Metadata Repository


Apache ShardingSphere provides different metadata persistence methods for different running modes. Users can freely choose the most appropriate way to store metadata while configuring the running mode.


Database Repository

Type: JDBC

Mode: Standalone


NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
providerStringType for metadata persist, the optional value is H2, MySQLH2
jdbc_urlStringJDBC URLjdbc:h2:mem:config;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DATABASE_TO_UPPER=false;MODE=MYSQL

ZooKeeper Repository

Type: ZooKeeper

Mode: Cluster


NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
retryIntervalMillisecondsintMilliseconds of retry interval500
maxRetriesintMax retries of client connection3
timeToLiveSecondsintSeconds of ephemeral data live60
operationTimeoutMillisecondsintMilliseconds of operation timeout500
digestStringPassword of login

Etcd Repository

Type: Etcd

Mode: Cluster


NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
timeToLiveSecondslongSeconds of ephemeral data live30
connectionTimeoutlongSeconds of connection timeout30

Nacos Repository

Type: Nacos

Mode: Cluster


NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
clusterIpStringUnique identifier in clusterHost IP
retryIntervalMillisecondslongMilliseconds of retry interval500
maxRetriesintMax retries for client to check data availability3
timeToLiveSecondsintSeconds of ephemeral instance live30

Consul Repository

Type: Consul

Mode: Cluster


NameTypeDescriptionDefault Value
timeToLiveSecondsStringSeconds of ephemeral instance live30s
blockQueryTimeToSecondslongSeconds of query timeout60


  1. Configure running mode in server.yaml.
  2. Configure metadata persistence warehouse type.


  • Standalone mode configuration method.
  1. mode:
  2. type: Standalone
  3. repository:
  4. type: JDBC
  5. props:
  6. provider: H2
  7. jdbc_url: jdbc:h2:mem:config;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DATABASE_TO_UPPER=false;MODE=MYSQL
  8. username: test
  9. password: Test@123
  • Cluster mode.
  1. mode:
  2. type: Cluster
  3. repository:
  4. type: zookeeper
  5. props:
  6. namespace: governance_ds
  7. server-lists: localhost:2181
  8. retryIntervalMilliseconds: 500
  9. timeToLiveSeconds: 60
  10. maxRetries: 3
  11. operationTimeoutMilliseconds: 500