
If you need to use a proxy, you can configure individual requests with the proxies argument to any request method:

  1. import requests
  2. proxies = {
  3. 'http': '',
  4. 'https': '',
  5. }
  6. requests.get('', proxies=proxies)

You can also configure proxies by setting the environment variables HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY.

  1. $ export HTTP_PROXY=""
  2. $ export HTTPS_PROXY=""
  3. $ python
  4. >>> import requests
  5. >>> requests.get('')

To use HTTP Basic Auth with your proxy, use the http://user:password@host/ syntax:

  1. proxies = {'http': 'http://user:pass@'}

To give a proxy for a specific scheme and host, use the scheme://hostname form for the key. This will match for any request to the given scheme and exact hostname.

  1. proxies = {'': ''}

Note that proxy URLs must include the scheme.


New in version 2.10.0.

In addition to basic HTTP proxies, Requests also supports proxies using the SOCKS protocol. This is an optional feature that requires that additional third-party libraries be installed before use.

You can get the dependencies for this feature from pip:

  1. $ pip install requests[socks]

Once you’ve installed those dependencies, using a SOCKS proxy is just as easy as using a HTTP one:

  1. proxies = {
  2. 'http': 'socks5://user:pass@host:port',
  3. 'https': 'socks5://user:pass@host:port'
  4. }