
Checking the Health of Your Traefik Instances

Configuration Examples

To enable the API handler:

  1. [ping]

  1. ping: {}

  1. --ping=true

Configuration Options

The /ping health-check URL is enabled with the command-line —ping or config file option [ping].

You can customize the entryPoint where the /ping is active with the entryPoint option (default value: traefik)

/pingGET, HEADA simple endpoint to check for Traefik process liveness. Return a code 200 with the content: OK


The cli comes with a healthcheck command which can be used for calling this endpoint.


Enabling /ping on a dedicated EntryPoint.

  1. [entryPoints]
  2. []
  3. address = ":8082"
  4. [ping]
  5. entryPoint = "ping"

  1. entryPoints:
  2. ping:
  3. address: ":8082"
  4. ping:
  5. entryPoint: "ping"

  2. --ping.entryPoint=ping


Optional, Default=false

If manualRouting is true, it disables the default internal router in order to allow one to create a custom router for the [email protected] service.

  1. [ping]
  2. manualRouting = true

  1. ping:
  2. manualRouting: true

  1. --ping.manualrouting=true