
Environment Variables

These environment variables configure VTAdmin, most commonly when creating a vtadmin-web production build as described in the VTAdmin Operator’s Guide. These environment variables also enumerated in web/vtadmin/vite-env.d.ts.

Under the hood, vtadmin-web uses vite, which requires all environment variables to be prefixed with VITE to avoid accidentally including secrets in the static build. For more on custom environment variables with vite, see “Env Variables and Modes”.

These environment variables can be passed inline to the npm run build command or added to a .env file.

VITE_VTADMIN_API_ADDRESSRequiredstring-The full address of vtadmin-api’s HTTP(S) interface. Example: “https://vtadmin.example.com:12345
VITE_BUGSNAG_API_KEYOptionalstring-An API key for https://bugsnag.com. If defined, the @bugsnag/js client will be initialized. Your Bugsnag API key can be found in your Bugsnag Project Settings.
VITE_BUILD_BRANCHOptionalstring-The branch vtadmin-web was built with. Used only for debugging; will appear on the (secret) /settings route in the UI.
VITE_BUILD_SHAOptionalstring-The SHA vtadmin-web was built with. Used only for debugging; will appear on the (secret) /settings route in the UI.
VITE_DOCUMENT_TITLEOptionalstring“VTAdmin”Used for the document.title property. Overriding this can be useful to differentiate between multiple VTAdmin deployments, e.g., “VTAdmin (staging)”.
VITE_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_TABLET_DEBUG_VARSOptionalstring-Optional, but recommended. When “true”, enables front-end components that query vtadmin-api’s /api/experimental/tablet/{tablet}/debug/vars endpoint.
VITE_FETCH_CREDENTIALSOptionalstring-Configures the credentials property for fetch requests made against vtadmin-api. If unspecified, uses fetch defaults. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API/Using_Fetch#sending_a_request_with_credentials_included
VITE_READONLY_MODEOptionalstring“false”If “true”, UI controls that correspond to write actions (PUT, POST, DELETE) will be hidden. Note that this only affects the UI. If write actions are a concern, Vitess operators are encouraged to also configure vtadmin-api for role-based access control (RBAC) if needed.

These environment variables are automatically filled in by vite and you do not have to provide them. They are available in the import.meta.env object at run time, and listed here for full coverage of environment variables:

MODEstring“production”, “staging”, or “development”The current mode in which vite is running