
Atomic operations with the sync/atomic package operate on the raw types(int32, int64, etc.) so it is easy to forget to use the atomic operation toread or modify the variables. adds type safety to these operations by hiding theunderlying type. Additionally, it includes a convenient atomic.Bool type.

  1. type foo struct {
  2. running int32 // atomic
  3. }
  5. func (f foo) start() {
  6. if atomic.SwapInt32(&f.running, 1) == 1 {
  7. // already running…
  8. return
  9. }
  10. // start the Foo
  11. }
  12. func (f foo) isRunning() bool {
  13. return f.running == 1 // race!
  14. }
  1. type foo struct {
  2. running atomic.Bool
  3. }
  5. func (f foo) start() {
  6. if f.running.Swap(true) {
  7. // already running…
  8. return
  9. }
  10. // start the Foo
  11. }
  12. func (f foo) isRunning() bool {
  13. return f.running.Load()
  14. }