Installing Wails

Installation is as simple as running the following command:

  1. go get -u

Once installed, the wails update command may be used for subsequent updates.

To get the latest pre-release with bleeding-edge features the -pre flag can be appended wails update -pre.


To finish the installation setup your Wails system by running the setup command wails setup and filling your handle and email.

Generate a new project

Generate a new project using the init command wails init.

Select the default options.

Build it!

Change into the project directory cd my-project and compile your application using the build command wails build.

If all went well, you should have a compiled program in your local directory. Run it with ./my-project or double click myproject.exe if on windows.

Installing Wails - 图1


wails serve

While developing your apps using wails the preferred method is by the serve command wails serve.

This produces a much faster lightweight build in debug mode, excluding npm build scripts, saving time when developing the backend and also enabling use of npm run serve for partial browser development of frontend!

npm run serve

Change into the frontend directory cd my-project/frontend and serve your GUI using npm run serve.

Next Steps

If you would like to start making an app right away, we suggest you explore Wails via our awesometutorials.If you would prefer to get to know the framework a little better before building anything, we suggest having a look through theconcepts.Finally if you are advanced user and would like to get right in to it head over to the API reference & Cli reference sections.

Come by our Slack channel (Invite) for a chat or just to share with us what you’ve built with wails!