Lint Validation Middleware

0.5 新版功能.

This module provides a middleware that performs sanity checks of the WSGIapplication. It checks that PEP 333 is properly implemented and warnson some common HTTP errors such as non-empty responses for 304 statuscodes.

This module provides a middleware, the LintMiddleware. Wrap yourapplication with it and it will warn about common problems with WSGI andHTTP while your application is running.

It’s strongly recommended to use it during development.

  • class _werkzeug.contrib.lint.LintMiddleware(_app)
  • This middleware wraps an application and warns on common errors.Among other thing it currently checks for the following problems:

    • invalid status codes
    • non-bytestrings sent to the WSGI server
    • strings returned from the WSGI application
    • non-empty conditional responses
    • unquoted etags
    • relative URLs in the Location header
    • unsafe calls to wsgi.input
    • unclosed iteratorsDetected errors are emitted using the standard Python warningssystem and usually end up on stderr.
  1. from werkzeug.contrib.lint import LintMiddleware
  2. app = LintMiddleware(app)

参数:app – the application to wrap