[include] Section Settings

The supervisord.conf file may contain a section named[include]. If the configuration file contains an [include]section, it must contain a single key named “files”. The values inthis key specify other configuration files to be included within theconfiguration.


The [include] section is processed only by supervisord. It isignored by supervisorctl.

[include] Section Values


A space-separated sequence of file globs. Each file glob may beabsolute or relative. If the file glob is relative, it isconsidered relative to the location of the configuration file whichincludes it. A “glob” is a file pattern which matches a specifiedpattern according to the rules used by the Unix shell. No tildeexpansion is done, but *, ?, and character ranges expressedwith [] will be correctly matched. The string expression isevaluated against a dictionary that includes host_node_nameand here (the directory of the supervisord config file). Recursiveincludes from included files are not supported.

Default: No default (required)

Required: Yes.

Introduced: 3.0

Changed: 3.3.0. Added support for the host_node_name expansion.

[include] Section Example

  1. [include]
  2. files = /an/absolute/filename.conf /an/absolute/*.conf foo.conf config??.conf