Installing Tekton Triggers

Use this page to add the component to an existing Kubernetes cluster.


  • A Kubernetes cluster version 1.11 or later (if you don’t have an existingcluster):
  1. # Example cluster creation command on GKE
  2. gcloud container clusters create $CLUSTER_NAME \
  3. --zone=$CLUSTER_ZONE
  • Grant cluster-admin permissions to the current user:
  1. kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \
  2. --clusterrole=cluster-admin \
  3. --user=$(gcloud config get-value core/account)

See Role-based access control for more information.

3) Install Tekton Pipelines. You can install the latest version using the command below or follow the pipeline installation guide:

  1. kubectl apply --filename


The versions of Tekton Triggers available are:

Installing Tekton Triggers

To add the Tekton Triggers component to an existing cluster:

  1. kubectl apply --filename

Previous versions will be available at previous/$VERSION_NUMBER, e.g.

  • Run thekubectl getcommand to monitor the Tekton Triggers components until all of the componentsshow a STATUS of Running:
  1. kubectl get pods --namespace tekton-pipelines

Tip: Instead of running the kubectl get command multiple times, you can append the —watch flag to view the component’s status updates in real time. Use CTRL + C to exit watch mode.

You are now ready to create and run Tekton Triggers: