7.14 Set the “usesCleartextTraffic” flag to false


An unsecured communications channel between an app and any back-end services can expose the data transmitted between them. Similar to the App Transport Security (ATS) feature in iOS (see also best practice 6.5 Implement App Transport Security), Android 6.0 and later makes it easier to prevent an app from using cleartext network traffic (e.g., HTTP and FTP without TLS) by adding the android:usesCleartextTraffic attribute to the Android Manifest.


Set the usesCleartextTraffic flag to false in the Android Manifest. This will result in the app asking the platform and third-party libraries to prevent the app from using cleartext traffic.

  • Not all APIs will honor the flag, however, and developers/security analysts will need to determine what APIs will or will not honor the flag.

  • Also note that WebView will not honor the usesCleartextTraffic flag (if you must use WebView, see also best practice 7.9 - Follow WebView Best Practices).

  • If specific services used by the app require cleartext, developers can use the Network Security Configuration feature (android:networkSecurityConfig) to manually add exceptions if absolutely necessary.