Chapter 53. Boost.Parameter

Boost.Parameter makes it possible to pass parameters as key/value pairs. In addition to supporting function parameters, the library also supports template parameters. Boost.Parameter is especially useful if you are using long parameter lists, and the order and meaning of parameters is difficult to remember. Key/value pairs make it possible to pass parameters in any order. Because every value is passed with a key, the meaning of the various values is also clearer.

Example 53.1. Function parameters as key/value pairs

  1. #include <boost/parameter.hpp>
  2. #include <string>
  3. #include <iostream>
  4. #include <ios>
  11. (void),
  12. complicated,
  13. tag,
  14. (required
  15. (a, (int))
  16. (b, (char))
  17. (c, (double))
  18. (d, (std::string))
  19. (e, *)
  20. )
  21. )
  22. {
  23. std::cout.setf(std::ios::boolalpha);
  24. std::cout << a << '\n';
  25. std::cout << b << '\n';
  26. std::cout << c << '\n';
  27. std::cout << d << '\n';
  28. std::cout << e << '\n';
  29. }
  30. int main()
  31. {
  32. complicated(_c = 3.14, _a = 1, _d = "Boost", _b = 'B', _e = true);
  33. }

Example 53.1 defines a function complicated(), which expects five parameters. The parameters may be passed in any order. Boost.Parameter provides the macro BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION to define such a function.

Before BOOSTPARAMETER_FUNCTION can be used, the parameters for the key/value pairs must be defined. This is done with the macro BOOST_PARAMETER_NAME, which is just passed a parameter name. The example uses BOOST_PARAMETER_NAME five times to define the parameter names _a, b, c, d, and e.

Please note that the parameter names are automatically defined in the namespace tag. This should avoid clashes with identically named definitions in a program.

After the parameter names have been defined, BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION is used to define the function complicated(). The first parameter passed to BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION is the type of the return value. This is void in the example. Please note that the type must be wrapped in parentheses – the first parameter is (void).

The second parameter is the name of the function being defined. The third parameter is the namespace containing the parameter names. In the fourth parameter, the parameter names are accessed to further specify them.

In Example 53.1 the fourth parameter starts with required, which is a keyword that makes the parameters that follow mandatory. required is followed by one or more pairs consisting of a parameter name and a type. It is important to wrap the type in parentheses.

Various types are used for the parameters a, b, c, and d. For example, a can be used to pass an int value to complicated(). No type is given for e. Instead, an asterisk is used, which means that the value passed may have any type. e is a template parameter.

After the various parameters have been passed to BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION, the function body is defined. This is done, as usual, between a pair of curly brackets. Parameters can be accessed in the function body. They can be used like variables, with the types assigned within BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION. Example 53.1 writes the parameters to standard output.

complicated() is called from main(). The parameters are passed to complicated() in an arbitrary order. Parameter names start with an underscore. Boost.Parameter uses the underscore to avoid name clashes with other variables.


To pass function parameters as key/value pairs in C++, you can also use the named parameter idiom, which doesn’t require a library like Boost.Parameter.

Example 53.2. Optional function parameters

  1. #include <boost/parameter.hpp>
  2. #include <string>
  3. #include <iostream>
  4. #include <ios>
  11. (void),
  12. complicated,
  13. tag,
  14. (required
  15. (a, (int))
  16. (b, (char)))
  17. (optional
  18. (c, (double), 3.14)
  19. (d, (std::string), "Boost")
  20. (e, *, true))
  21. )
  22. {
  23. std::cout.setf(std::ios::boolalpha);
  24. std::cout << a << '\n';
  25. std::cout << b << '\n';
  26. std::cout << c << '\n';
  27. std::cout << d << '\n';
  28. std::cout << e << '\n';
  29. }
  30. int main()
  31. {
  32. complicated(_b = 'B', _a = 1);
  33. }

BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION also supports defining optional parameters.

In Example 53.2 the parameters c, d, and e are optional. These parameters are defined in BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION using the optional keyword.

Optional parameters are defined like required parameters: a parameter name is given followed by a type. As usual, the type is wrapped in parentheses. However, optional parameters need to have a default value.

With the call to complicated(), only the parameters a and b are passed. These are the only required parameters. As the parameters c, d, and e aren’t used, they are set to default values.

Boost.Parameter provides macros in addition to BOOST_PARAMETER_FUNCTION. For example, you can use BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMBER_FUNCTION to define a member function, and BOOST_PARAMETER_CONST_MEMBER_FUNCTION to define a constant member function.

You can define functions with Boost.Parameter that try to assign values to parameters automatically. In that case, you don’t need to pass key/value pairs – it is sufficient to pass values only. If the types of all values are different, Boost.Parameter can detect which value belongs to which parameter. This might require you to have a deeper knowledge of template meta programming.

Example 53.3. Template parameters as key/value pairs

  1. #include <boost/parameter.hpp>
  2. #include <boost/mpl/placeholders.hpp>
  3. #include <type_traits>
  4. #include <typeinfo>
  5. #include <iostream>
  7. BOOST_PARAMETER_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD(floating_point_type)
  9. using namespace boost::parameter;
  10. using boost::mpl::placeholders::_;
  11. typedef parameters<
  12. required<tag::integral_type, std::is_integral<_>>,
  13. required<tag::floating_point_type, std::is_floating_point<_>>,
  14. required<tag::any_type, std::is_object<_>>
  15. > complicated_signature;
  16. template <class A, class B, class C>
  17. class complicated
  18. {
  19. public:
  20. typedef typename complicated_signature::bind<A, B, C>::type args;
  21. typedef typename value_type<args, tag::integral_type>::type integral_type;
  22. typedef typename value_type<args, tag::floating_point_type>::type
  23. floating_point_type;
  24. typedef typename value_type<args, tag::any_type>::type any_type;
  25. };
  26. int main()
  27. {
  28. typedef complicated<floating_point_type<double>, integral_type<int>,
  29. any_type<bool>> c;
  30. std::cout << typeid(c::integral_type).name() << '\n';
  31. std::cout << typeid(c::floating_point_type).name() << '\n';
  32. std::cout << typeid(c::any_type).name() << '\n';
  33. }

Example 53.3 uses Boost.Parameter to pass template parameters as key/value pairs. As with functions, it is possible to pass the template parameters in any order.

The example defines a class complicated, which expects three template parameters. Because the order of the parameters doesn’t matter, they are called A, B, and C. A, B, and C aren’t the names of the parameters that will be used when the class template is accessed. As with functions, the parameter names are defined using a macro. For template parameters, BOOST_PARAMETER_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD is used. Example 53.3 defines three parameter names integral_type, floating_point_type, and any_type.

After the parameter names have been defined, you must specify the types that may be passed. For example, the parameter integral_type can be used to pass types such as int or long, but not a type like std::string. boost::parameter::parameters is used to create a signature that refers to the parameter names and defines which types may be passed with each of them.

boost::parameter::parameters is a tuple that describes parameters. Required parameters are marked with boost::parameter::required.

boost::parameter::required requires two parameters. The first is the name of the parameter defined with BOOSTPARAMETER_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD. The second identifies the type the parameter may be set to. For example, integral_type may be set to an integral type. This requirement is expressed with std::is_integral<>. std::isintegral<> is a lambda function based on Boost.MPL. boost::mpl::placeholders:: is a placeholder provided by this library. If the type to which integral_type is set is passed to std::is_integral instead of boost::mpl::placeholders::, and the result is true, a valid type is used. The requirements for the other parameters floating_point_type and any_type are defined similarly.

After the signature has been created and defined as complicated_signature, it is used by the class complicated. First, the signature is bound with complicated_signature::bind to the template parameters A, B, and C. The new type, args, represents the connection between the template parameters passed and the requirements that must be met by the template parameters. Next, args is accessed to get the parameter values. This is done with boost::parameter::value_type. boost::parameter::value_type expects args and a parameter to be passed. The parameter determines the type created. In Example 53.3, the type definition integral_type in the class complicated is used to get the type that was passed with the parameter integral_type to complicated.

main() accesses complicated to instantiate the class. The parameter integral_type is set to int, floating_point_type to double, and any_type to bool. The order of the parameters passed doesn’t matter. The type definitions integral_type, floating_point_type, and any_type are then accessed by typeid to get their underlying types. Compiled with Visual C++ 2013, the example writes int, double and bool to standard output.

Example 53.4. Optional template parameters

  1. #include <boost/parameter.hpp>
  2. #include <boost/mpl/placeholders.hpp>
  3. #include <type_traits>
  4. #include <typeinfo>
  5. #include <iostream>
  7. BOOST_PARAMETER_TEMPLATE_KEYWORD(floating_point_type)
  9. using namespace boost::parameter;
  10. using boost::mpl::placeholders::_;
  11. typedef parameters<
  12. required<tag::integral_type, std::is_integral<_>>,
  13. optional<tag::floating_point_type, std::is_floating_point<_>>,
  14. optional<tag::any_type, std::is_object<_>>
  15. > complicated_signature;
  16. template <class A, class B = void_, class C = void_>
  17. class complicated
  18. {
  19. public:
  20. typedef typename complicated_signature::bind<A, B, C>::type args;
  21. typedef typename value_type<args, tag::integral_type>::type integral_type;
  22. typedef typename value_type<args, tag::floating_point_type, float>::type
  23. floating_point_type;
  24. typedef typename value_type<args, tag::any_type, bool>::type any_type;
  25. };
  26. int main()
  27. {
  28. typedef complicated<floating_point_type<double>, integral_type<short>> c;
  29. std::cout << typeid(c::integral_type).name() << '\n';
  30. std::cout << typeid(c::floating_point_type).name() << '\n';
  31. std::cout << typeid(c::any_type).name() << '\n';
  32. }

Example 53.4 introduces optional template parameters. The signature uses boost::parameter::optional for the optional template parameters. The optional template parameters from complicated are set to boost::parameter::void_, and boost::parameter::value_type is given a default value. This default value is the type an optional parameter will be set to if the type isn’t otherwise set.

complicated is instantiated in main(). This time only the parameters integral_type and floating_point_type are used. any_type is not used. Compiled with Visual C++ 2013, the example writes short for integral_type, double for floating_point_type, and bool for any_type to standard output.

Boost.Parameter can automatically detect template parameters. You can create signatures that allow types to be automatically assigned to parameters. As with function parameters, deeper knowledge in template meta programming is required to do this.