4.2. Login sample

This samples is an example of what is involved in integrated a login with Apache Unomi.

4.2.1. Warning !

The example code uses client-side Javascript code to send the login event. This is onlydone this way for the sake of samples simplicity but if should NEVER BE DONE THIS WAY in real cases.

The login event should always be sent from the server performing the actual login since it mustonly be sent if the user has authenticated properly, and only the authentication server can validate this.

4.2.2. Installing the samples

Login into the Unomi Karaf SSH shell using something like this :

  1. ssh -p 8102 karaf@localhost (default password is karaf)

Install the login samples using the following command:

  1. bundle:install mvn:org.apache.unomi/login-integration-samples/${project.version}

when the bundle is successfully install you will get an bundle ID back we will call it BUNDLE_ID.

You can then do:

  1. bundle:start BUNDLE_ID

If all went well you can access the login samples HTML page here :

  1. http://localhost:8181/login/index.html

You can fill in the form to test it. Note that the hardcoded password is:

  1. test1234