Project Setup


Your local development environment will need a couple of tools to compile, build, package and debug your Yew application.

Installing Rust

To install Rust, follow the official instructions.

Introduction - 图1信息

The minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) for Yew is 1.56.0. Older versions can cause unexpected issues accompanied by incomprehensible error messages or outright fail to compile. You can check your toolchain version using rustup show (under “active toolchain”) or alternatively rustc --version. To update your toolchain, run rustup update.

Install WebAssembly target

Rust can compile source codes for different “targets” (e.g. different processors). The compilation target for browser-based WebAssembly is called “wasm32-unknown-unknown”. The following command will add this target to your development environment.

  1. rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

Install Trunk

Trunk is the recommended tool for managing deployment and packaging, and will be used throughout the documentation and examples. See Wasm Build Tools for more information on packaging and alternatives.

  1. # note that this might take a while to install, because it compiles everything from scratch
  2. # Trunk also provides prebuilt binaries for a number of major package managers
  3. # See for further details
  4. cargo install trunk


Now that you have all the tools needed, we can build a sample application.