Parsing command line arguments

A typical invocation of our CLI tool will look like this:

  1. $ grrs foobar test.txt

We expect our program to look at test.txtand print out the lines that contain foobar.But how do we get these two values?

The text after the name of the program is often calledthe “command line arguments”,or “command line flags”(especially when they look like —this).Internally, the operating system usually represents themas a list of strings –roughly speaking, they get separated by spaces.

There are many ways to think about these arguments,and how to parse theminto something more easy to work with.You will also need to tell the users of your programwhich arguments they need to giveand in which format they are expected.

Getting the arguments

The standard library contains the functionstd::env::args() that gives you an iterator of the given arguments.The first entry (at index 0) will be the name your program was called as (e.g. grrs),the ones that follow are what the user wrote afterwards.

Getting the raw arguments this way is quite easy (in file src/, after fn main() {):

  1. let pattern = std::env::args().nth(1).expect("no pattern given");
  2. let path = std::env::args().nth(2).expect("no path given");

CLI arguments as data type

Instead of thinking about them as a bunch of text,it often pays off to think of CLI arguments as a custom data typethat represents the inputs to your program.

Look at grrs foobar test.txt:There are two arguments,first the pattern (the string to look for),and then the path (the file to look in).

What more can we say about them?Well, for a start, both are required.We haven’t talked about any default values,so we expect our users to always provide two values.Furthermore, we can say a bit about their types:The pattern is expected to be a string,while the second argument is expect to be path to a file.

In Rust, it is very common to structure programs around the data they deal withso this way of looking at CLI arguments fits very well.Let’s start with this (in file src/, before fn main() {):

  1. struct Cli {
  2. pattern: String,
  3. path: std::path::PathBuf,
  4. }

This defines a new structure (a struct)that has two fields to store data in: pattern, and path.

Aside:PathBuf is like a String but for file system paths that works cross-platform.

Now, we still need to get the actual arguments our program got into this form.One option would be to manually parse the list of strings we get from the operating systemand build the structure ourselves.It would look something like this:

  1. let pattern = std::env::args().nth(1).expect("no pattern given");
  2. let path = std::env::args().nth(2).expect("no path given");
  3. let args = Cli {
  4. pattern: pattern,
  5. path: std::path::PathBuf::from(path),
  6. };

This works, but it’s not very convenient.How would you deal with the requirement to support—pattern="foo" or —pattern "foo"?How would you implement —help?

Parsing CLI arguments with StructOpt

A much nicer way is to use one of the many available libraries.The most popular library for parsing command line argumentsis called clap.It has all the functionality you’d expect,including support for sub-commands, shell completions, and great help messages.

The structopt library builds on clapand provides a “derive” macroto generate clap code for struct definitions.This is quite nice:All we have to do is annotate a structand it’ll generate the code that parses the arguments into the fields.

Let’s first import structopt by addingstructopt = "0.2.10" to the [dependencies] sectionof our Cargo.toml file.

Now, we can write use structopt::StructOpt; in our code,and add #[derive(StructOpt)] right above our struct Cli.Let’s also write some documentation comments along the way.

It’ll look like this (in file src/, before fn main() {):

  1. use structopt::StructOpt;
  2. /// Search for a pattern in a file and display the lines that contain it.
  3. #[derive(StructOpt)]
  4. struct Cli {
  5. /// The pattern to look for
  6. pattern: String,
  7. /// The path to the file to read
  8. #[structopt(parse(from_os_str))]
  9. path: std::path::PathBuf,
  10. }

Note:There are a lot of custom attributes you can add to fields.For example,we added one to tell structopt how to parse the PathBuf type.To say you want to use this field for the argument after -o or —output,you’d add #[structopt(short = "o", long = "output")].For more information,see the structopt documentation.

Right below the Cli struct our template contains its main function.When the program starts, it will call this function.The first line is:

  1. fn main() {
  2. let args = Cli::from_args();
  3. }

This will try to parse the arguments into our Cli struct.

But what if that fails?That’s the beauty of this approach:Clap knows which fields to expect,and what their expected format is.It can automatically generate a nice —help message,as well as give some great errorsto suggest you pass —output when you wrote —putput.

Note:The from_args method is meant to be used in your main function.When it fails,it will print out an error or help messageand immediately exit the program.Don’t use it in other places!

This is what it may look like

Running it without any arguments:

  1. $ cargo run
  2. Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 10.16s
  3. Running `target/debug/grrs`
  4. error: The following required arguments were not provided:
  5. <pattern>
  6. <path>
  7. USAGE:
  8. grrs <pattern> <path>
  9. For more information try --help

We can pass arguments when using cargo run directly by writing them after :

  1. $ cargo run -- some-pattern some-file
  2. Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.11s
  3. Running `target/debug/grrs some-pattern some-file`

As you can see,there is no output.Which is good:That just means there is no error and our program ended.

Exercise for the reader:Make this program output its arguments!