
To use ClickHouse with Superset, you will need to add the following Python libraries:

  1. clickhouse-driver==0.2.0
  2. clickhouse-sqlalchemy==0.1.6

If running Superset using Docker Compose, add the following to your ./docker/requirements-local.txt file:

  1. clickhouse-driver>=0.2.0
  2. clickhouse-sqlalchemy>=0.1.6

The recommended connector library for ClickHouse is sqlalchemy-clickhouse.

The expected connection string is formatted as follows:

  1. clickhouse+native://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database>[?options…]clickhouse://{username}:{password}@{hostname}:{port}/{database}

Here’s a concrete example of a real connection string:

  1. clickhouse+native://

If you’re using Clickhouse locally on your computer, you can get away with using a native protocol URL that uses the default user without a password (and doesn’t encrypt the connection):

  1. clickhouse+native://localhost/default