The Remix CLI is changing in v2. You can prepare for this change at your convenience with the v2_dev future flag. For instructions on making this change see the v2 guide.

Remix CLI

The Remix CLI comes from the @remix-run/dev package. It also includes the compiler. Make sure it is in your package.json devDependencies so it doesn’t get deployed to your server.

To get a full list of available commands and flags, run:

  1. npx @remix-run/dev -h

remix create

remix create will create a new Remix project. Without passing arguments, this command will launch an interactive CLI to configure the new project and set it up in a given directory. Optionally you can pass the desired directory path as an argument and a starter template with the --template flag.

  1. remix create <projectDir>

remix create --template

A valid template can be:

  • a directory located in the templates folder of the Remix repository
  • a local file path to a directory of files
  • a local file path to a tarball
  • the name of a :username/:repo on GitHub
  • the URL of a remote tarball
  1. remix create ./my-app --template fly
  2. remix create ./my-app --template /path/to/remix-template
  3. remix create ./my-app --template /path/to/remix-template.tar.gz
  4. remix create ./my-app --template remix-run/grunge-stack
  5. remix create ./my-app --template :username/:repo
  6. remix create ./my-app --template
  7. remix create ./my-app --template
  8. remix create ./my-app --template
  9. remix create ./my-app --template
  10. remix create ./my-app --template

To create a new project from a template in a private GitHub repo, pass the --token flag a personal access token with access to that repo.

remix build

Builds your app for production. This command will set process.env.NODE_ENV to production and minify the output for deployment.

  1. remix build

remix build --sourcemap

Generates sourcemaps for the production build.

remix watch

Watches your application files and builds your app for development when changes are made.

  1. remix watch

remix dev

The same as watch, but also boots the Remix App Server in development mode if it’s installed.

  1. remix dev

remix dev --debug

Attaches a Node inspector to develop your app in debug mode.

remix dev --port

Launches the app server on a given port.

By default, the port is set to 3000. If port 3000 is unavailable, the dev command will attempt to find another port that is open. Using the --port flag will only attempt to launch the server at the given port; if the port is unavailable, the app will not start.

  1. remix dev --port 4001

Alternatively, a port can be assigned to the PORT environment variable.

remix init

If the template has a remix.init/index.js file at the root then that file will be executed after the project has been generated and dependencies have been installed. This gives you a chance to do anything you’d like as part of the initialization of your template. For example, in the blues stack, the app property has to be globally unique, so we use the remix.init/index.js file to change it to the name of the directory that was created for the project + a couple random characters.

You could even use remix.init/index.js to ask further questions to the developer for additional configuration (using something like [inquirer][inquirer]). Sometimes, you’ll need dependencies installed to do this, but those deps are only useful during initialization. In that case, you can also create a remix.init/package.json with dependencies and the Remix CLI will install those before running your script.

After the init script has been run, the remix.init folder gets deleted, so you don’t need to worry about it cluttering up the finished codebase.

You’ll only ever interact with this command if you’ve opted out of installing dependencies when creating a new Remix app, or you’re developing a custom template that includes a remix.init/index.js file.

remix init --no-delete

Skip deleting the remix.init folder after initialization has been run. Useful for creating templates.