Installing psql on Mac, Ubuntu, Debian, Windows

psql is the standard command line interface for interacting with a PostgreSQL or TimescaleDB instance. Here we explain how to install psql on various platforms.

Before you start, you should confirm that you don’t already have psql installed. In fact, if you’ve ever installed Postgres or TimescaleDB before, you likely already have psql installed.

  1. psql --version

If your client doesn’t have psql installed, find the appropriate section below for OS specific instructions on how to install it.

MacOS using Homebrew

First, install the Brew Package Manager. Homebrew simplifies the installation of software on macOS.

Second, update brew. From your command line, run the following commands:

  1. brew doctor
  2. brew update
  3. brew install libpq

Finally, create a symbolic link to psql (and other libpq tools) into /usr/local/bin so that you can reach it from any command on the macOS Terminal.

  1. brew link --force libpq ail

Ubuntu 16.04,18.04,20.04 and Debian 9,10

Install on Ubuntu and Debian using the apt package manager:

  1. sudo apt-get update
  2. sudo apt-get install postgresql-client


This only installs the psql client and not the PostgreSQL database.

Windows 10

We recommend using the installer from

Connect to your PostgreSQL server

In order to connect to your PostgreSQL server, you’ll need the following connection parameters:

  • Hostname
  • Port
  • Username
  • Password
  • Database name

There are two ways to use these parameters to connect to your PostgreSQL database.

Option 1: Supply parameters at the command line

In this method, use parameter flags on the command line to supply the required information to connect to a PostgreSQL database:


Once you run that command, the prompt will ask you for your password. (This is the purpose of the -W flag.)

Option 2: Use a service URI

The Service URI begins with postgres://.

  1. psql postgres://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]@[HOSTNAME]:[PORT]/[DATABASENAME]?sslmode=require

Fun things to do with psql

Common psql commands

Here is a table of common commands you’ll find yourself using a lot:

\lList available databases
\c dbnameConnect to a new database
\dtList available tables
\d tablenameDescribe the details of given table
\dnList all schemas in the current database
\dfList functions in the current database
\hGet help on syntax of SQL commands
\?Lists all psql slash commands
\setSystem variables list
\timingShows how long a query took to execute
\xShow expanded query results
\qQuit psql

Save results of a query to a comma-separated file

You may often find yourself running SQL queries with lengthy results. You can save these results to a comma-separated file (CSV) using the COPY command:

  1. \copy (SELECT * FROM ...) TO '/tmp/myoutput.csv' (format CSV);

You would then be able to open /tmp/myoutput.csv using any spreadsheet or similar program that reads CSV files.

Edit a SQL query in an editor

Sometimes you may find yourself writing a lengthy query such as this one below:

  1. -- For each airport: num trips, avg trip duration, avg cost, avg tip, avg distance, min distance, max distance, avg number of passengers
  2. SELECT rates.description, COUNT(vendor_id) AS num_trips,
  3. AVG(dropoff_datetime - pickup_datetime) AS avg_trip_duration, AVG(total_amount) AS avg_total,
  4. AVG(tip_amount) AS avg_tip, MIN(trip_distance) AS min_distance, AVG (trip_distance) AS avg_distance, MAX(trip_distance) AS max_distance,
  5. AVG(passenger_count) AS avg_passengers
  6. FROM rides
  7. JOIN rates ON rides.rate_code = rates.rate_code
  8. WHERE rides.rate_code IN (2,3) AND pickup_datetime < '2016-02-01'
  9. GROUP BY rates.description
  10. ORDER BY rates.description;

It would be pretty common to make an error the first couple of times you attempt to write something that long in SQL. Instead of re-typing every line or character, you can launch a vim editor using the \e command. Your previous command can then be edited, and once you save (“Escape-Colon-W-Q”) your edits, the command will appear in the buffer. You will be able to get back to it by pressing the up arrow in your Terminal window.

Congrats! Now you have connected via psql.