
v-combobox 组件是一个 v-autocomplete ,允许用户输入在提供的 tems 中不存在的值。创建的项目将作为字符串返回。



Combobox(组合框) - 图1

由于 Combobox 允许用户输入,所以它 总是 返回提供给它的完整值(例如,当 Object 的列表时,总是返回一个 Object)。这是因为没有办法区分一个值是用户输入还是对象查询 GitHub问题

menu-propsauto 属性只支持默认输入样式。




Combobox(组合框) - 图2




以前称为 tags - 允许用户输入多个值

template script

  1. <template>
  2. <v-container fluid>
  3. <v-row>
  4. <v-col cols="12">
  5. <v-combobox
  6. v-model="select"
  7. :items="items"
  8. label="Select a favorite activity or create a new one"
  9. multiple
  10. ></v-combobox>
  11. </v-col>
  12. <v-col cols="12">
  13. <v-combobox
  14. v-model="select"
  15. :items="items"
  16. label="I use chips"
  17. multiple
  18. chips
  19. ></v-combobox>
  20. </v-col>
  21. <v-col cols="12">
  22. <v-combobox
  23. v-model="select"
  24. :items="items"
  25. label="I use a scoped slot"
  26. multiple
  27. chips
  28. >
  29. <template v-slot:selection="data">
  30. <v-chip
  31. :key="JSON.stringify(data.item)"
  32. v-bind="data.attrs"
  33. :input-value="data.selected"
  34. :disabled="data.disabled"
  35. @click:close="data.parent.selectItem(data.item)"
  36. >
  37. <v-avatar
  38. class="accent white--text"
  39. left
  40. v-text="data.item.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase()"
  41. ></v-avatar>
  42. {{ data.item }}
  43. </v-chip>
  44. </template>
  45. </v-combobox>
  46. </v-col>
  47. <v-col cols="12">
  48. <v-combobox
  49. v-model="select"
  50. label="I'm readonly"
  51. chips
  52. multiple
  53. readonly
  54. ></v-combobox>
  55. </v-col>
  56. </v-row>
  57. </v-container>
  58. </template>
  1. <script>
  2. export default {
  3. data () {
  4. return {
  5. select: ['Vuetify', 'Programming'],
  6. items: [
  7. 'Programming',
  8. 'Design',
  9. 'Vue',
  10. 'Vuetify',
  11. ],
  12. }
  13. },
  14. }
  15. </script>

Combobox(组合框) - 图3


您可以使用 dense 属性来降低组合框的高度并降低列表项的最大高度。

template script

  1. <template>
  2. <v-container fluid>
  3. <v-row>
  4. <v-col cols="12">
  5. <v-combobox
  6. v-model="select"
  7. :items="items"
  8. label="Combobox"
  9. multiple
  10. outlined
  11. dense
  12. ></v-combobox>
  13. </v-col>
  14. </v-row>
  15. </v-container>
  16. </template>
  1. <script>
  2. export default {
  3. data () {
  4. return {
  5. select: ['Vuetify', 'Programming'],
  6. items: [
  7. 'Programming',
  8. 'Design',
  9. 'Vue',
  10. 'Vuetify',
  11. ],
  12. }
  13. },
  14. }
  15. </script>

Combobox(组合框) - 图4

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在本例中,我们使用一个自定义的 no-data 插槽在 搜索/创建 项时为用户提供上下文。

template script

  1. <template>
  2. <v-container fluid>
  3. <v-combobox
  4. v-model="model"
  5. :items="items"
  6. :search-input.sync="search"
  7. hide-selected
  8. hint="Maximum of 5 tags"
  9. label="Add some tags"
  10. multiple
  11. persistent-hint
  12. small-chips
  13. >
  14. <template v-slot:no-data>
  15. <v-list-item>
  16. <v-list-item-content>
  17. <v-list-item-title>
  18. No results matching "<strong>{{ search }}</strong>". Press <kbd>enter</kbd> to create a new one
  19. </v-list-item-title>
  20. </v-list-item-content>
  21. </v-list-item>
  22. </template>
  23. </v-combobox>
  24. </v-container>
  25. </template>
  1. <script>
  2. export default {
  3. data: () => ({
  4. items: ['Gaming', 'Programming', 'Vue', 'Vuetify'],
  5. model: ['Vuetify'],
  6. search: null,
  7. }),
  8. watch: {
  9. model (val) {
  10. if (val.length > 5) {
  11. this.$nextTick(() => this.model.pop())
  12. }
  13. },
  14. },
  15. }
  16. </script>

Combobox(组合框) - 图5


v-combobox 改进了 v-selectv-autocomplete 的功能。这为您提供了一个可扩展的接口来创建真正的自定义实现。这个示例利用了一些更高级的特性,比如自定义filter 算法、内联列表编辑和动态输入项。

template script

  1. <template>
  2. <v-container fluid>
  3. <v-combobox
  4. v-model="model"
  5. :filter="filter"
  6. :hide-no-data="!search"
  7. :items="items"
  8. :search-input.sync="search"
  9. hide-selected
  10. label="Search for an option"
  11. multiple
  12. small-chips
  13. solo
  14. >
  15. <template v-slot:no-data>
  16. <v-list-item>
  17. <span class="subheading">Create</span>
  18. <v-chip
  19. :color="`${colors[nonce - 1]} lighten-3`"
  20. label
  21. small
  22. >
  23. {{ search }}
  24. </v-chip>
  25. </v-list-item>
  26. </template>
  27. <template v-slot:selection="{ attrs, item, parent, selected }">
  28. <v-chip
  29. v-if="item === Object(item)"
  30. v-bind="attrs"
  31. :color="`${item.color} lighten-3`"
  32. :input-value="selected"
  33. label
  34. small
  35. >
  36. <span class="pr-2">
  37. {{ item.text }}
  38. </span>
  39. <v-icon
  40. small
  41. @click="parent.selectItem(item)"
  42. >close</v-icon>
  43. </v-chip>
  44. </template>
  45. <template v-slot:item="{ index, item }">
  46. <v-text-field
  47. v-if="editing === item"
  48. v-model="editing.text"
  49. autofocus
  50. flat
  51. background-color="transparent"
  52. hide-details
  53. solo
  54. @keyup.enter="edit(index, item)"
  55. ></v-text-field>
  56. <v-chip
  57. v-else
  58. :color="`${item.color} lighten-3`"
  59. dark
  60. label
  61. small
  62. >
  63. {{ item.text }}
  64. </v-chip>
  65. <v-spacer></v-spacer>
  66. <v-list-item-action @click.stop>
  67. <v-btn
  68. icon
  69. @click.stop.prevent="edit(index, item)"
  70. >
  71. <v-icon>{{ editing !== item ? 'mdi-pencil' : 'mdi-check' }}</v-icon>
  72. </v-btn>
  73. </v-list-item-action>
  74. </template>
  75. </v-combobox>
  76. </v-container>
  77. </template>
  1. <script>
  2. export default {
  3. data: () => ({
  4. activator: null,
  5. attach: null,
  6. colors: ['green', 'purple', 'indigo', 'cyan', 'teal', 'orange'],
  7. editing: null,
  8. index: -1,
  9. items: [
  10. { header: 'Select an option or create one' },
  11. {
  12. text: 'Foo',
  13. color: 'blue',
  14. },
  15. {
  16. text: 'Bar',
  17. color: 'red',
  18. },
  19. ],
  20. nonce: 1,
  21. menu: false,
  22. model: [
  23. {
  24. text: 'Foo',
  25. color: 'blue',
  26. },
  27. ],
  28. x: 0,
  29. search: null,
  30. y: 0,
  31. }),
  32. watch: {
  33. model (val, prev) {
  34. if (val.length === prev.length) return
  35. this.model = val.map(v => {
  36. if (typeof v === 'string') {
  37. v = {
  38. text: v,
  39. color: this.colors[this.nonce - 1],
  40. }
  41. this.items.push(v)
  42. this.nonce++
  43. }
  44. return v
  45. })
  46. },
  47. },
  48. methods: {
  49. edit (index, item) {
  50. if (!this.editing) {
  51. this.editing = item
  52. this.index = index
  53. } else {
  54. this.editing = null
  55. this.index = -1
  56. }
  57. },
  58. filter (item, queryText, itemText) {
  59. if (item.header) return false
  60. const hasValue = val => val != null ? val : ''
  61. const text = hasValue(itemText)
  62. const query = hasValue(queryText)
  63. return text.toString()
  64. .toLowerCase()
  65. .indexOf(query.toString().toLowerCase()) > -1
  66. },
  67. },
  68. }
  69. </script>

Combobox(组合框) - 图6