NCAR: Hydrological Modeling

Who am I?

I am Joe Hamman and I am a Project Scientist in the Computational Hydrology Group at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. I am a core developer of the Xarray project and a contributing member of the Pangeo project. I study subjects in the areas of climate change, hydrology, and water resource engineering.

What problem am I trying to solve?

Climate change will bring widespread impacts to the hydrologic cycle. We know this because many research studies, conducted over the past two decades, have shown what the first order effects of climate change will look like in managed and natural hydrologic systems in terms of things like water availability, drought, wildfire, extreme precipitation, and floods. However, we don’t have a very good understanding of the characteristic uncertainties that come from our choice of tools that we use to estimate these changes.

In the field of hydroclimatology, the tools we use are numerical models of the climate and hydrologic systems. These models can be constructed in many ways and it is often difficult understand how specific choices we make when building a model impact the inferences we can draw from them (e.g. the impact of climate change on flood frequency). We are working on methods to expose and constrain methodological uncertainties in the climate impacts modeling paradigm for water resource applications. This includes developing and analyzing large ensembles of climate projections and interrogating these ensembles to understand specific sources of uncertainty.

How does Dask help?

The climate and hydrologic sciences rely heavily on data stored in formats like HDF5 and NetCDF. We often use Xarray as an interface and friendly data model for these formats. Under the hood, Xarray uses either NumPy or Dask arrays. This allows us to scale the same Xarray computations we would typically do in-memory using NumPy, to larger tasks using Dask.

In my own research, I use Dask and Xarray as the core computational libraries for working with large datasets (10s-100s of terabytes). Often the operations we do with these datasets are fairly simple reduction operations where we may compare the average climate from two periods.

Why we chose Dask

When working on scientific analysis tasks, I don’t want to think about parallelizing my code. We chose to work with Dask because Dask.array was nearly drop-in-compatible with NumPy. This meant that adopting Dask, inside or outside of Xarray, was much easier than adopting another parallel framework. Along those same lines, Dask is well integrated with other key parts of the scientific Python stack, including Pandas, Scikit-Learn, etc.

Pain points

Originally deploying Dask on HPC systems was a bit of a pain. But this hasgotten much easier.

Additionally while Dask is easy to use, it’s also easy to break. The freedomit provides also means that you have the freedom to shoot yourself in the foot.

Also diagnosing performance issues can be more complex than when just usingNumpy. It’s still a bit of an art rather than a science.

Technology we use around Dask

  • We use Xarray to provide a higher level (and familiar) interface around Numpy arrays and Dask arrays
  • We use NetCDF and HDF files for data storage
  • I mostly work on HPC systems and have been helping develop the dask-jobqueue package for deploying Dask on job queueing systems
  • In the Pangeo project, we’re exploring Dask applications using Kubernetes and Jupyter notebooks

Other thoughts

I’m quite interested in enabling more intuitive scientific analysis workflows, particularly when parallelization is required. Dask has been a big part of our efforts to facilitate a “beginning-to-end” workflow pattern on large datasets.