Debugging Syncthing

There’s a lot that happens behind the covers, and Syncthing is generally quite silent about it. A number of environment variables can be used to set the logging to verbose for various parts of the program, and to enable profiling.

Enabling any of the STTRACE facilities will also change the log format to include microsecond timestamps and file names plus line numbers. This can be used to enable this extra information on the normal logging level, without enabling any debugging: STTRACE=somethingnonexistent for example.

Under Unix (including Mac) the easiest way to run Syncthing with an environment variable set is to prepend the variable to the command line. I.e:

$ STTRACE=model syncthing

On windows, it needs to be set prior to running Syncthing.

  1. C:\> set STTRACE=model
  2. C:\> syncthing

Environment Variables


Used to increase the debugging verbosity in specific or all facilities, generally mapping to a Go package. Enabling any of these also enables microsecond timestamps, file names plus line numbers. Enter a comma-separated string of facilities to trace. syncthing -help always outputs an up-to-date list. The valid facility strings are:

  • Main and operational facilities:

    • config

      Configuration loading and saving.


      The database layer.


      Main package.


      The root hub; the largest chunk of the system. File pulling, index transmission and requests for chunks.


      File change detection and hashing.


      File versioning.

  1. Networking facilities:
  2. - beacon
  3. Multicast and broadcast UDP discovery packets: Selected interfaces and addresses.
  4. connections
  5. Connection handling.
  6. dialer
  7. Dialing connections.
  8. discover
  9. Remote device discovery requests, replies and registration of devices.
  10. nat
  11. NAT discovery and port mapping.
  12. pmp
  13. NAT-PMP discovery and port mapping.
  14. protocol
  15. The BEP protocol.
  16. relay
  17. Relay interaction (`strelaysrv`).
  18. upnp
  19. UPnP discovery and port mapping.
  20. Other facilities:
  21. - fs
  22. Filesystem access.
  23. events
  24. Event generation and logging.
  25. http
  26. REST API.
  27. sha256
  28. SHA256 hashing package (this facility currently unused).
  29. stats
  30. Persistent device and folder statistics.
  31. sync
  32. Mutexes. Used for debugging race conditions and deadlocks.
  33. upgrade
  34. Binary upgrades.
  35. walkfs
  36. Filesystem access while walking.
  37. all
  38. All of the above.


Write block profiles to block-$pid-$timestamp.pprof every 20 seconds.


Write a CPU profile to cpu-$pid.pprof on exit.


Used for debugging internal deadlocks; sets debug sensitivity. Use only under direction of a developer.


Used for debugging internal deadlocks; sets debug sensitivity. Use only under direction of a developer.


Directory to load GUI assets from. Overrides compiled in assets. Useful for developing webgui, commonly use STGUIASSETS=gui bin/syncthing.


Specify which hashing package to use. Defaults to automatic based on performance. Specify “minio” (compatibility) or “standard” for the default Go implementation.


Write heap profiles to heap-$pid-$timestamp.pprof each time heap usage increases.


Don’t create a default folder when starting for the first time. This variable will be ignored anytime after the first run.


Equivalent to the -no-restart flag. Disable the Syncthing monitor process which handles restarts for some configuration changes, upgrades, crashes and also log file writing (stdout is still written).


Disable automatic upgrades.


Set to a listen address such as “” to start the profiler with HTTP access, which then can be reached at http://localhost:9090/debug/pprof. See go tool pprof for more information.


Write running performance statistics to perf-$pid.csv. Not supported on Windows.


Time before folder statistics (file, dir, … counts) are recalculated from scratch. The given duration must be parseable by Go’s time.ParseDuration. If missing or not parseable, the default value of 1 month is used. To force recalculation on every startup, set it to 1s.


Set the maximum number of CPU cores to use. Defaults to all available CPU cores.


Percentage of heap growth at which to trigger GC. Default is 100. Lower numbers keep peak memory usage down, at the price of CPU usage (i.e. performance).

Stepping with breakpoints

If you like to step through the running program, build a non-optimized binary and run with

Follow these steps:

  1. $ go run build.go -debug-binary build
  2. $ STNODEFAULTFOLDER=1 STNOUPGRADE=1 STNORESTART=1 dlv --listen=:2345 --headless=true --api-version=2 exec ./syncthing -- -home=./_test_config -no-browser

For installing and using delve itself see: