Publishing a Crate to

We’ve used packages from as dependencies of our project, but you can also share your code with other people by publishing your own packages. The crate registry at distributes the source code of your packages, so it primarily hosts code that is open source.

Rust and Cargo have features that help make your published package easier for people to use and to find in the first place. We’ll talk about some of these features next and then explain how to publish a package.

Making Useful Documentation Comments

Accurately documenting your packages will help other users know how and when to use them, so it’s worth investing the time to write documentation. In Chapter 3, we discussed how to comment Rust code using two slashes, //. Rust also has a particular kind of comment for documentation, known conveniently as a documentation comment, that will generate HTML documentation. The HTML displays the contents of documentation comments for public API items intended for programmers interested in knowing how to use your crate as opposed to how your crate is implemented.

Documentation comments use three slashes, ///, instead of two and support Markdown notation for formatting the text. Place documentation comments just before the item they’re documenting. Listing 14-1 shows documentation comments for an add_one function in a crate named my_crate:

Filename: src/

  1. /// Adds one to the number given.
  2. ///
  3. /// # Examples
  4. ///
  5. ///

/// let five = 5; /// /// assert_eq!(6, my_crate::add_one(5)); /// ``` pub fn add_one(x: i32) -> i32 { x + 1 }

  1. Listing 14-1: A documentation comment for a function
  2. Here, we give a description of what the `add_one` function does, start a section with the heading `Examples`, and then provide code that demonstrates how to use the `add_one` function. We can generate the HTML documentation from this documentation comment by running `cargo doc`. This command runs the `rustdoc` tool distributed with Rust and puts the generated HTML documentation in the *target/doc* directory.
  3. For convenience, running `cargo doc --open` will build the HTML for your current crates documentation (as well as the documentation for all of your crates dependencies) and open the result in a web browser. Navigate to the `add_one` function and youll see how the text in the documentation comments is rendered, as shown in Figure 14-1:
  4. ![Rendered HTML documentation for the `add_one` function of `my_crate`](/projects/rust-lang-2nd/4d17b05b371b38eded629827bccd34ee.png)
  5. Figure 14-1: HTML documentation for the `add_one` function
  6. #### Commonly Used Sections
  7. We used the `# Examples` Markdown heading in Listing 14-1 to create a section in the HTML with the title Examples.” Here are some other sections that crate authors commonly use in their documentation:
  8. - **Panics**: The scenarios in which the function being documented could panic. Callers of the function who dont want their programs to panic should make sure they dont call the function in these situations.
  9. - **Errors**: If the function returns a `Result`, describing the kinds of errors that might occur and what conditions might cause those errors to be returned can be helpful to callers so they can write code to handle the different kinds of errors in different ways.
  10. - **Safety**: If the function is `unsafe` to call (we discuss unsafety in Chapter 19), there should be a section explaining why the function is unsafe and covering the invariants that the function expects callers to uphold.
  11. Most documentation comments dont need all of these sections, but this is a good checklist to remind you of the aspects of your code that people calling your code will be interested in knowing about.
  12. #### Documentation Comments as Tests
  13. Adding example code blocks in your documentation comments can help demonstrate how to use your library, and doing so has an additional bonus: running `cargo test` will run the code examples in your documentation as tests! Nothing is better than documentation with examples. But nothing is worse than examples that dont work because the code has changed since the documentation was written. If we run `cargo test` with the documentation for the `add_one` function from Listing 14-1, we will see a section in the test results like this:

Doc-tests my_crate

running 1 test test src/ - add_one (line 5) … ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out

  1. Now if we change either the function or the example so the `assert_eq!` in the example panics and run `cargo test` again, well see that the doc tests catch that the example and the code are out of sync with each other!
  2. #### Commenting Contained Items
  3. Another style of doc comment, `//!`, adds documentation to the item that contains the comments rather than adding documentation to the items following the comments. We typically use these doc comments inside the crate root file (*src/* by convention) or inside a module to document the crate or the module as a whole.
  4. For example, if we want to add documentation that describes the purpose of the `my_crate` crate that contains the `add_one` function, we can add documentation comments that start with `//!` to the beginning of the *src/* file, as shown in Listing 14-2:
  5. Filename: src/

//! # My Crate //! //! my_crate is a collection of utilities to make performing certain //! calculations more convenient.

/// Adds one to the number given. // —snip—

  1. Listing 14-2: Documentation for the `my_crate` crate as a whole
  2. Notice there isnt any code after the last line that begins with `//!`. Because we started the comments with `//!` instead of `///`, were documenting the item that contains this comment rather than an item that follows this comment. In this case, the item that contains this comment is the *src/* file, which is the crate root. These comments describe the entire crate.
  3. When we run `cargo doc --open`, these comments will display on the front page of the documentation for `my_crate` above the list of public items in the crate, as shown in Figure 14-2:
  4. ![Rendered HTML documentation with a comment for the crate as a whole](/projects/rust-lang-2nd/88ebc874f093907b608fc2d615eb1343.png)
  5. Figure 14-2: Rendered documentation for `my_crate`, including the comment describing the crate as a whole
  6. Documentation comments within items are useful for describing crates and modules especially. Use them to explain the overall purpose of the container to help your users understand the crates organization.
  7. ### Exporting a Convenient Public API with `pub use`
  8. In Chapter 7, we covered how to organize our code into modules using the `mod` keyword, how to make items public using the `pub` keyword, and how to bring items into a scope with the `use` keyword. However, the structure that makes sense to you while youre developing a crate might not be very convenient for your users. You might want to organize your structs in a hierarchy containing multiple levels, but then people who want to use a type youve defined deep in the hierarchy might have trouble finding out that type exists. They might also be annoyed at having to enter `use` `my_crate::some_module::another_module::UsefulType;` rather than `use` `my_crate::UsefulType;`.
  9. The structure of your public API is a major consideration when publishing a crate. People who use your crate are less familiar with the structure than you are and might have difficulty finding the pieces they want to use if your crate has a large module hierarchy.
  10. The good news is that if the structure *isnt* convenient for others to use from another library, you dont have to rearrange your internal organization: instead, you can re-export items to make a public structure thats different from your private structure by using `pub use`. Re-exporting takes a public item in one location and makes it public in another location, as if it were defined in the other location instead.
  11. For example, say we made a library named `art` for modeling artistic concepts. Within this library are two modules: a `kinds` module containing two enums named `PrimaryColor` and `SecondaryColor` and a `utils` module containing a function named `mix`, as shown in Listing 14-3:
  12. Filename: src/

//! # Art //! //! A library for modeling artistic concepts.

pub mod kinds { /// The primary colors according to the RYB color model. pub enum PrimaryColor { Red, Yellow, Blue, }

  1. /// The secondary colors according to the RYB color model.
  2. pub enum SecondaryColor {
  3. Orange,
  4. Green,
  5. Purple,
  6. }


pub mod utils { use kinds::*;

  1. /// Combines two primary colors in equal amounts to create
  2. /// a secondary color.
  3. pub fn mix(c1: PrimaryColor, c2: PrimaryColor) -> SecondaryColor {
  4. // --snip--
  5. }


  1. Listing 14-3: An `art` library with items organized into `kinds` and `utils` modules
  2. Figure 14-3 shows what the front page of the documentation for this crate generated by `cargo doc` would look like:
  3. ![Rendered documentation for the `art` crate that lists the `kinds` and `utils` modules](/projects/rust-lang-2nd/a8ffe0b55e74a1fae382495e37a4ceef.png)
  4. Figure 14-3: Front page of the documentation for `art` that lists the `kinds` and `utils` modules
  5. Note that the `PrimaryColor` and `SecondaryColor` types arent listed on the front page, nor is the `mix` function. We have to click `kinds` and `utils` to see them.
  6. Another crate that depends on this library would need `use` statements that import the items from `art`, specifying the module structure thats currently defined. Listing 14-4 shows an example of a crate that uses the `PrimaryColor` and `mix` items from the `art` crate:
  7. Filename: src/

extern crate art;

use art::kinds::PrimaryColor; use art::utils::mix;

fn main() { let red = PrimaryColor::Red; let yellow = PrimaryColor::Yellow; mix(red, yellow); }

  1. Listing 14-4: A crate using the `art` crates items with its internal structure exported
  2. The author of the code in Listing 14-4, which uses the `art` crate, had to figure out that `PrimaryColor` is in the `kinds` module and `mix` is in the `utils` module. The module structure of the `art` crate is more relevant to developers working on the `art` crate than to developers using the `art` crate. The internal structure that organizes parts of the crate into the `kinds` module and the `utils` module doesnt contain any useful information for someone trying to understand how to use the `art` crate. Instead, the `art` crates module structure causes confusion because developers have to figure out where to look, and the structure is inconvenient because developers must specify the module names in the `use` statements.
  3. To remove the internal organization from the public API, we can modify the `art` crate code in Listing 14-3 to add `pub use` statements to re-export the items at the top level, as shown in Listing 14-5:
  4. Filename: src/

//! # Art //! //! A library for modeling artistic concepts.

pub use kinds::PrimaryColor; pub use kinds::SecondaryColor; pub use utils::mix;

pub mod kinds { // —snip— }

pub mod utils { // —snip— }

  1. Listing 14-5: Adding `pub use` statements to re-export items
  2. The API documentation that `cargo doc` generates for this crate will now list and link re-exports on the front page, as shown in Figure 14-4, making the `PrimaryColor` and `SecondaryColor` types and the `mix` function easier to find.
  3. ![Rendered documentation for the `art` crate with the re-exports on the front page](/projects/rust-lang-2nd/685441844fce911d5826b6890c47deb2.png)
  4. Figure 14-4: The front page of the documentation for `art` that lists the re-exports
  5. The `art` crate users can still see and use the internal structure from Listing 14-3 as demonstrated in Listing 14-4, or they can use the more convenient structure in Listing 14-5, as shown in Listing 14-6:
  6. Filename: src/

extern crate art;

use art::PrimaryColor; use art::mix;

fn main() { // —snip— }

  1. Listing 14-6: A program using the re-exported items from the `art` crate
  2. In cases where there are many nested modules, re-exporting the types at the top level with `pub use` can make a significant difference in the experience of people who use the crate.
  3. Creating a useful public API structure is more of an art than a science, and you can iterate to find the API that works best for your users. Choosing `pub use` gives you flexibility in how you structure your crate internally and decouples that internal structure from what you present to your users. Look at some of the code of crates youve installed to see if their internal structure differs from their public API.
  4. ### Setting Up a Account
  5. Before you can publish any crates, you need to create an account on []( and get an API token. To do so, visit the home page at []( and log in via a GitHub account. (The GitHub account is currently a requirement, but the site might support other ways of creating an account in the future.) Once you’re logged in, visit your account settings at []( and retrieve your API key. Then run the `cargo login` command with your API key, like this:

$ cargo login abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345

  1. This command will inform Cargo of your API token and store it locally in *~/.cargo/credentials*. Note that this token is a *secret*: do not share it with anyone else. If you do share it with anyone for any reason, you should revoke it and generate a new token on [](
  2. ### Adding Metadata to a New Crate
  3. Now that you have an account, lets say you have a crate you want to publish. Before publishing, youll need to add some metadata to your crate by adding it to the `[package]` section of the crates *Cargo.toml* file.
  4. Your crate will need a unique name. While youre working on a crate locally, you can name a crate whatever youd like. However, crate names on []( are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Once a crate name is taken, no one else can publish a crate with that name. Search for the name you want to use on the site to find out whether it has been used. If it hasn’t, edit the name in the *Cargo.toml* file under `[package]` to use the name for publishing, like so:
  5. Filename: Cargo.toml

[package] name = “guessing_game”

  1. Even if youve chosen a unique name, when you run `cargo publish` to publish the crate at this point, youll get a warning and then an error:

$ cargo publish Updating registry warning: manifest has no description, license, license-file, documentation, homepage or repository. —snip— error: api errors: missing or empty metadata fields: description, license.

  1. The reason is that youre missing some crucial information: a description and license are required so people will know what your crate does and under what terms they can use it. To rectify this error, you need to include this information in the *Cargo.toml* file.
  2. Add a description that is just a sentence or two, because it will appear with your crate in search results. For the `license` field, you need to give a *license identifier value*. The [Linux Foundations Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX)]( lists the identifiers you can use for this value. For example, to specify that you’ve licensed your crate using the MIT License, add the `MIT` identifier:
  3. Filename: Cargo.toml

[package] name = “guessing_game” license = “MIT”

  1. If you want to use a license that doesnt appear in the SPDX, you need to place the text of that license in a file, include the file in your project, and then use `license-file` to specify the name of that file instead of using the `license` key.
  2. Guidance on which license is appropriate for your project is beyond the scope of this book. Many people in the Rust community license their projects in the same way as Rust by using a dual license of `MIT OR Apache-2.0`. This practice demonstrates that you can also specify multiple license identifiers separated by `OR` to have multiple licenses for your project.
  3. With a unique name, the version, the author details that `cargo new` added when you created the crate, your description, and a license added, the *Cargo.toml* file for a project that is ready to publish might look like this:
  4. Filename: Cargo.toml

[package] name = “guessing_game” version = “0.1.0” authors = [“Your Name“] description = “A fun game where you guess what number the computer has chosen.” license = “MIT OR Apache-2.0”


  1. [Cargos documentation]( describes other metadata you can specify to ensure others can discover and use your crate more easily.
  2. ### Publishing to
  3. Now that youve created an account, saved your API token, chosen a name for your crate, and specified the required metadata, youre ready to publish! Publishing a crate uploads a specific version to []( for others to use.
  4. Be careful when publishing a crate because a publish is *permanent*. The version can never be overwritten, and the code cannot be deleted. One major goal of []( is to act as a permanent archive of code so that builds of all projects that depend on crates from []( will continue to work. Allowing version deletions would make fulfilling that goal impossible. However, there is no limit to the number of crate versions you can publish.
  5. Run the `cargo publish` command again. It should succeed now:

$ cargo publish Updating registry Packaging guessing_game v0.1.0 (file:///projects/guessing_game) Verifying guessing_game v0.1.0 (file:///projects/guessing_game) Compiling guessing_game v0.1.0 (file:///projects/guessing_game/target/package/guessing_game-0.1.0) Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.19 secs Uploading guessing_game v0.1.0 (file:///projects/guessing_game)

  1. Congratulations! Youve now shared your code with the Rust community, and anyone can easily add your crate as a dependency of their project.
  2. ### Publishing a New Version of an Existing Crate
  3. When youve made changes to your crate and are ready to release a new version, you change the `version` value specified in your *Cargo.toml* file and republish. Use the [Semantic Versioning rules]( to decide what an appropriate next version number is based on the kinds of changes you’ve made. Then run `cargo publish` to upload the new version.
  4. ### Removing Versions from with `cargo yank`
  5. Although you cant remove previous versions of a crate, you can prevent any future projects from adding them as a new dependency. This is useful when a crate version is broken for one reason or another. In such situations, Cargo supports *yanking* a crate version.
  6. Yanking a version prevents new projects from starting to depend on that version while allowing all existing projects that depend on it to continue to download and depend on that version. Essentially, a yank means that all projects with a *Cargo.lock* will not break, and any future *Cargo.lock* files generated will not use the yanked version.
  7. To yank a version of a crate, run `cargo yank` and specify which version you want to yank:

$ cargo yank —vers 1.0.1

  1. By adding `--undo` to the command, you can also undo a yank and allow projects to start depending on a version again:

$ cargo yank —vers 1.0.1 —undo ```

A yank does not delete any code. For example, the yank feature is not intended for deleting accidentally uploaded secrets. If that happens, you must reset those secrets immediately.