



  1. import os
  2. import sys
  3. import gettext
  4. import web
  5. # File location directory.
  6. rootdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
  7. # i18n directory.
  8. localedir = rootdir + '/i18n'
  9. # Object used to store all translations.
  10. allTranslations = web.storage()
  11. def get_translations(lang='en_US'):
  12. # Init translation.
  13. if allTranslations.has_key(lang):
  14. translation = allTranslations[lang]
  15. elif lang is None:
  16. translation = gettext.NullTranslations()
  17. else:
  18. try:
  19. translation = gettext.translation(
  20. 'messages',
  21. localedir,
  22. languages=[lang],
  23. )
  24. except IOError:
  25. translation = gettext.NullTranslations()
  26. return translation
  27. def load_translations(lang):
  28. """Return the translations for the locale."""
  29. lang = str(lang)
  30. translation = allTranslations.get(lang)
  31. if translation is None:
  32. translation = get_translations(lang)
  33. allTranslations[lang] = translation
  34. # Delete unused translations.
  35. for lk in allTranslations.keys():
  36. if lk != lang:
  37. del allTranslations[lk]
  38. return translation
  39. def custom_gettext(string):
  40. """Translate a given string to the language of the application."""
  41. translation = load_translations(session.get('lang'))
  42. if translation is None:
  43. return unicode(string)
  44. return translation.ugettext(string)
  45. urls = (
  46. '/', 'index'
  47. )
  48. render = web.template.render('templates/',
  49. globals={
  50. '_': custom_gettext,
  51. }
  52. )
  53. app = web.application(urls, globals())
  54. # Init session.
  55. session = web.session.Session(app,
  56. web.session.DiskStore('sessions'),
  57. initializer={
  58. 'lang': 'en_US',
  59. }
  60. )
  61. class index:
  62. def GET(self):
  63. i = web.input()
  64. lang = i.get('lang', 'en_US')
  65. # Debug.
  66. print >> sys.stderr, 'Language:', lang
  67. session['lang'] = lang
  68. return render.index()
  69. if __name__ == "__main__": app.run()

模板文件: templates/index.html.

  1. $_('Hello')

不要忘记生成必要的po&mo语言文件。参考: 模板语言中的i18n支持


  1. $ python code.py


  1. http://your_server:8080/
  2. http://your_server:8080/?lang=en_US
  3. http://your_server:8080/?lang=zh_CN


  • 确保语言文件(en_US、zh_CN等)可以动态改变。
  • 确保custom_gettext()调用越省资源越好。参考:

  • 这里有使用app.app_processor()的 另一个方案