This page provides a few details for helping if you choose to develop RocksDB via an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). It should be treated as advice.

  • RocksDB ships with two build systems Make and CMake, some environments will work best with one or the other. The Make build system is more fully developed than that of the CMake build system, however the CMake system does offer the advantage that it can generate configuration files for working with several different IDEs.

  • RocksJava has two aspects, the C++ JNI code which links with RocksDB’s C++ code, and its Java code. The RocksJava C++ JNI code can be developed with the same IDE that you use for working with RocksDB’s C++ code. The Java code of RocksJava can be worked with via any IDE that support Apache Maven. A template pom.xml for RocksJava is provided in java/target/pom.xml.template, a pom.xml can be generated from this and used as an IDE project file by simply running make rocksdbjavageneratepom.


You can generate an XCode project for RocksDB using CMake:

  1. cd rocksdb
  2. mkdir build
  3. cd build
  4. cmake -G Xcode ..

You can then open the build/ folder as an existing project in XCode.

Microsoft Visual Studio

NOTE: These instructions are for the full Studio product and NOT for Visual Studio Code.

You can generate a Visual Studio project for RocksDB using CMake:

  1. cd rocksdb
  2. mkdir build
  3. cd build
  4. cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 Win64" ..

However, for more details on available project options and targets for Visual Studio, see Building on Windows.