curses —- 终端字符单元显示的处理

curses 模块提供了 curses 库的接口,这是可移植高级终端处理的事实标准。

虽然 curses 在 Unix 环境中使用最为广泛,但也有适用于 Windows,DOS 以及其他可能的系统的版本。此扩展模块旨在匹配 ncurses 的 API,这是一个部署在 Linux 和 Unix 的 BSD 变体上的开源 curses 库。


每当文档提到 字符 时,它可以被指定为一个整数,一个单字符 Unicode 字符串或者一个单字节的字节字符串。

每当此文档提到 字符串 时,它可以被指定为一个 Unicode 字符串或者一个字节字符串。


从 5.4 版本开始,ncurses 库使用 nl_langinfo 函数来决定如何解释非 ASCII 数据。这意味着你需要在程序中调用 locale.setlocale() 函数,并使用一种系统中可用的编码方法来编码 Unicode 字符串。这个例子使用了系统默认的编码:

  1. import locale
  2. locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
  3. code = locale.getpreferredencoding()

然后使用 code 作为 str.encode() 调用的编码。


  • 模块 curses.ascii
  • 在 ASCII 字符上工作的工具,无论你的区域设置是什么。

  • 模块 curses.panel

  • A panel stack extension that adds depth to curses windows.

  • Module curses.textpad

  • Editable text widget for curses supporting Emacs-like bindings.

  • Curses Programming with Python

  • Tutorial material on using curses with Python, by Andrew Kuchling and EricRaymond.

The Tools/demo/ directory in the Python source distribution containssome example programs using the curses bindings provided by this module.


curses 模块定义了以下异常:

  • exception curses.error
  • 当 curses 库中函数返回一个错误时引发的异常。


Whenever x or y arguments to a function or a method are optional, theydefault to the current cursor location. Whenever attr is optional, it defaultsto A_NORMAL.

curses 模块定义了以下函数:

  • curses.baudrate()
  • Return the output speed of the terminal in bits per second. On softwareterminal emulators it will have a fixed high value. Included for historicalreasons; in former times, it was used to write output loops for time delays andoccasionally to change interfaces depending on the line speed.

  • curses.beep()

  • Emit a short attention sound.

  • curses.can_change_color()

  • Return True or False, depending on whether the programmer can change the colorsdisplayed by the terminal.

  • curses.cbreak()

  • Enter cbreak mode. In cbreak mode (sometimes called "rare" mode) normal ttyline buffering is turned off and characters are available to be read one by one.However, unlike raw mode, special characters (interrupt, quit, suspend, and flowcontrol) retain their effects on the tty driver and calling program. Callingfirst raw() then cbreak() leaves the terminal in cbreak mode.

  • curses.colorcontent(_color_number)

  • Return the intensity of the red, green, and blue (RGB) components in the colorcolor_number, which must be between 0 and COLORS. Return a 3-tuple,containing the R,G,B values for the given color, which will be between0 (no component) and 1000 (maximum amount of component).

  • curses.colorpair(_color_number)

  • Return the attribute value for displaying text in the specified color. Thisattribute value can be combined with ASTANDOUT, A_REVERSE,and the other A* attributes. pair_number() is the counterpartto this function.

  • curses.cursset(_visibility)

  • Set the cursor state. visibility can be set to 0, 1, or 2, for invisible,normal, or very visible. If the terminal supports the visibility requested, return theprevious cursor state; otherwise raise an exception. On manyterminals, the "visible" mode is an underline cursor and the "very visible" modeis a block cursor.

  • curses.def_prog_mode()

  • Save the current terminal mode as the "program" mode, the mode when the runningprogram is using curses. (Its counterpart is the "shell" mode, for when theprogram is not in curses.) Subsequent calls to reset_prog_mode() willrestore this mode.

  • curses.def_shell_mode()

  • Save the current terminal mode as the "shell" mode, the mode when the runningprogram is not using curses. (Its counterpart is the "program" mode, when theprogram is using curses capabilities.) Subsequent calls toreset_shell_mode() will restore this mode.

  • curses.delayoutput(_ms)

  • Insert an ms millisecond pause in output.

  • curses.doupdate()

  • Update the physical screen. The curses library keeps two data structures, onerepresenting the current physical screen contents and a virtual screenrepresenting the desired next state. The doupdate() ground updates thephysical screen to match the virtual screen.

The virtual screen may be updated by a noutrefresh() call after writeoperations such as addstr() have been performed on a window. The normalrefresh() call is simply noutrefresh() followed by doupdate();if you have to update multiple windows, you can speed performance and perhapsreduce screen flicker by issuing noutrefresh() calls on all windows,followed by a single doupdate().

  • curses.echo()
  • Enter echo mode. In echo mode, each character input is echoed to the screen asit is entered.

  • curses.endwin()

  • De-initialize the library, and return terminal to normal status.

  • curses.erasechar()

  • Return the user's current erase character as a one-byte bytes object. Under Unix operating systems thisis a property of the controlling tty of the curses program, and is not set bythe curses library itself.

  • curses.filter()

  • The filter() routine, if used, must be called before initscr() iscalled. The effect is that, during those calls, LINES is set to 1; thecapabilities clear, cup, cud, cud1, cuu1, cuu, vpa are disabled; and the homestring is set to the value of cr. The effect is that the cursor is confined tothe current line, and so are screen updates. This may be used for enablingcharacter-at-a-time line editing without touching the rest of the screen.

  • curses.flash()

  • Flash the screen. That is, change it to reverse-video and then change it backin a short interval. Some people prefer such as 'visible bell' to the audibleattention signal produced by beep().

  • curses.flushinp()

  • Flush all input buffers. This throws away any typeahead that has been typedby the user and has not yet been processed by the program.

  • curses.getmouse()

  • After getch() returns KEYMOUSE to signal a mouse event, thismethod should be call to retrieve the queued mouse event, represented as a5-tuple (id, x, y, z, bstate). _id is an ID value used to distinguishmultiple devices, and x, y, z are the event's coordinates. (z iscurrently unused.) bstate is an integer value whose bits will be set toindicate the type of event, and will be the bitwise OR of one or more of thefollowing constants, where n is the button number from 1 to 4:BUTTONn_PRESSED, BUTTONn_RELEASED, BUTTONn_CLICKED,BUTTONn_DOUBLE_CLICKED, BUTTONn_TRIPLE_CLICKED,BUTTON_SHIFT, BUTTON_CTRL, BUTTON_ALT.

  • curses.getsyx()

  • Return the current coordinates of the virtual screen cursor as a tuple(y, x). If leaveok is currently True, then return (-1, -1).

  • curses.getwin(file)

  • Read window related data stored in the file by an earlier putwin() call.The routine then creates and initializes a new window using that data, returningthe new window object.

  • curses.has_colors()

  • Return True if the terminal can display colors; otherwise, return False.

  • curses.has_ic()

  • Return True if the terminal has insert- and delete-character capabilities.This function is included for historical reasons only, as all modern softwareterminal emulators have such capabilities.

  • curses.has_il()

  • Return True if the terminal has insert- and delete-line capabilities, or cansimulate them using scrolling regions. This function is included forhistorical reasons only, as all modern software terminal emulators have suchcapabilities.

  • curses.haskey(_ch)

  • Take a key value ch, and return True if the current terminal type recognizesa key with that value.

  • curses.halfdelay(tenths)

  • Used for half-delay mode, which is similar to cbreak mode in that characterstyped by the user are immediately available to the program. However, afterblocking for tenths tenths of seconds, raise an exception if nothing hasbeen typed. The value of tenths must be a number between 1 and 255. Usenocbreak() to leave half-delay mode.

  • curses.initcolor(_color_number, r, g, b)

  • Change the definition of a color, taking the number of the color to be changedfollowed by three RGB values (for the amounts of red, green, and bluecomponents). The value of color_number must be between 0 andCOLORS. Each of r, g, b, must be a value between 0 and1000. When init_color() is used, all occurrences of that color on thescreen immediately change to the new definition. This function is a no-op onmost terminals; it is active only if can_change_color() returns True.

  • curses.initpair(_pair_number, fg, bg)

  • Change the definition of a color-pair. It takes three arguments: the number ofthe color-pair to be changed, the foreground color number, and the backgroundcolor number. The value of pair_number must be between 1 andCOLORPAIRS - 1 (the 0 color pair is wired to white on black and cannotbe changed). The value of _fg and bg arguments must be between 0 andCOLORS. If the color-pair was previously initialized, the screen isrefreshed and all occurrences of that color-pair are changed to the newdefinition.

  • curses.initscr()

  • Initialize the library. Return a window objectwhich represents the whole screen.


If there is an error opening the terminal, the underlying curses library maycause the interpreter to exit.

  • curses.isterm_resized(_nlines, ncols)
  • Return True if resize_term() would modify the window structure,False otherwise.

  • curses.isendwin()

  • Return True if endwin() has been called (that is, the curses library hasbeen deinitialized).

  • curses.keyname(k)

  • Return the name of the key numbered k as a bytes object. The name of a key generating printableASCII character is the key's character. The name of a control-key combinationis a two-byte bytes object consisting of a caret (b'^') followed by the correspondingprintable ASCII character. The name of an alt-key combination (128—255) is abytes object consisting of the prefix b'M-' followed by the name of the correspondingASCII character.

  • curses.killchar()

  • Return the user's current line kill character as a one-byte bytes object. Under Unix operating systemsthis is a property of the controlling tty of the curses program, and is not setby the curses library itself.

  • curses.longname()

  • Return a bytes object containing the terminfo long name field describing the currentterminal. The maximum length of a verbose description is 128 characters. It isdefined only after the call to initscr().

  • curses.meta(flag)

  • If flag is True, allow 8-bit characters to be input. Ifflag is False, allow only 7-bit chars.

  • curses.mouseinterval(interval)

  • Set the maximum time in milliseconds that can elapse between press and releaseevents in order for them to be recognized as a click, and return the previousinterval value. The default value is 200 msec, or one fifth of a second.

  • curses.mousemask(mousemask)

  • Set the mouse events to be reported, and return a tuple (availmask,oldmask). availmask indicates which of the specified mouse events can bereported; on complete failure it returns 0. oldmask is the previous value ofthe given window's mouse event mask. If this function is never called, no mouseevents are ever reported.

  • curses.napms(ms)

  • Sleep for ms milliseconds.

  • curses.newpad(nlines, ncols)

  • Create and return a pointer to a new pad data structure with the given numberof lines and columns. Return a pad as a window object.

A pad is like a window, except that it is not restricted by the screen size, andis not necessarily associated with a particular part of the screen. Pads can beused when a large window is needed, and only a part of the window will be on thescreen at one time. Automatic refreshes of pads (such as from scrolling orechoing of input) do not occur. The refresh() and noutrefresh()methods of a pad require 6 arguments to specify the part of the pad to bedisplayed and the location on the screen to be used for the display. Thearguments are pminrow, pmincol, sminrow, smincol, smaxrow, smaxcol; the p_arguments refer to the upper left corner of the pad region to be displayed andthe _s arguments define a clipping box on the screen within which the pad regionis to be displayed.

  • curses.newwin(nlines, ncols)
  • curses.newwin(nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x)
  • Return a new window, whose left-upper corneris at (beginy, begin_x), and whose height/width is _nlines/ncols.

By default, the window will extend from the specified position to the lowerright corner of the screen.

  • Enter newline mode. This mode translates the return key into newline on input,and translates newline into return and line-feed on output. Newline mode isinitially on.

  • curses.nocbreak()

  • Leave cbreak mode. Return to normal "cooked" mode with line buffering.

  • curses.noecho()

  • Leave echo mode. Echoing of input characters is turned off.

  • curses.nonl()

  • Leave newline mode. Disable translation of return into newline on input, anddisable low-level translation of newline into newline/return on output (but thisdoes not change the behavior of addch('\n'), which always does theequivalent of return and line feed on the virtual screen). With translationoff, curses can sometimes speed up vertical motion a little; also, it will beable to detect the return key on input.

  • curses.noqiflush()

  • When the noqiflush() routine is used, normal flush of input and output queuesassociated with the INTR, QUIT and SUSP characters will not be done. You maywant to call noqiflush() in a signal handler if you want output tocontinue as though the interrupt had not occurred, after the handler exits.

  • curses.noraw()

  • Leave raw mode. Return to normal "cooked" mode with line buffering.

  • curses.paircontent(_pair_number)

  • Return a tuple (fg, bg) containing the colors for the requested color pair.The value of pair_number must be between 1 and COLOR_PAIRS - 1.

  • curses.pairnumber(_attr)

  • Return the number of the color-pair set by the attribute value attr.color_pair() is the counterpart to this function.

  • curses.putp(str)

  • Equivalent to tputs(str, 1, putchar); emit the value of a specifiedterminfo capability for the current terminal. Note that the output of putp()always goes to standard output.

  • curses.qiflush([flag])

  • If flag is False, the effect is the same as calling noqiflush(). Ifflag is True, or no argument is provided, the queues will be flushed whenthese control characters are read.

  • curses.raw()

  • Enter raw mode. In raw mode, normal line buffering and processing ofinterrupt, quit, suspend, and flow control keys are turned off; characters arepresented to curses input functions one by one.

  • curses.reset_prog_mode()

  • Restore the terminal to "program" mode, as previously saved bydef_prog_mode().

  • curses.reset_shell_mode()

  • Restore the terminal to "shell" mode, as previously saved bydef_shell_mode().

  • curses.resetty()

  • Restore the state of the terminal modes to what it was at the last call tosavetty().

  • curses.resizeterm(_nlines, ncols)

  • Backend function used by resizeterm(), performing most of the work;when resizing the windows, resize_term() blank-fills the areas that areextended. The calling application should fill in these areas withappropriate data. The resize_term() function attempts to resize allwindows. However, due to the calling convention of pads, it is not possibleto resize these without additional interaction with the application.

  • curses.resizeterm(nlines, ncols)

  • Resize the standard and current windows to the specified dimensions, andadjusts other bookkeeping data used by the curses library that record thewindow dimensions (in particular the SIGWINCH handler).

  • curses.savetty()

  • Save the current state of the terminal modes in a buffer, usable byresetty().

  • curses.setsyx(y, x)

  • Set the virtual screen cursor to y, x. If y and x are both -1, thenleaveok is set True.

  • curses.setupterm(term=None, fd=-1)

  • Initialize the terminal. term is a string givingthe terminal name, or None; if omitted or None, the value of theTERM environment variable will be used. fd is thefile descriptor to which any initialization sequences will be sent; if notsupplied or -1, the file descriptor for sys.stdout will be used.

  • curses.start_color()

  • Must be called if the programmer wants to use colors, and before any other colormanipulation routine is called. It is good practice to call this routine rightafter initscr().

start_color() initializes eight basic colors (black, red, green, yellow,blue, magenta, cyan, and white), and two global variables in the cursesmodule, COLORS and COLOR_PAIRS, containing the maximum numberof colors and color-pairs the terminal can support. It also restores the colorson the terminal to the values they had when the terminal was just turned on.

  • curses.termattrs()
  • Return a logical OR of all video attributes supported by the terminal. Thisinformation is useful when a curses program needs complete control over theappearance of the screen.

  • curses.termname()

  • Return the value of the environment variable TERM, as a bytes object,truncated to 14 characters.

  • curses.tigetflag(capname)

  • Return the value of the Boolean capability corresponding to the terminfocapability name capname as an integer. Return the value -1 if capname is not aBoolean capability, or 0 if it is canceled or absent from the terminaldescription.

  • curses.tigetnum(capname)

  • Return the value of the numeric capability corresponding to the terminfocapability name capname as an integer. Return the value -2 if capname is not anumeric capability, or -1 if it is canceled or absent from the terminaldescription.

  • curses.tigetstr(capname)

  • Return the value of the string capability corresponding to the terminfocapability name capname as a bytes object. Return None if _capname_is not a terminfo "string capability", or is canceled or absent from theterminal description.

  • curses.tparm(str[, ])

  • Instantiate the bytes object str with the supplied parameters, where str shouldbe a parameterized string obtained from the terminfo database. E.g.tparm(tigetstr("cup"), 5, 3) could result in b'\033[6;4H', the exactresult depending on terminal type.

  • curses.typeahead(fd)

  • Specify that the file descriptor fd be used for typeahead checking. If _fd_is -1, then no typeahead checking is done.

The curses library does "line-breakout optimization" by looking for typeaheadperiodically while updating the screen. If input is found, and it is comingfrom a tty, the current update is postponed until refresh or doupdate is calledagain, allowing faster response to commands typed in advance. This functionallows specifying a different file descriptor for typeahead checking.

  • curses.unctrl(ch)
  • Return a bytes object which is a printable representation of the character ch.Control characters are represented as a caret followed by the character, forexample as b'^C'. Printing characters are left as they are.

  • curses.ungetch(ch)

  • Push ch so the next getch() will return it.


Only one ch can be pushed before getch() is called.

  • curses.update_lines_cols()
  • Update LINES and COLS. Useful for detecting manual screen resize.

3.5 新版功能.

  • curses.ungetwch(_ch)
  • Push ch so the next get_wch() will return it.


Only one ch can be pushed before get_wch() is called.

3.3 新版功能.

  • curses.ungetmouse(id, x, y, z, bstate)
  • Push a KEY_MOUSE event onto the input queue, associating the givenstate data with it.

  • curses.useenv(_flag)

  • If used, this function should be called before initscr() or newterm arecalled. When flag is False, the values of lines and columns specified in theterminfo database will be used, even if environment variables LINESand COLUMNS (used by default) are set, or if curses is running in awindow (in which case default behavior would be to use the window size ifLINES and COLUMNS are not set).

  • curses.use_default_colors()

  • Allow use of default values for colors on terminals supporting this feature. Usethis to support transparency in your application. The default color is assignedto the color number -1. After calling this function, initpair(x,curses.COLOR_RED, -1) initializes, for instance, color pair _x to a redforeground color on the default background.

  • curses.wrapper(func, )

  • Initialize curses and call another callable object, func, which should be therest of your curses-using application. If the application raises an exception,this function will restore the terminal to a sane state before re-raising theexception and generating a traceback. The callable object func is then passedthe main window 'stdscr' as its first argument, followed by any other argumentspassed to wrapper(). Before calling func, wrapper() turns oncbreak mode, turns off echo, enables the terminal keypad, and initializes colorsif the terminal has color support. On exit (whether normally or by exception)it restores cooked mode, turns on echo, and disables the terminal keypad.

Window Objects

Window objects, as returned by initscr() and newwin() above, havethe following methods and attributes:

  • window.addch(ch[, attr])
  • window.addch(y, x, ch[, attr])
  • Paint character ch at (y, x) with attributes attr, overwriting anycharacter previously painter at that location. By default, the characterposition and attributes are the current settings for the window object.


Writing outside the window, subwindow, or pad raises a curses.error.Attempting to write to the lower right corner of a window, subwindow,or pad will cause an exception to be raised after the character is printed.

  • window.addnstr(str, n[, attr])
  • window.addnstr(y, x, str, n[, attr])
  • Paint at most n characters of the character string str at(y, x) with attributesattr, overwriting anything previously on the display.

  • window.addstr(str[, attr])

  • window.addstr(y, x, str[, attr])
  • Paint the character string str at (y, x) with attributesattr, overwriting anything previously on the display.


  • Writing outside the window, subwindow, or pad raises curses.error.Attempting to write to the lower right corner of a window, subwindow,or pad will cause an exception to be raised after the string is printed.

  • A bug in ncurses, the backendfor this Python module, can cause SegFaults when resizing windows. Thisis fixed in ncurses-6.1-20190511. If you are stuck with an earlierncurses, you can avoid triggering this if you do not call addstr()with a str that has embedded newlines. Instead, call addstr()separately for each line.

  • window.attroff(attr)
  • Remove attribute attr from the "background" set applied to all writes to thecurrent window.

  • window.attron(attr)

  • Add attribute attr from the "background" set applied to all writes to thecurrent window.

  • window.attrset(attr)

  • Set the "background" set of attributes to attr. This set is initially0 (no attributes).

  • window.bkgd(ch[, attr])

  • Set the background property of the window to the character ch, withattributes attr. The change is then applied to every character position inthat window:

    • The attribute of every character in the window is changed to the newbackground attribute.

    • Wherever the former background character appears, it is changed to the newbackground character.

  • window.bkgdset(ch[, attr])

  • Set the window's background. A window's background consists of a character andany combination of attributes. The attribute part of the background is combined(OR'ed) with all non-blank characters that are written into the window. Boththe character and attribute parts of the background are combined with the blankcharacters. The background becomes a property of the character and moves withthe character through any scrolling and insert/delete line/character operations.

  • window.border([ls[, rs[, ts[, bs[, tl[, tr[, bl[, br]]]]]]]])

  • 在窗口边缘绘制边框。每个参数指定用于边界特定部分的字符;请参阅下表了解更多详情。


A 0 value for any parameter will cause the default character to be used forthat parameter. Keyword parameters can not be used. The defaults are listedin this table:




























  •[vertch, horch])
  • Similar to border(), but both ls and rs are vertch and both ts andbs are horch. The default corner characters are always used by this function.

  • window.chgat(attr)

  • window.chgat(num, attr)
  • window.chgat(y, x, attr)
  • window.chgat(y, x, num, attr)
  • Set the attributes of num characters at the current cursor position, or atposition (y, x) if supplied. If num is not given or is -1,the attribute will be set on all the characters to the end of the line. Thisfunction moves cursor to position (y, x) if supplied. The changed linewill be touched using the touchline() method so that the contents willbe redisplayed by the next window refresh.

  • window.clear()

  • Like erase(), but also cause the whole window to be repainted upon nextcall to refresh().

  • window.clearok(flag)

  • If flag is True, the next call to refresh() will clear the windowcompletely.

  • window.clrtobot()

  • Erase from cursor to the end of the window: all lines below the cursor aredeleted, and then the equivalent of clrtoeol() is performed.

  • window.clrtoeol()

  • Erase from cursor to the end of the line.

  • window.cursyncup()

  • Update the current cursor position of all the ancestors of the window toreflect the current cursor position of the window.

  • window.delch([y, x])

  • Delete any character at (y, x).

  • window.deleteln()

  • Delete the line under the cursor. All following lines are moved up by one line.

  • window.derwin(begin_y, begin_x)

  • window.derwin(nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x)
  • An abbreviation for "derive window", derwin() is the same as callingsubwin(), except that begin_y and begin_x are relative to the originof the window, rather than relative to the entire screen. Return a windowobject for the derived window.

  • window.echochar(ch[, attr])

  • Add character ch with attribute attr, and immediately call refresh()on the window.

  • window.enclose(y, x)

  • Test whether the given pair of screen-relative character-cell coordinates areenclosed by the given window, returning True or False. It is useful fordetermining what subset of the screen windows enclose the location of a mouseevent.

  • window.encoding

  • Encoding used to encode method arguments (Unicode strings and characters).The encoding attribute is inherited from the parent window when a subwindowis created, for example with window.subwin(). By default, the localeencoding is used (see locale.getpreferredencoding()).

3.3 新版功能.

  • window.erase()
  • Clear the window.

  • window.getbegyx()

  • Return a tuple (y, x) of co-ordinates of upper-left corner.

  • window.getbkgd()

  • Return the given window's current background character/attribute pair.

  • window.getch([y, x])

  • Get a character. Note that the integer returned does not have to be in ASCIIrange: function keys, keypad keys and so on are represented by numbers higherthan 255. In no-delay mode, return -1 if there is no input, otherwisewait until a key is pressed.

  • window.getwch([_y, x])

  • Get a wide character. Return a character for most keys, or an integer forfunction keys, keypad keys, and other special keys.In no-delay mode, raise an exception if there is no input.

3.3 新版功能.

  • window.getkey([y, x])
  • Get a character, returning a string instead of an integer, as getch()does. Function keys, keypad keys and other special keys return a multibytestring containing the key name. In no-delay mode, raise an exception ifthere is no input.

  • window.getmaxyx()

  • Return a tuple (y, x) of the height and width of the window.

  • window.getparyx()

  • Return the beginning coordinates of this window relative to its parent windowas a tuple (y, x). Return (-1, -1) if this window has noparent.

  • window.getstr()

  • window.getstr(n)
  • window.getstr(y, x)
  • window.getstr(y, x, n)
  • Read a bytes object from the user, with primitive line editing capacity.

  • window.getyx()

  • Return a tuple (y, x) of current cursor position relative to the window'supper-left corner.

  • window.hline(ch, n)

  • window.hline(y, x, ch, n)
  • Display a horizontal line starting at (y, x) with length n consisting ofthe character ch.

  • window.idcok(flag)

  • If flag is False, curses no longer considers using the hardware insert/deletecharacter feature of the terminal; if flag is True, use of character insertionand deletion is enabled. When curses is first initialized, use of characterinsert/delete is enabled by default.

  • window.idlok(flag)

  • If flag is True, curses will try and use hardware lineediting facilities. Otherwise, line insertion/deletion are disabled.

  • window.immedok(flag)

  • If flag is True, any change in the window image automatically causes thewindow to be refreshed; you no longer have to call refresh() yourself.However, it may degrade performance considerably, due to repeated calls towrefresh. This option is disabled by default.

  • window.inch([y, x])

  • Return the character at the given position in the window. The bottom 8 bits arethe character proper, and upper bits are the attributes.

  • window.insch(ch[, attr])

  • window.insch(y, x, ch[, attr])
  • Paint character ch at (y, x) with attributes attr, moving the line fromposition x right by one character.

  • window.insdelln(nlines)

  • Insert nlines lines into the specified window above the current line. Thenlines bottom lines are lost. For negative nlines, delete nlines linesstarting with the one under the cursor, and move the remaining lines up. Thebottom nlines lines are cleared. The current cursor position remains thesame.

  • window.insertln()

  • Insert a blank line under the cursor. All following lines are moved down by oneline.

  • window.insnstr(str, n[, attr])

  • window.insnstr(y, x, str, n[, attr])
  • Insert a character string (as many characters as will fit on the line) beforethe character under the cursor, up to n characters. If n is zero ornegative, the entire string is inserted. All characters to the right of thecursor are shifted right, with the rightmost characters on the line being lost.The cursor position does not change (after moving to y, x, if specified).

  • window.insstr(str[, attr])

  • window.insstr(y, x, str[, attr])
  • Insert a character string (as many characters as will fit on the line) beforethe character under the cursor. All characters to the right of the cursor areshifted right, with the rightmost characters on the line being lost. The cursorposition does not change (after moving to y, x, if specified).

  • window.instr([n])

  • window.instr(y, x[, n])
  • Return a bytes object of characters, extracted from the window starting at thecurrent cursor position, or at y, x if specified. Attributes are strippedfrom the characters. If n is specified, instr() returns a stringat most n characters long (exclusive of the trailing NUL).

  • window.islinetouched(_line)

  • Return True if the specified line was modified since the last call torefresh(); otherwise return False. Raise a curses.errorexception if line is not valid for the given window.

  • window.is_wintouched()

  • Return True if the specified window was modified since the last call torefresh(); otherwise return False.

  • window.keypad(flag)

  • If flag is True, escape sequences generated by some keys (keypad, function keys)will be interpreted by curses. If flag is False, escape sequences will beleft as is in the input stream.

  • window.leaveok(flag)

  • If flag is True, cursor is left where it is on update, instead of being at "cursorposition." This reduces cursor movement where possible. If possible the cursorwill be made invisible.

If flag is False, cursor will always be at "cursor position" after an update.

  • window.move(new_y, new_x)
  • Move cursor to (new_y, new_x).

  • window.mvderwin(y, x)

  • Move the window inside its parent window. The screen-relative parameters ofthe window are not changed. This routine is used to display different parts ofthe parent window at the same physical position on the screen.

  • window.mvwin(new_y, new_x)

  • Move the window so its upper-left corner is at (new_y, new_x).

  • window.nodelay(flag)

  • If flag is True, getch() will be non-blocking.

  • window.notimeout(flag)

  • If flag is True, escape sequences will not be timed out.

If flag is False, after a few milliseconds, an escape sequence will not beinterpreted, and will be left in the input stream as is.

  • window.noutrefresh()
  • Mark for refresh but wait. This function updates the data structurerepresenting the desired state of the window, but does not force an update ofthe physical screen. To accomplish that, call doupdate().

  • window.overlay(destwin[, sminrow, smincol, dminrow, dmincol, dmaxrow, dmaxcol])

  • Overlay the window on top of destwin. The windows need not be the same size,only the overlapping region is copied. This copy is non-destructive, which meansthat the current background character does not overwrite the old contents ofdestwin.

To get fine-grained control over the copied region, the second form ofoverlay() can be used. sminrow and smincol are the upper-leftcoordinates of the source window, and the other variables mark a rectangle inthe destination window.

  • window.overwrite(destwin[, sminrow, smincol, dminrow, dmincol, dmaxrow, dmaxcol])
  • Overwrite the window on top of destwin. The windows need not be the same size,in which case only the overlapping region is copied. This copy is destructive,which means that the current background character overwrites the old contents ofdestwin.

To get fine-grained control over the copied region, the second form ofoverwrite() can be used. sminrow and smincol are the upper-leftcoordinates of the source window, the other variables mark a rectangle in thedestination window.

  • window.putwin(file)
  • Write all data associated with the window into the provided file object. Thisinformation can be later retrieved using the getwin() function.

  • window.redrawln(beg, num)

  • Indicate that the num screen lines, starting at line beg, are corrupted andshould be completely redrawn on the next refresh() call.

  • window.redrawwin()

  • Touch the entire window, causing it to be completely redrawn on the nextrefresh() call.

  • window.refresh([pminrow, pmincol, sminrow, smincol, smaxrow, smaxcol])

  • Update the display immediately (sync actual screen with previousdrawing/deleting methods).

The 6 optional arguments can only be specified when the window is a pad createdwith newpad(). The additional parameters are needed to indicate what partof the pad and screen are involved. pminrow and pmincol specify the upperleft-hand corner of the rectangle to be displayed in the pad. sminrow,smincol, smaxrow, and smaxcol specify the edges of the rectangle to bedisplayed on the screen. The lower right-hand corner of the rectangle to bedisplayed in the pad is calculated from the screen coordinates, since therectangles must be the same size. Both rectangles must be entirely containedwithin their respective structures. Negative values of pminrow, pmincol,sminrow, or smincol are treated as if they were zero.

  • window.resize(nlines, ncols)
  • Reallocate storage for a curses window to adjust its dimensions to thespecified values. If either dimension is larger than the current values, thewindow's data is filled with blanks that have the current backgroundrendition (as set by bkgdset()) merged into them.

  • window.scroll([lines=1])

  • Scroll the screen or scrolling region upward by lines lines.

  • window.scrollok(flag)

  • Control what happens when the cursor of a window is moved off the edge of thewindow or scrolling region, either as a result of a newline action on the bottomline, or typing the last character of the last line. If flag is False, thecursor is left on the bottom line. If flag is True, the window is scrolled upone line. Note that in order to get the physical scrolling effect on theterminal, it is also necessary to call idlok().

  • window.setscrreg(top, bottom)

  • Set the scrolling region from line top to line bottom. All scrolling actionswill take place in this region.

  • window.standend()

  • Turn off the standout attribute. On some terminals this has the side effect ofturning off all attributes.

  • window.standout()

  • Turn on attribute A_STANDOUT.

  • window.subpad(begin_y, begin_x)

  • window.subpad(nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x)
  • Return a sub-window, whose upper-left corner is at (beginy, begin_x), andwhose width/height is _ncols/nlines.

  • window.subwin(begin_y, begin_x)

  • window.subwin(nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x)
  • Return a sub-window, whose upper-left corner is at (beginy, begin_x), andwhose width/height is _ncols/nlines.

By default, the sub-window will extend from the specified position to the lowerright corner of the window.

  • window.syncdown()
  • Touch each location in the window that has been touched in any of its ancestorwindows. This routine is called by refresh(), so it should almost neverbe necessary to call it manually.

  • window.syncok(flag)

  • If flag is True, then syncup() is called automaticallywhenever there is a change in the window.

  • window.syncup()

  • Touch all locations in ancestors of the window that have been changed in thewindow.

  • window.timeout(delay)

  • Set blocking or non-blocking read behavior for the window. If delay isnegative, blocking read is used (which will wait indefinitely for input). Ifdelay is zero, then non-blocking read is used, and getch() willreturn -1 if no input is waiting. If delay is positive, thengetch() will block for delay milliseconds, and return -1 if there isstill no input at the end of that time.

  • window.touchline(start, count[, changed])

  • Pretend count lines have been changed, starting with line start. Ifchanged is supplied, it specifies whether the affected lines are marked ashaving been changed (changed=True) or unchanged (changed=False).

  • window.touchwin()

  • Pretend the whole window has been changed, for purposes of drawingoptimizations.

  • window.untouchwin()

  • Mark all lines in the window as unchanged since the last call torefresh().

  • window.vline(ch, n)

  • window.vline(y, x, ch, n)
  • Display a vertical line starting at (y, x) with length n consisting of thecharacter ch.


The curses module defines the following data members:

  • curses.ERR
  • Some curses routines that return an integer, such as getch(), returnERR upon failure.

  • curses.OK

  • Some curses routines that return an integer, such as napms(), returnOK upon success.

  • curses.version

  • A bytes object representing the current version of the module. Also available asversion.

  • curses.ncurses_version

  • A named tuple containing the three components of the ncurses libraryversion: major, minor, and patch. All values are integers. Thecomponents can also be accessed by name, so curses.ncurses_version[0]is equivalent to curses.ncurses_version.major and so on.

Availability: if the ncurses library is used.

3.8 新版功能.

Some constants are available to specify character cell attributes.The exact constants available are system dependent.


3.7 新版功能: A_ITALIC was added.



键由名称以 KEY_ 开头的整数常量引用。确切的可用键取决于系统。

KEY_HOMEHome key (upward+left arrow)
KEY_F0Function keys. Up to 64 function keys aresupported.
KEY_FnValue of function key _n
KEY_DCDelete character
KEY_ICInsert char or enter insert mode
KEY_EICExit insert char mode
KEY_CLEARClear screen
KEY_EOSClear to end of screen
KEY_EOLClear to end of line
KEY_SFScroll 1 line forward
KEY_SRScroll 1 line backward (reverse)
KEY_CTABClear tab
KEY_CATABClear all tabs
KEY_ENTEREnter or send (unreliable)
KEY_SRESETSoft (partial) reset (unreliable)
KEY_RESETReset or hard reset (unreliable)
KEY_LLHome down or bottom (lower left)
KEY_BTABBack tab
KEY_BEGBeg (beginning)
KEY_PREVIOUSPrev (previous)
KEY_REFERENCERef (reference)
KEY_SBEGShifted Beg (beginning)
KEY_SCANCELShifted Cancel
KEY_SCOMMANDShifted Command
KEY_SCOPYShifted Copy
KEY_SCREATEShifted Create
KEY_SDCShifted Delete char
KEY_SDLShifted Delete line
KEY_SENDShifted End
KEY_SEOLShifted Clear line
KEY_SEXITShifted Exit
KEY_SFINDShifted Find
KEY_SHELPShifted Help
KEY_SHOMEShifted Home
KEY_SICShifted Input
KEY_SLEFTShifted Left arrow
KEY_SMESSAGEShifted Message
KEY_SMOVEShifted Move
KEY_SNEXTShifted Next
KEY_SOPTIONSShifted Options
KEY_SPRINTShifted Print
KEY_SREDOShifted Redo
KEY_SREPLACEShifted Replace
KEY_SRIGHTShifted Right arrow
KEY_SRSUMEShifted Resume
KEY_SSAVEShifted Save
KEY_SSUSPENDShifted Suspend
KEY_SUNDOShifted Undo
KEY_MOUSEMouse event has occurred
KEY_RESIZETerminal resize event
KEY_MAXMaximum key value

在VT100及其软件仿真(例如X终端仿真器)上,通常至少有四个功能键( KEY_F1, KEY_F2, KEY_F3, KEY_F4 )可用,并且箭头键以明显的方式映射到 KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN, KEY_LEFTKEY_RIGHT 。如果您的机器有一个PC键盘,可以安全地使用箭头键和十二个功能键(旧的PC键盘可能只有十个功能键);此外,以下键盘映射是标准的:


The following table lists characters from the alternate character set. These areinherited from the VT100 terminal, and will generally be available on softwareemulations such as X terminals. When there is no graphic available, cursesfalls back on a crude printable ASCII approximation.


只有在调用 initscr() 之后才能使用它们

ACS_BSSS顶部 T 型的别名
ACS_S1扫描线 1
ACS_S9扫描线 9
ACS_SBSS右侧 T 型的别名
ACS_SSBS底部 T 型的别名
ACS_SSSB左侧 T 型的别名
ACS_SSSSalternate name for crossover or big plus



curses.textpad —- Text input widget for curses programs

The curses.textpad module provides a Textbox class that handleselementary text editing in a curses window, supporting a set of keybindingsresembling those of Emacs (thus, also of Netscape Navigator, BBedit 6.x,FrameMaker, and many other programs). The module also provides arectangle-drawing function useful for framing text boxes or for other purposes.

The module curses.textpad defines the following function:

  • curses.textpad.rectangle(win, uly, ulx, lry, lrx)
  • Draw a rectangle. The first argument must be a window object; the remainingarguments are coordinates relative to that window. The second and thirdarguments are the y and x coordinates of the upper left hand corner of therectangle to be drawn; the fourth and fifth arguments are the y and xcoordinates of the lower right hand corner. The rectangle will be drawn usingVT100/IBM PC forms characters on terminals that make this possible (includingxterm and most other software terminal emulators). Otherwise it will be drawnwith ASCII dashes, vertical bars, and plus signs.


You can instantiate a Textbox object as follows:

  • class curses.textpad.Textbox(win)
  • Return a textbox widget object. The win argument should be a curseswindow object in which the textbox is tobe contained. The edit cursor of the textbox is initially located at theupper left hand corner of the containing window, with coordinates (0, 0).The instance's stripspaces flag is initially on.

Textbox objects have the following methods:

  • edit([validator])
  • This is the entry point you will normally use. It accepts editingkeystrokes until one of the termination keystrokes is entered. Ifvalidator is supplied, it must be a function. It will be called foreach keystroke entered with the keystroke as a parameter; command dispatchis done on the result. This method returns the window contents as astring; whether blanks in the window are included is affected by thestripspaces attribute.

  • docommand(_ch)

  • 处理单个按键命令。以下是支持的特殊按键:










Go to right edge (stripspaces off) or endof line (stripspaces on).
































All other keystrokes are treated as a command to insert the givencharacter and move right (with line wrapping).

  • gather()
  • Return the window contents as a string; whether blanks in thewindow are included is affected by the stripspaces member.

  • stripspaces

  • This attribute is a flag which controls the interpretation of blanks inthe window. When it is on, trailing blanks on each line are ignored; anycursor motion that would land the cursor on a trailing blank goes to theend of that line instead, and trailing blanks are stripped when the windowcontents are gathered.