Usage examples for the functions on videojs

Table of Contents


  1. var myPlayer = videojs('my_video_id');


  1. videojs.options.autoplay = true
  2. // -> all players will autoplay by default


  1. var VjsButton = videojs.getComponent('Button');
  2. // Create a new instance of the component
  3. var myButton = new VjsButton(myPlayer);


  1. // Get a component to subclass
  2. var VjsButton = videojs.getComponent('Button');
  3. // Subclass the component (see 'extend' doc for more info)
  4. var MySpecialButton = videojs.extend(VjsButton, {});
  5. // Register the new component
  6. videojs.registerComponent('MySpecialButton', MySpecialButton);
  7. // (optionally) add the new component as a default player child
  8. myPlayer.addChild('MySpecialButton');


  1. var Html5 = videojs.getTech('Html5');
  2. // Create a new instance of the component
  3. var html5 = new Html5(options);


  1. // get the Html5 Tech
  2. var Html5 = videojs.getTech('Html5');
  3. var MyTech = videojs.extend(Html5, {});
  4. // Register the new Tech
  5. videojs.registerTech('MyTech', MyTech);
  6. var player = videojs('myplayer', {
  7. techOrder: ['myTech', 'html5']
  8. });


  1. // Create a basic javascript 'class'
  2. function MyClass(name) {
  3. // Set a property at initialization
  4. this.myName = name;
  5. }
  6. // Create an instance method
  7. MyClass.prototype.sayMyName = function() {
  8. alert(this.myName);
  9. };
  10. // Subclass the exisitng class and change the name
  11. // when initializing
  12. var MySubClass = videojs.extend(MyClass, {
  13. constructor: function(name) {
  14. // Call the super class constructor for the subclass
  15., name)
  16. }
  17. });
  18. // Create an instance of the new sub class
  19. var myInstance = new MySubClass('John');
  20. myInstance.sayMyName(); // -> should alert "John"


  1. var defaultOptions = {
  2. foo: true,
  3. bar: {
  4. a: true,
  5. b: [1,2,3]
  6. }
  7. };
  8. var newOptions = {
  9. foo: false,
  10. bar: {
  11. b: [4,5,6]
  12. }
  13. };
  14. var result = videojs.mergeOptions(defaultOptions, newOptions);
  15. // = false;
  16. // = true;
  17. // = [4,5,6];


  1. var someClass = function() {};
  2. var someObj = new someClass();
  3. videojs.bind(someObj, function() {
  4. // this will be the context of someObj here
  5. });


See the plugin guide in the docs for a more detailed example

  1. // Make a plugin that alerts when the player plays
  2. videojs.registerPlugin('myPlugin', function(myPluginOptions) {
  3. myPluginOptions = myPluginOptions || {};
  4. var player = this;
  5. var alertText = myPluginOptions.text || 'Player is playing!'
  6. player.on('play', function() {
  7. alert(alertText);
  8. });
  9. });
  11. // EXAMPLE 1: New player with plugin options, call plugin immediately
  12. var player1 = videojs('idOne', {
  13. myPlugin: {
  14. text: 'Custom text!'
  15. }
  16. });
  17. // Click play
  18. // --> Should alert 'Custom text!'
  19. // EXAMPLE 3: New player, initialize plugin later
  20. var player3 = videojs('idThree');
  21. // Click play
  22. // --> NO ALERT
  23. // Click pause
  24. // Initialize plugin using the plugin function on the player instance
  25. player3.myPlugin({
  26. text: 'Plugin added later!'
  27. });
  28. // Click play
  29. // --> Should alert 'Plugin added later!'


  1. videojs.xhr({
  2. body: someJSONString,
  3. uri: "/foo",
  4. headers: {
  5. "Content-Type": "application/json"
  6. }
  7. }, function (err, resp, body) {
  8. // check resp.statusCode
  9. });