AWS Athena


PyAthenaJDBC is a Python DB 2.0 compliant wrapper for the Amazon Athena JDBC driver.

The connection string for Amazon Athena is as follows:

  1. awsathena+jdbc://{aws_access_key_id}:{aws_secret_access_key}@athena.{region_name}{schema_name}?s3_staging_dir={s3_staging_dir}&...

Note that you’ll need to escape & encode when forming the connection string like so:

  1. s3://... -> s3%3A//...


You can also use the PyAthena library (no Java required) with the following connection string:

  1. awsathena+rest://{aws_access_key_id}:{aws_secret_access_key}@athena.{region_name}{schema_name}?s3_staging_dir={s3_staging_dir}&...

The PyAthena library also allows to assume a specific IAM role which you can define by adding following parameters in Superset’s Athena database connection UI under ADVANCED —> Other —> ENGINE PARAMETERS.

  1. {"connect_args":{"role_arn":"<role arn>"}}