Creates a Binary object from a uuid.UUID instance. Assumes that the native uuid.UUID instance uses the byte-order implied by the provided uuid_representation.

    Raises TypeError if uuid is not an instance of UUID.

    New in version 3.11.

  • property subtype

    Subtype of this binary data.

class bson.binary.UUIDLegacy(obj)

Bases: bson.binary.Binary

DEPRECATED - UUID wrapper to support working with UUIDs stored as PYTHON_LEGACY.


This class has been deprecated and will be removed in PyMongo 4.0. Use from_uuid() and as_uuid() with the appropriate UuidRepresentation to handle legacy-formatted UUIDs instead.:

  1. from bson import Binary, UUIDLegacy, UuidRepresentation
  2. import uuid
  3. my_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
  4. legacy_uuid = UUIDLegacy(my_uuid)
  5. binary_uuid = Binary.from_uuid(
  6. my_uuid, UuidRepresentation.PYTHON_LEGACY)
  7. assert legacy_uuid == binary_uuid
  8. assert legacy_uuid.uuid == binary_uuid.as_uuid(
  9. UuidRepresentation.PYTHON_LEGACY)
  1. >>> import uuid
  2. >>> from bson.binary import Binary, UUIDLegacy, STANDARD
  3. >>> from bson.codec_options import CodecOptions
  4. >>> my_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
  5. >>> coll = db.get_collection('test',
  6. ... CodecOptions(uuid_representation=STANDARD))
  7. >>> coll.insert_one({'uuid': Binary(my_uuid.bytes, 3)}).inserted_id
  8. ObjectId('...')
  9. >>> coll.count_documents({'uuid': my_uuid})
  10. 0
  11. >>> coll.count_documents({'uuid': UUIDLegacy(my_uuid)})
  12. 1
  13. >>> coll.find({'uuid': UUIDLegacy(my_uuid)})[0]['uuid']
  14. UUID('...')
  15. >>>
  16. >>> # Convert from subtype 3 to subtype 4
  17. >>> doc = coll.find_one({'uuid': UUIDLegacy(my_uuid)})
  18. >>> coll.replace_one({"_id": doc["_id"]}, doc).matched_count
  19. 1
  20. >>> coll.count_documents({'uuid': UUIDLegacy(my_uuid)})
  21. 0
  22. >>> coll.count_documents({'uuid': {'$in': [UUIDLegacy(my_uuid), my_uuid]}})
  23. 1
  24. >>> coll.find_one({'uuid': my_uuid})['uuid']
  25. UUID('...')

Raises TypeError if obj is not an instance of UUID.

  • Parameters

    • obj: An instance of UUID.

Changed in version 3.11: Deprecated. The same functionality can be replicated using the from_uuid() and to_uuid() methods with PYTHON_LEGACY.

New in version 2.1.

  • property uuid

    UUID instance wrapped by this UUIDLegacy instance.