Feature Derivation

This file discusses the details and implementations of “Feature Derivation”. Please refer to this blog to get the background information before going on.

Target: We need to know the below two information for each column after the feature type infer routine:

  1. How to transform the column data to tensors, including tf.SparseTensor.
  2. What type of feature column should adapt to the column and the parameters for the feature column call.

Simpler COLUMN Clause

We assume all the selected columns will be used as either COLUMN or LABEL.

When we have a training table contains many columns that should be used for training like https://www.kaggle.com/mlg-ulb/creditcardfraud, it’s not friendly if we must provide all column names in COLUMN clause. Since we’d like to use all columns, when we write SELECT * then we can assume that we are using all columns to train and no longer need to write COLUMN anymore:

  1. SELECT * FROM creditcardfraud
  2. TO TRAIN DNNClassifier
  3. LABEL class
  4. INTO my_model_name;

We assume all the selected columns without specific annotations will be derived automatically.

For columns that may need to do preprocessing, we can add those preprocessing descriptions in the COLUMN clause. For the credit card fraud dataset, assume only the column time should be processed use a function before feed to the model, so the SQL statement should look like:

  1. SELECT * FROM creditcardfraud
  2. TO TRAIN DNNClassifier
  4. LABEL class
  5. INTO my_model_name;

For more complex cases when columns are of quite different data format, like:

column namedata type
cstring (csv as a dense tensor)
dstring (csv as a sparse tensor)

If the column represents a “dense tensor”, we can get the shape by reading some of the values and confirm the shapes are the same.

While we can not infer the actual “dense shape” by reading the data if the CSV string column represents a sparse tensor, nor whether the column should use a embedding feature column. So, these information must be provided by the SQL statement, the SQL statement for the above case should be like:

  1. SELECT * FROM training_table
  2. TO TRAIN DNNClassifier
  3. COLUMN EMBEDDING(c, 128, "sum"),
  4. EMBEDDING(SPARSE(d, [1000000]), 512, "sum")
  5. LABEL label
  6. INTO my_model_name;

You can also write the full description of every column like below:

  1. SELECT a, b, c, d, label FROM training_table
  2. TO TRAIN DNNClassifier
  3. COLUMN a, b,
  4. EMBEDDING(DENSE(c, [64]), 128, "sum"),
  5. EMBEDDING(SPARSE(d, [1000000]), 512, "sum")
  6. LABEL label
  7. INTO my_model_file;

For CSV values, we also need to infer the tensor data type by reading some of the training data, whether it’s int value or float value. Note that we always parse float values to float32 but not float64 since float32 seems enough for most cases.

The Feature Derivation Routine

We need to SELECT part of the training data, like 1000 rows and go through the below routine:

  1. If the column processor is specified in the COLUMN clause, parse the column as described. try to infer the inner data type by reading some data, if float value presents, then the dtype should be float32.
  2. If the column data type is numeric: int, bigint, float, double, can directly parse to a tensor of shape [1].
  3. If the column data type is string: VARCHAR or TEXT:
    1. If the string is not one of the supported serialized format (only support CSV currently):
      1. If all the rows of the column’s string data can be parsed to a float or int value, treat it as a tensor of shape [1].
      2. If the int value of the above steps is very large, use categorical_column_with_hash_bucket.
      3. The string value can not be parsed to int or float, treat it as enum type and use categorical columns to process the string to tensors.
      4. If the enum values in the above step have very little in common (like only 5% of the data appeared twice or more), use categorical_column_with_hash_bucket.
    2. If the string is of CSV format:
      1. If already appeared in COLUMN clause, then continue.
      2. If all rows for this column have the same number of values in the CSV, parse the column to a “dense” tensor, use this dense tensor directly as model input.
      3. If the rows contain CSV data of different length, then return a parsing error to the client and top.

After going through the above “routine” we can be sure how to parse the data for each column and what feature column to use. Also, we can add support more serialized format in additional to CSV, like JSON or protobuf.