
The default implementation of an API service runs via HTTP and is fully open. If the service is being run as a prototype on an internal network, that may be fine. In most scenarios, the connection should at least be encrypted. Authorization is another built-in feature that requires a valid API token with each request. See below for more.


The default API service command starts a Uvicorn server as a HTTP service on port 8000. To run a HTTPS service, consider the following options.

  • TLS Proxy Server. Recommended choice. With this configuration, the txtai API service runs as a HTTP service only accessible on the localhost/local network. The proxy server handles all encryption and redirects requests to local services. See this example configuration for more.

  • Uvicorn SSL Certificate. Another option is setting the SSL certificate on the Uvicorn service. This works in simple situations but gets complex when hosting multiple txtai or other related services.


Authorization requires a valid API token with each API request. This token is sent as a HTTP Authorization header.


  1. CONFIG=config.yml TOKEN=<sha256 encoded token> uvicorn "txtai.api:app"


  1. curl \
  2. -X POST "http://localhost:8000/workflow" \
  3. -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  4. -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
  5. -d '{"name":"sumfrench", "elements": [""]}'

It’s important to note that HTTPS must be enabled using one of the methods mentioned above. Otherwise, tokens will be exchanged as clear text.

Authentication and Authorization can be fully customized. See the dependencies section for more.