
Robot Framework 提供了若干的内置变量, 这些变量在测试中自动可用.



${CURDIR}An absolute path to the directory where the test datafile is located. This variable is case-sensitive.
${TEMPDIR}An absolute path to the system temporary directory. In UNIX-likesystems this is typically /tmp, and in Windowsc:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Temp.
${EXECDIR}An absolute path to the directory where test execution wasstarted from.
${/}The system directory path separator. / in UNIX-likesystems and \ in Windows.
${:}The system path element separator. : in UNIX-likesystems and ; in Windows.
${\n}The system line separator. \n in UNIX-like systems and\r\n in Windows. New in version 2.7.5.
  1. *** Test Cases ***
  2. Example
  3. Create Binary File ${CURDIR}${/}input.data Some text here${\n}on two lines
  4. Set Environment Variable CLASSPATH ${TEMPDIR}${:}${CURDIR}${/}foo.jar


变量的语法可以用来创建整型整数和浮点型数字. 如下例所示. 因为 Robot Framework默认传递的是字符串, 显式的传递数字对那些预期接受参数是数字(而不是数字字符串)的关键字来说很有用.

  1. *** Test Cases ***
  2. Example 1A
  3. Connect example.com 80 # Connect gets two strings as arguments
  5. Example 1B
  6. Connect example.com ${80} # Connect gets a string and an integer
  8. Example 2
  9. Do X ${3.14} ${-1e-4} # Do X gets floating point numbers 3.14 and -0.0001

使用 0b 0o0x 前缀还可以创建二进制, 八进制 和十六进制的数字. 注意这里的语法不区分大小写.

  1. *** Test Cases ***
  2. Example
  3. Should Be Equal ${0b1011} ${11}
  4. Should Be Equal ${0o10} ${8}
  5. Should Be Equal ${0xff} ${255}
  6. Should Be Equal ${0B1010} ${0XA}


布尔值和Python中的 None 以及Java中的 null 也可以使用类似数字变量的语法来表示.

  1. *** Test Cases ***
  2. Boolean
  3. Set Status ${true} # Set Status gets Boolean true as an argument
  4. Create Y something ${false} # Create Y gets a string and Boolean false
  6. None
  7. Do XYZ ${None} # Do XYZ gets Python None as an argument
  9. Null
  10. ${ret} = Get Value arg # Checking that Get Value returns Java null
  11. Should Be Equal ${ret} ${null}

这些变量都不区分大小写, 例如 ${True}${true} 是一样的. 同样, ${None}${null} 也是同义的, 因为当使用Jython解释器运行时, Jython会视情况自动转换.


变量 ${SPACE}${EMPTY} 分别用来创建空格和空字符串. 使用这些变量相对于使用反斜杠来 转义空格 容易的多. 同时还可以使用 扩展变量语法 表示连续的多个空格, 例如 ${SPACE * 5}

下面的例子中, 关键字 Should Be Equal 接收到两个等价的入参, 可以看出使用变量的形式比使用反斜杠看上去容易理解的多.

  1. *** Test Cases ***
  2. One Space
  3. Should Be Equal ${SPACE} \ \
  5. Four Spaces
  6. Should Be Equal ${SPACE * 4} \ \ \ \ \
  8. Ten Spaces
  9. Should Be Equal ${SPACE * 10} \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
  11. Quoted Space
  12. Should Be Equal "${SPACE}" " "
  14. Quoted Spaces
  15. Should Be Equal "${SPACE * 2}" " \ "
  17. Empty
  18. Should Be Equal ${EMPTY} \

同样还可以使用 列表变量 的格式 @{EMPTY} 表示空列表, 字典变量 的格式 &{EMPTY} 表示空字典.

在某些情况下, 它们会很有用. 比如, 当使用 测试模板模板关键字调用无需参数 <template keyword is used without arguments> 时; 或者想要覆盖不同作用域中的列表或字典变量时. 注意, 没法改变 @{EMPTY}&{EMPTY} 的值.

  1. *** Test Cases ***
  2. Template
  3. [Template] Some keyword
  4. @{EMPTY}
  6. Override
  7. Set Global Variable @{LIST} @{EMPTY}
  8. Set Suite Variable &{DICT} &{EMPTY}


@{EMPTY} 在Robot Framework 2.7.4版本可用, &{EMPTY} 在2.9版本后可用.


Robot Framework还提供了若干的自动变量. 这些变量在测试执行过程中有不同的值, 有些还是全局可用的. 改变这些变量的值不会影响其初始值, 不过其中某些可用通过 BuiltIn 库中的关键字进行动态修改.

Available automatic variables
${TEST NAME}The name of the current test case.Test case
@{TEST TAGS}Contains the tags of the current test case inalphabetical order. Can be modified dynamically usingSet Tags and Remove Tags keywords.Test case
${TEST DOCUMENTATION}The documentation of the current test case. Can be setdynamically using using Set Test Documentation_keyword. New in Robot Framework 2.7.Test case
${TEST STATUS}The status of the current test case, either PASS orFAIL.Setup和Teardown
${TEST MESSAGE}The message of the current test case.Setup和Teardown
${PREV TEST NAME}The name of the previous test case, or an empty stringif no tests have been executed yet.Everywhere
${PREV TEST STATUS}The status of the previous test case: either PASS,FAIL, or an empty string when no tests have beenexecuted.Everywhere
${PREV TEST MESSAGE}The possible error message of the previous test case.Everywhere
${SUITE NAME}The full name of the current test suite.Everywhere
${SUITE SOURCE}An absolute path to the suite file or directory.Everywhere
${SUITE DOCUMENTATION}The documentation of the current test suite. Can beset dynamically using using _Set SuiteDocumentation keyword. New in Robot Framework 2.7.Everywhere
&{SUITE METADATA}The free metadata of the current test suite. Can beset using Set Suite Metadata keyword.New in Robot Framework 2.7.4.Everywhere
${SUITE STATUS}The status of the current test suite, either PASS orFAIL.套件的Setup和Teardown
${SUITE MESSAGE}The full message of the current test suite, includingstatistics.套件的Setup和Teardown
${KEYWORD STATUS}The status of the current keyword, either PASS orFAIL. New in Robot Framework 2.7用户关键字的Teardown
${KEYWORD MESSAGE}The possible error message of the current keyword.New in Robot Framework 2.7.用户关键字的Teardown
${LOG LEVEL}Current log level_. New in Robot Framework 2.8.Everywhere
${OUTPUT FILE}An absolute path to the output file_.Everywhere
${LOG FILE}An absolute path to the 日志文件 or string NONEwhen no log file is created.Everywhere
${REPORT FILE}An absolute path to the 报告文件 or stringNONE when no report is created.Everywhere
${DEBUG FILE}An absolute path to the 调试文件 or stringNONE when no debug file is created.Everywhere
${OUTPUT DIR}An absolute path to the 输出目录.Everywhere

测试套件相关的变量 ${SUITE SOURCE} ${SUITE NAME} ${SUITE DOCUMENTATION}&{SUITE METADATA} 在测试库和变量文件被导入时即可访问. 除了在 Robot Framework 2.8 和 2.8.1 版本里. 不过, 上表中其它的某些自动变量在导入时刻还没有解析.