Minio Object Store CRD

Minio object stores can be created and configured using the custom resource definition (CRD). Complete instructions can be found in the Rook Minio Documentation.


  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: ObjectStore
  3. metadata:
  4. name: my-store
  5. namespace: rook-minio
  6. spec:
  7. scope:
  8. nodeCount: 4
  9. # You can have multiple PersistentVolumeClaims in the volumeClaimTemplates list.
  10. # Be aware though that all PersistentVolumeClaim Templates will be used for each intance (see nodeCount).
  11. volumeClaimTemplates:
  12. - metadata:
  13. name: rook-minio-data1
  14. spec:
  15. accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
  16. # Uncomment and specify your StorageClass, otherwise
  17. # the cluster admin defined default StorageClass will be used.
  18. #storageClassName: "your-cluster-storageclass"
  19. resources:
  20. requests:
  21. storage: "8Gi"
  22. #- metadata:
  23. # name: rook-minio-data2
  24. # spec:
  25. # accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
  26. # # Uncomment and specify your StorageClass, otherwise
  27. # # the cluster admin defined default StorageClass will be used.
  28. # #storageClassName: "my-storage-class"
  29. # resources:
  30. # requests:
  31. # storage: "8Gi"
  32. placement:
  33. tolerations:
  34. nodeAffinity:
  35. podAffinity:
  36. podAnyAffinity:
  37. credentials:
  38. name: access-keys
  39. namespace: rook-minio
  40. clusterDomain:

Cluster Settings

Minio Specific Settings

The settings below are specific to Minio object stores:

  • credentials: This accepts the name and namespace strings of an existing Secret to specify the access credentials for the object store.
  • storageAmount: The size of the volume that will be mounted at the data directory.
  • clusterDomain: The local cluster domain for this cluster. This should be set if an alternative cluster domain is in use. If not set, then the default of cluster.local will be assumed. This field is needed to workaround, and is expected to be removed in the future.

Storage Scope

Under the scope field, a StorageScopeSpec can be specified to influence the scope or boundaries of storage that the cluster will use for its underlying storage. These properties are currently supported:

  • nodeCount: The number of Minio instances to create. Some of these instances may be scheduled on the same nodes, but exactly this many instances will be created and included in the cluster.
  • volumeClaimTemplates: A list of one or more PersistentVolumeClaim templates to use for each Minio repliace. For an example of how the list should look like, please look at the above sample.