
原文: https://thepythonguru.com/inserting-rows/

于 2020 年 1 月 7 日更新

Insert 语句用于在 mysql 中插入记录。

语法INSERT INTO <some table> (<some column names>) VALUES("<some values>");

示例 1

  1. from __future__ import print_function
  2. import MySQLdb as my
  3. db = my.connect(host="",
  4. user="root",
  5. passwd="",
  6. db="world"
  7. )
  8. cursor = db.cursor()
  9. sql = "insert into city VALUES(null, 'Mars City', 'MAC', 'MARC', 1233)"
  10. number_of_rows = cursor.execute(sql)
  11. db.commit() # you need to call commit() method to save
  12. # your changes to the database
  13. db.close()


示例 2

  1. from __future__ import print_function
  2. import MySQLdb as my
  3. db = my.connect(host="",
  4. user="root",
  5. passwd="",
  6. db="world"
  7. )
  8. cursor = db.cursor()
  9. name = "Some new city"
  10. country_code = 'PSE'
  11. district = 'Someyork'
  12. population = 10008
  13. sql = "insert into city VALUES(null, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d)" % \
  14. (name, country_code , district, population)
  15. number_of_rows = cursor.execute(sql)
  16. db.commit()
  17. db.close()

请注意,在第 18 行中使用了反斜杠(\)字符。\字符用于将 python 语句拆分为多行。



语法cursor_object.executemany(statement, arguments)




  1. from __future__ import print_function
  2. import MySQLdb as my
  3. db = my.connect(host="",
  4. user="root",
  5. passwd="",
  6. db="world"
  7. )
  8. cursor = db.cursor()
  9. name = "Some new city"
  10. country_code = 'SNC'
  11. district = 'Someyork'
  12. population = 10008
  13. data = [
  14. ('city 1', 'MAC', 'distrct 1', 16822),
  15. ('city 2', 'PSE', 'distrct 2', 15642),
  16. ('city 3', 'ZWE', 'distrct 3', 11642),
  17. ('city 4', 'USA', 'distrct 4', 14612),
  18. ('city 5', 'USA', 'distrct 5', 17672),
  19. ]
  20. sql = "insert into city(name, countrycode, district, population)
  21. VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)"
  22. number_of_rows = cursor.executemany(sql, data)
  23. db.commit()
  24. db.close()
